
[Lyceum Academy] Reading "Write My Heart : How Ordinary People Express Themselves Through Writing" has the feeling of "Write My Heart" The author of the book "Write My Heart" is Natalie Goldberg, and the author combines writing and practice

author:Zi non-fish Zhile

【Lyceum Academy】 Reading "Write My Heart: How Ordinary People Express Themselves Through Writing" has a feeling

The author of the book "Write My Heart" is Natalie Goldberg, the author combines writing and practice, shares the ways to tame yourself and release the mind found in writing, pays attention to the details of life, records what you do, think, and say through writing, understand yourself, and express yourself. The author believes that writing, like practice, is to learn to trust your heart, to return to the present with concentration, creativity and openness, to see the details of life, and to face the true appearance of the heart.

Unlike other writing books, this book does not have flashy, dogmatic rules, but uses many examples of authors

Encouraging you to write is not a difficult thing to do, writing is practice, and the more you practice, the better you perform. At first, I tried not to expect anything from myself, had no purpose, and wrote happily. Don't look back and look forward to great works, that expectation will also make you unable to write.

One paragraph describes it this way: "I think that not everyone wants to write the greatest novel in the United States, but everyone has the desire to tell his story to others, or to record and realize what we think, feel, see, and hear in our lifetime." Writing is a path that allows us to meet and meet ourselves in the path, to know each other, to stay together. "The author has a sharp mind, peace of mind and perseverance, emphasizing the meaning of roundabout and slow, and telling it in a slow tone.

This book shows you that writing is not only a writing skill, but also a way for us to know life and know ourselves. Writing can also be a practice. Mind writing doesn't require advanced skills, just a trusting heart. When you're upset, shut up, sit down, and write.

"Start writing now, start writing, write in your bones."

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