
Women remember: don't sacrifice your own happiness for others.

Love has great power, but it should not dominate your every move. Women remember: don't sacrifice your own happiness for others.

1. Give up your dreams

True love doesn't make you choose between a man and your dreams. A woman should never give up her dreams for a man

2. Change your creed

Everyone has a different set of ethics. He should respect your choices enough, even if in some places he doesn't approve of it. If he loves you, he won't try to change you.

3. Change your appearance for him

Just because he likes the appearance of a supermodel, he shouldn't use that as a reason for you to follow suit. If he asks you to change your dressing style or even micro-shape, you don't need to pay attention to him. Your body is your own, and no one can force you. If he can't appreciate your natural beauty, he's not worthy of your love.

4. Sacrifice your time with your girlfriend

Time is never enough, and you can't dedicate your free time to men entirely. Your family and friends need your company equally, don't ignore their needs.

Women remember: don't sacrifice your own happiness for others.

5. Pretend to be yourself

Don't pretend to be someone else to please him, and behaving unscathed will only make him feel strange.

6. Let yourself starve

Nothing is more important than health. You can lose weight, but the only reason is to be a better version of yourself, not to please the opposite sex.

7. Under his control

Never let him have complete control over your life. You are the real master of your own life.

A woman's sexiness is an attitude, the look in your eyes, the attitude that you are confident in when no one is looking at you in any corner, and it is sexy.

If you behave externally, it can also be called sexy, because when others don't understand you, seeing the outside is the first sight. But the real sexiness is to see the fifth eye, the sixth eye, or even the twelfth eye is still sexy, that is the real sexiness.

Face your life with sincerity. When fate meets the need to make a choice, it is not the voice of others that you have to listen to, but the most sincere voice in your heart.

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