
The Polish Prime Minister, who does not accept the EU's "extortion", reiterated that judicial reform will continue

Source: CCTV news client

Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki reiterated on the 22nd that despite opposition from EU institutions and the ruling of the European Court of Justice, the Polish government will continue its controversial judicial reform.

According to the Polish News Agency, Morawiecki said at a press conference after the EU summit on the same day that some countries misunderstood the judicial reform in Poland. "I explained why we wanted to reform the judicial system and gave examples of issues that are clear to the Polish people."

Morawiecki said Poland believed in the EU, but that "the EU is on the border of its competence".

The two-day EU summit focused on the rule of law in Poland. In July, the European Court of Justice ruled that Poland suspend a disciplinary review body established last year specifically for judges. The Polish Government refused to implement it and took the issue to its constitutional courts. On 7 October, the Polish Constitutional Court ruled that the European Court of Justice's interference in Polish judicial reform violated the Polish Constitution and that Polish domestic law had priority over EU law.

The ruling caused strong resentment in the EU, which has priority in EU law and member state law is a core issue related to the stability of the EU, and the EU has threatened to suspend the release of EU funds to Poland. The Polish government believes that EU law has priority over the laws of member states, but does not include the constitutions of member states, interferes in Polish judicial reform beyond the competence of the EU, and threatens to stop the issuance of EU funds as "extortion".

German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on the EU and Poland to resolve their differences through dialogue on the 21st, which she said was "a problem caused by the different understanding of the EU by member states.". Upon arrival in Brussels on the same day, Morawiecki also said that Poland did not accept "extortion" but was "ready for dialogue."

Poland has been the largest net inflow of EU funds. As the contradictions between Poland and the European Union escalate, the Polish public and public opinion are increasingly worried that Poland may become another "Brexit" country.

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