
On the way to school, there can be no less disabled children

author:Upstream News

"Xiao Jia, do you know? Although it is not convenient for you to go to school, you also have the right to education. On August 31, the Fifth Branch of the Chongqing Municipal Procuratorate (hereinafter referred to as the "Five Branches") and the "Sister Sha" lecturer group of the Qijiang District Procuratorate came to Qingping Village in Shi trench town, and Tang Xiaolan, the post-90s "Sister Sha", gave a "special" first lesson to Xiao Jia, a disabled girl in the village.

Not long ago, the Qijiang District Procuratorate issued Chongqing's first public interest litigation procuratorial recommendation to the District Education Commission on the failure to fully protect the right to education of disabled minors.

On the way to school, there can be no less disabled children

Comprehensive investigation

Grasp the school attendance of minors with disabilities

In early May this year, the Qijiang District Procuratorate found that Xiao Jia, a disabled teenager in its jurisdiction, had not returned to school and had been at home for four years.

"Why didn't Xiao Jia go to school?" During the home visit, the prosecutor asked Xiao Jia's grandmother with concern. Grandma expressed her bitterness: "The baby's lower body is paralyzed, her parents have been working outside for many years, our two elderly people have bad legs and feet, and it is inconvenient to send them to school." ”

"The education of the children cannot be stopped, and if it is true that they cannot go to school for physical reasons, they can now send teachers to the door." After understanding the situation, the procurator patiently explained to Grandma Xiaojia the relevant policies on the schooling of disabled minors.

Subsequently, the hospital reflected the situation to the education department, which also attracted the close attention of the Qijiang District Education Committee, and formed a special working group to persuade them to return to school. At the end of May, Xiao Jia's original school handled the resumption procedures for her in a timely manner, formulated a door-to-door plan for sending teachers, and has now sent teachers to her door many times.

"Are there any other children with disabilities in the district who are not enrolled in school? Investigations should be carried out as soon as possible to grasp the situation in the whole region. Zhong Xiaoyun, secretary of the party leading group and chief procurator of the Qijiang District Procuratorate, immediately made arrangements, and dispatched 6 cadres and policemen from the uninspected and public interest litigation departments to form a joint case-handling team to verify the enrollment of disabled minors of appropriate age in the whole region by telephone, to carry out household investigation and verification of key targets suspected of being infringed on the right to education, and to basically find out the enrollment of disabled minors of appropriate age in the whole region by visiting the Education Commission, civil affairs, the Disabled Persons' Federation, special schools and other units.

After a series of investigations, prosecutors found that minors with disabilities whose right to education was not guaranteed were not unique.

Multi-party linkage

Prevent and control the risk of dropouts for students with disabilities outside the zone

At the same time, through visits and investigations, prosecutors have also paid attention to this situation - some disabled minors who return to their places of residence for rehabilitation and treatment often become blind spots in education supervision. "Disabled minor students studying outside the district should return to their place of household registration for rehabilitation treatment in order to facilitate rehabilitation. In this case, it is more difficult for the education sector to grasp the information and situation of students across districts. Zhong Xiaoyun introduced.

Subsequently, the Qijiang District Procuratorate reported to the Fifth Branch and the Municipal Procuratorate for review and approval to file the case.

On July 5, under the guidance of higher-level procuratorial organs, the Qijiang District Procuratorate issued a procuratorial recommendation for administrative public interest litigation to the local education department, with special emphasis on recommending that the education department establish and improve the information and reporting mechanism on the situation of disabled children and adolescents out of school outside the district, and timely and dynamically grasp the situation of students studying outside the district.

After the procuratorial recommendation was issued, the Qijiang District Education Commission attached great importance to it, set up a leading group for rectification and reform work headed by the principal responsible person, and after combining the national student registration system and field mapping data, identified 48 disabled students who were studying outside the district or who intended to study outside the district.

Categorize policies

Solve the problem of difficulty in attending school for visually impaired minors

The issue of school attendance for visually impaired minors is another focus of the prosecutor's recommendation.

"Uncle Prosecutor, I don't want to stay at home all the time, I want to go to school." In mid-May, Xiao Xin, an 8-year-old child with a first-degree visual disability, took the initiative to give Xue Qiangqiang, a procurator of the Qijiang District Procuratorate, who came to his door to learn about the situation.

"Children want to read, want to learn music, but to go to the city to study, they must have a family to accompany them, and our family conditions are not allowed." For Xiao Xin's situation that she has not yet gone to school, Xiao Xin's mother seems very helpless.

Originally, schools in Qijiang District did not recruit and train teachers to teach the blind, and did not have the conditions to recruit students with severe visual disabilities, and blind students in the district usually had to go to the Chongqing Special Education Center, which is located in the main urban area 83 kilometers away.

"For blind children like Xiaoxin, early education is crucial, and if they can learn cultural knowledge and skills, they can adapt to society faster in the future." Subsequently, the Qijiang District Procuratorate intensively conducted an in-depth investigation into the school attendance of 8 children and teenagers with severe visual disabilities in the whole district, including Xiaoxin, to find out the reasons for not going to school one by one, and urged the education department to classify and implement policies according to the specific situation. For those who cannot take care of themselves because of their young age, they should first enroll in the nearest school and send them to the door; for those who are unable to pay the fee for accompanying Chongqing due to family poverty, help apply for financial aid; for those who do not enroll in school in time due to lack of parental awareness, strengthen publicity and education, and "point-to-point" households to persuade them to return to school.

"There are still many difficulties to overcome in the future, but the child can go to school normally, and it is a big step." The music teacher said that Xiaoxin has a particularly good hearing and a talent for music, and we are full of hope for his future. When she learned that Xiaoxin could now enter the school in front of her home as she wished, Xiaoxin's mother was excited.

It is understood that the Qijiang District Education Commission is taking the lead in drafting and formulating the "Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Work of Guaranteeing The Compulsory Education of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities", which aims to consolidate the responsibilities of relevant departments such as the Education Commission, civil affairs, the Disabled Persons' Federation, and the Youth League Committee, as well as villages (communities), schools, and other units, and promote the formation of a work situation of information sharing, coordinated linkage, and joint management in the whole region.

Upstream journalist Qian also

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