
The tormented vigil night, the mournful funeral and the follow-up storm of the earth

author:Heavenly Path reincarnation justice comes

The cold vigil night seems so long...

The funeral customs in the north are probably similar in this way, coordinates Lu Jutian! Generally at home on the same day to stop the body, the next day cremated, the third day out of the funeral, during the neighborhood, relatives and friends mourning, they will be buried...

Most of the people who help with funeral affairs are the old man's usual friends with the village in charge of marriage and funeral affairs, and they all say, "No matter what the old man's son and daughter-in-law are, we all for the old man's usual friendship, a guy, send him to the north and south pits (referring to the cemetery) can also be regarded as letting him rest in peace." How not filial piety daughter-in-law in order to save, leave more of their own heritage, everything from Jane, some of the paper supplies should not be, shou material is also the most inferior style price, neighbors are pointing and talking about the Tao... The deceased went into the ground for the sake of the people, just as the so-called "can fight with smart people, do not talk to foolish scoundrels", do not care about themselves, hang high, no one asks for trouble to find filial piety and daughter-in-law said in person, just like this, the rough funeral ceremony is completed...

Since then, there has been no contact, only the sister's strong support grief is still worried about the sister, often WeChat text message contact cares for the sister (because of excessive sadness, the voice is hoarse, can not communicate in language; also because of the rural vices, with the mourning period can not go home to visit relatives and friends, may be a taboo, so the cold winter can not meet each other to warm each other, after all, but also to worry about the taboo thoughts of the in-laws behind the body... )

I thought that after the old man was buried, the remaining brothers and sisters could be safe (although this brother did not have the appearance of a half brother), after all, the old man did not have much intersection when he was alive, and he did not filial piety unless he asked the old man to pay for it. Contrary to wishes, the whole moth that is not filial piety and daughter-in-law's descendants...

Now is the era of developed networks, information is instantly disseminated and shared, and the words and deeds of filial piety and daughter-in-law's descendants are even more stirred up by a thousand waves! Wave after wave of unevenness!

(1) After the accident of the two elderly people, the neighbors witnessed the unfilial daughter-in-law searching for the family property for the first time, without notifying the old man's daughters, regardless of the fact that the old man's body has been rumored to be boiling, after the old man's funeral, the unfilial daughter-in-law is a wave of impact on the normal moral people's perception!!!

First, on the day after the funeral of the old man, he stole the offerings prepared by the old man's daughters, and then complained that the offerings prepared by the old man's daughters were not right, did not meet the customary requirements of the village, and took advantage of the opportunity to suspect a small piece, and then confirmed by the manager, the qualified offerings prepared by the old people's daughters were hidden at the bottom of a large basin, and the surface was placed with other offerings, and some of them were cut by the chef to eat the dishes (the joys and sorrows in the countryside, many of which were bought by the main family and then asked someone to cook the meal), which was considered to be calm, and did not cause a big storm!!!

The old man is out of the funeral in the morning, after lunch, the guests disperse, the villagers who help with the funeral matters disperse, pack up the tobacco, alcohol, meat ingredients and utensils, etc., not filial piety daughter-in-law instantly lively, no longer like the spirit of the period of waist and leg pain can not move, hurry to receive a bunch, afraid who will take away ... (The guests dispersed, leaving only the elderly's relatives and daughters in the old people's home, the unfilial daughter-in-law arranged for the unfilial grandchildren to always pay attention to the movements of the old people and daughters, afraid of taking something) It's getting late, the cold winter night is always so early, the old people and daughters have to go back to their homes, there is a suggestion in charge, let the old man and the little daughter drive the old man's electric car home, the old man and the little daughter have no car, there was no bus at that time... The filial piety daughter-in-law was too frightened to speak out, for fear that the old man's little daughter would drive away the old man's tens of thousands of electric cars... Fortunately, the old man's son-in-law is a good person, the old man's son-in-law only cares about the body and mind of the old man's little daughter, and does not care about those things outside the body, the old man's eldest son-in-law sees the intention of not filial piety, so he lets his own sister drive to send the old man's little daughter and son-in-law home... Since then, goodbye, it has reached the old man's five or seven solar terms!

(two), the refrigerator before the old man's death, but also full of meat bought by the old man's eldest daughter, chicken legs and ribs, are bought in a box for the old man to send over, because the old man's eldest son-in-law does not smoke or drink, no bad habits, generally for the old man to prepare ingredients, clothing, shoes and socks, etc., the old man's eldest grandson (the eldest daughter's son) is working outside, every time he goes back to his grandfather with a few good cigarettes, give his grandmother a few hundred dollars, because the grandmother's blood sugar and blood pressure is unstable, I really don't know what to buy. The old man's little son-in-law smokes and drinks, generally to the old man with tobacco and alcohol, wine is bought is 6 bottles of a box of hundreds of pieces of that kind, cigarettes can not be bought locally, the old man is always reluctant to smoke themselves, take to their own car repair shop and come to repair the car or gather together to chat with the neighbors to share, but also full of smiles said "This is the big grandson and three three (the old man's nickname for the little daughter) home from the outside", the old man is most happy to go to the old man's home together during the New Year's Festival, Because at that time, someone accompanied the old man to smoke and drink...

Soon, the unfilial daughter-in-law spread out that "the old man can't enjoy my blessings, I didn't eat the meat I bought, in the refrigerator" The world was shocked to drop their jaws, even those who were the same age as the unfilial children and grandchildren knew that before the old man was alive, the unfilial daughter-in-law did the evil of those people who were indignant with the old man, and the older one said", "What is the old man like to the old man before he dies, when people don't know it, this will put gold on his face... Sigh..."

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