
Not allowed to take his mobile phone to school, a 12-year-old boy in Guangxi stabbed his father to death with scissors

The Spring Festival is approaching, the atmosphere of the festival is getting stronger and stronger, and the children have begun their holiday life one after another.

When the winter vacation was about to end, there was a case of a father being stabbed to death by his son in Chongzuo City, Guangxi Province.

After media verification, the case occurred on the afternoon of January 16. Because the father did not let his son take the mobile phone to school, when the son handed the mobile phone to his father, he took advantage of the situation and stabbed the father with scissors under the ear and neck. Eventually, the father died due to bleeding from the left carotid artery.

Not allowed to take his mobile phone to school, a 12-year-old boy in Guangxi stabbed his father to death with scissors

After the news was exposed, it caused an uproar on the Internet.

The suspect in the case was only 12 years old, and he killed his father, and the reason was only that he was not allowed to take his mobile phone to school.

Any of these points feel incredible, let alone combined in a family.


What needs to be paid more attention to is that this kind of thing appears more and more frequently in our field of vision.

Two years ago, a similar case occurred in Yuanjiang City, Hunan Province: Wu Mou, a 12-year-old teenager, was dissatisfied with his mother's strict discipline, and after being beaten, he became resentful and killed his mother with a knife.

Due to age reasons, Wu does not need to bear criminal responsibility, but is taken back to supervision by the parents. What is even more shocking is that Wu mou did not realize the seriousness of his own behavior: "I am not killing others, I am killing my mother, and the school cannot help but let me go to school." ”

Not allowed to take his mobile phone to school, a 12-year-old boy in Guangxi stabbed his father to death with scissors

In Nanchang, Jiangxi, grandpa called his grandson to eat after cooking, the grandson was addicted to the mobile phone and did not hear, the grandfather grabbed the mobile phone and scolded the grandson a few words, and the grandson under the anger finally killed the grandfather.

Not allowed to take his mobile phone to school, a 12-year-old boy in Guangxi stabbed his father to death with scissors

It is absurd to hurt one's loved ones because of some trivial matters of life.

How did this absurd phenomenon arise?

The succession of vicious events has forced us to pay attention to the problem that many families are in the predicament of education, and parents and children are deeply affected.


These children who point sharp blades at their loved ones are common in these characteristics:

1 Disregard for life

They lack the reverence and respect they deserve for life, and their sense of life is weak, so they will easily do things that harm their own lives or the lives of others.

Everyone is born to love their own love of life, why children grow into a thin life, the pursuit of destruction, we need to reflect on the child's growth process.

A child, if he has not experienced the joy of life, has not felt the warmth given by his family, and has not experienced the meaning of real life, he will not be able to understand the beauty of life and will not know how to cherish life.

2 The companionship of parents is not as good as the companionship of mobile phones

Children's dependence on mobile phones is not formed in a day or two.

When the child is young, parents are reluctant to spend time with their children, throw a mobile phone to the child as a playmate, and let the child develop the habit of playing with the mobile phone;

When children gradually become dependent on mobile phones, parents do not want to guide and help children get rid of their dependence on their children, but instead take a rough way to punish their children.

3 Poor parent-child relationship

Parent-child relationship is the foundation of family education, and every family will inevitably have parent-child contradictions.

Families with poor outcomes due to some common growth problems usually have a bad parent-child relationship.

Children in adolescence usually have larger mood swings, and a good parent-child relationship is like a buffer that will make the child's mood calm.

When a family has these characteristics, it is necessary to reflect on what problems exist in their own education methods and make timely adjustments.


No one wants to see the above tragedy happen, it is not just the demise of a certain life, it is a great blow to the whole family.

Similar tragedies, as long as we pay enough attention, can actually be avoided.

Parents raising children includes two parts: "raising" and "nurturing". In the era of sufficient materials, raising children is almost no longer a problem, and it is difficult to "raise children".

If a lot of energy is spent on the child, but the relationship with the child is very bad, it means that the parents' efforts are used in the wrong direction, and adjustments should be made in time.

The relationship is not good, and the parents' efforts are in vain.

If you are a parent who has not bothered to educate their children before, they should learn the knowledge related to family education as soon as possible, because the growth of children will not wait for you.

Not allowed to take his mobile phone to school, a 12-year-old boy in Guangxi stabbed his father to death with scissors

Raising without teaching is a dereliction of duty of parents, which will bring many troubles and even harm to children and parents.

Examples of big mistakes abound, in large part because of poor relationships between children and their parents, who do not know how to communicate with their children.

In this tragic case in Chongzuo, Guangxi, the trigger was that the son wanted to take the mobile phone to school, and the father did not allow it, so he went upstairs to take the mobile phone down and handed it over to his parents.

If their communication this time is pleasant, and the child is willing to hand in the mobile phone, then there will be no incident of taking advantage of the knife to hurt people when handing over the mobile phone.

Of course, this communication is only a fuse, and the child's extreme behavior must be caused by the superposition of multiple factors.

Before the outbreak, the child must have resisted verbally or behaviorally, but failed to attract the attention of the parents.

Without knowing how to communicate effectively with children and without a good parent-child relationship as a basis, parents will only be in a very passive position.

Not knowing what the child will become, not knowing what will happen tomorrow, and not being able to effectively intervene and guide the child's behavior.

Not allowed to take his mobile phone to school, a 12-year-old boy in Guangxi stabbed his father to death with scissors

Take people as a mirror and know the gains and losses.

Many real cases are telling us:

Have a good parent-child relationship, is the passing line of parents;

Good communication skills are the help of parents to educate their children;

Being able to pay attention to the child, parents have an early warning device.

Before you can become a good parent, you need to be a qualified parent first.

To become a qualified parent, you need to constantly learn, reflect, and improve yourself.

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