
Mandela's two-sided life

author:Pig Xiaoxia
Mandela's two-sided life

Many people mention Mandela's name first think of the "Glorious Years" that Huang Jiaju made for him to praise his life, and then he spent 27 years in prison, and after his release, he chose to forgive the guards who had insulted and beat him before, and everyone praised him for his noble character. In addition, Mandela has won more than 100 awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize, which are international recognition of his unyielding struggle to abolish racial discrimination in South Africa and fight for black rights.

Mandela, who spent 27 years in a white Afrikaner prison, was elected president of South Africa for his outstanding performance. After he came to power, he took over all the enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises run by whites to the state, and distributed the land occupied by whites to blacks for cultivation free of charge, and he stipulated that the ratio of black workers in any enterprise must exceed 80%, and the proportion of black government workers was as high as 90%. Since then, the black people of South Africa have turned into slaves and sung, completely controlling all the power of the country, while the white people have been completely marginalized. The wealthy among the whites chose to emigrate to countries such as britain and the United States, and the poor either fled to other countries as refugees or struggled to survive in South Africa.

Let's first look back at the history of South Africa: in 1652, the Dutch, known as the coachmen of the sea, discovered this geographically important land while transporting goods, and the seeds of civilization have been sown here ever since. Later, the French and Germans also came one after another, and they intermarried with each other to give rise to a new ethnic group, the Boers. In the nineteenth century, the empire that shook the world also came to seize this treasure land, and the British and Boers fought three major wars, and finally the British won, and South Africa was controlled by the British. In 1910 the Union of South Africa was established as a member of the Commonwealth. The British implemented the British system in South Africa, and the British brought advanced industrial technology and management experience, and the Economy of South Africa developed rapidly, becoming the richest country and the only developed country in Africa. Black South Africans worked more diligently in British factories and enterprises, and their lives were enjoyable. Many black children attend schools established by the British, and the best can also go to universities in Britain.

But black rights fighters like Mandela preached everywhere that blacks in South Africa could only participate in manual labor in white factories, endured the oppression and exploitation of white capitalists, and that whites generally discriminated against blacks, unlike some who would rather starve their own people to death than feed their adopted black sons, which was unfair to blacks, and we had to fight back. They encouraged blacks to participate in protests and went around cracking down on whites, with the lazy, impoverished rogue class being more active, all of which led to a succession of criminal cases in South Africa. Eventually, white rulers without the blessing of sickles and axes were forced to hand over state power, factories and land, and Mandela came to power as president of South Africa. Mandela spent 27 years in a white prison, unscathed and well-behaved, and less than a year after he came to power, it was clear who was benevolent and who was brutal. Lenin could eat milk and bread in the prisons of Tsarist Russia, and the families of the Tsarist royal family were all killed and destroyed in Lenin's imprisonment.

Mandela handed over the businesses and factories he had taken from the whites to the Negroes, who had failed to manage them one by one because of their lack of management experience. Mandela distributed the land seized from the whites to the Negroes for free farming, and the lazy and stupid Negroes turned the land that had previously produced a great deal of agricultural products into a barren land that could not even fill his stomach. Blacks, who make up 80 percent of their workforce, turned well-developed businesses into bankrupt companies. The South African government, which they controlled, was a huge den of thieves, everyone thought of ways to make profits for themselves, and the level of management was even worse than that of whites. Mandela spent five years on the presidential throne, which was a watershed in South Africa's historical development, and South Africa's economy plummeted, rapidly moving from a former developed country to a poor country. After his death, his successor was inferior to the other, and he was the worst of the previous white rulers, but the best of the black rulers of the future. During his reign, black South Africans had not yet stolen and robbed because they did not have enough to eat, and now South Africa is directly a hell of thieves and robbers.

Mandela, like some of the founding fathers such as Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein, was a vain name, with a stinky wrapped in cream!

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