
rollback! The naturalized international turned around and returned to Brazil after being stranded at the airport, and the media person: never wait for his debut

I thought that the Luo Guofu incident had been satisfactorily resolved, but I did not expect that a wave of uneven waves had risen again, and Fernando had another demon, and did not come directly, turning around from the Dutch airport and returning to Brazil. As for the reason, whether it is him personally, or the outside world, or even the official national football team, the explanation given is a family reason, but is this reason really convincing?

rollback! The naturalized international turned around and returned to Brazil after being stranded at the airport, and the media person: never wait for his debut

As we all know, Fernando came to China in 2015, and after shining in Chongqing, he was favored by the Football Association, and then joined Evergrande, obtained Chinese nationality, and was selected for the national football team. However, it is regrettable that although he has participated in several sessions of national football training, he has not represented the national football team in the official competition so far. In the words of the fans: the money is lost.

rollback! The naturalized international turned around and returned to Brazil after being stranded at the airport, and the media person: never wait for his debut

Earlier, according to the media, Fernando was injured due to the excessive amount of training during Li Tie's national football training camp, and then returned to Brazil to heal his injuries. After receiving a call from the Football Association recently, Fernando took a flight and stopped in the Netherlands with Luo Guofu, Alain and others to japan to meet with the national team.

rollback! The naturalized international turned around and returned to Brazil after being stranded at the airport, and the media person: never wait for his debut
rollback! The naturalized international turned around and returned to Brazil after being stranded at the airport, and the media person: never wait for his debut

However, due to well-known reasons, Fernando and Lo Guofu and Alain were stranded at the airport, and subsequently, the Football Association arranged a flight for Luo Guofu and Alain to Japan, but Fernando turned around and flew directly from the Netherlands back to Brazil. In this regard, Fernando explained that he had to rush back to Brazil due to some health problems in his family (his relatives had new crown). The national football official and Li Xuan and other media people also hold the same view on this.

rollback! The naturalized international turned around and returned to Brazil after being stranded at the airport, and the media person: never wait for his debut

So the question is, is Fernando's absence really because of a relative who is not in good health getting a new crown? Or is he simply using this as an excuse to get rid of the FA's call-up? You know, Fernando has terminated his contract with Evergrande, and he has not received a salary for several months, coupled with the fermentation of the airport incident, he is very aware of what kind of "treatment" naturalized players, including himself, will be subjected to in the national football team in the future. So the final trade-off is, 36 counts, go up?

For Fernando's sudden incident, Dezhu Zhuyi was also very disappointed, desperately saying: "The motorcycle debut that can never wait." "

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