
Stewart: Mistakes give the opponent too many points, and we are not happy that we should have won

Stewart: Mistakes give the opponent too many points, and we are not happy that we should have won

Live Bar Jan. 24 In a regular season game that ended today, the Pistons lost 111-117 to the Nuggets. After the game, Pistons center Stewart was interviewed.

"We let the chance to win slip away. We made 22 turnovers and let them use our turnovers to score 28 points. We just lifted a rock and dropped it on our own feet. If we could reduce our mistakes, we would be in a completely different situation. Stewart said.

Stewart added: "We have to be more demanding of ourselves. We were very unhappy, this game we should have won. ”

Speaking about his performance, Stewart said: "I was aware of the problem of space and my jump shot helped the team's attack. ”

In this game, Stewart played 27 minutes, shot all 8 of 8, 1 of 1 from three points, and had 18 points, 3 rebounds and 1 assist.


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