
From Cannes to "Dog Formation": Tong Liya and Peng Yuyan's appearance alliance detonated the Internet!

author:Really Justis 7L4


Tong Liya's new long Chinese hair became not only the focus of photographers at the Cannes Film Festival, but also a hot topic of discussion on social media. Dressed in new Chinese costumes, Tong Liya looks like a fairy who came out of classical Chinese painting, and people can't help but sigh, if time can stop, then please let this long hair stay on her head forever.

From Cannes to "Dog Formation": Tong Liya and Peng Yuyan's appearance alliance detonated the Internet!

In Cannes, the mecca of film, Tong Liya not only participated in various activities, but also had intimate interactions with many people in the film and television industry, including Guan Hu, Liang Jing, and Peng Yuyan. Drinking coffee, sticking to the dog, walking the red carpet, meeting friends, every moment is like a carefully planned movie shot, which is dizzying.

A photo of a goddess on the red carpet with a tough guy


When Tong Liya and Peng Yuyan, the good-looking men and women, stood together, they instantly attracted the focus of all the cameras. On the red carpet, they are like the protagonists of a movie, and their every action and smile is full of cinematic tension.

From Cannes to "Dog Formation": Tong Liya and Peng Yuyan's appearance alliance detonated the Internet!

Such a group photo not only made the fans at the scene scream, but even netizens said, "The handsome man and the beautiful woman are simply a visual feast". Moreover, with the upcoming release of the movie "Dog Formation" by the two, such a group photo makes fans full of expectations for this movie. After all, who can not be impressed to see such a combination of good looks on the big screen?

From Cannes to "Dog Formation": Tong Liya and Peng Yuyan's appearance alliance detonated the Internet!

The Festival de Cannes is more than just a film event, it's a fashion icon. Tong Liya's appearance this time undoubtedly promoted Chinese aesthetics to the world. At the same time, every appearance of her is like telling a story, allowing people to see the charm of traditional Chinese culture. From her, we see a kind of beauty that transcends time and space, which is not only external, but also a kind of cultural confidence and pride.


Talking about Tong Liya's performance in Cannes, netizens expressed their opinions. Someone laughed and said, "Sister Tong Liya, may I ask what kind of welding is used for your long hair, can you tell me?" I want to be beautiful all the time. Some people also expressed great expectations for "Dog Formation", "Seeing the photo of Tong Liya and Peng Yuyan, I was suddenly full of expectations for "Dog Formation", hoping that it could become a hit movie this year. Such comments not only show netizens' love for Tong Liya, but also reflect their expectations for Chinese movies.

From Cannes to "Dog Formation": Tong Liya and Peng Yuyan's appearance alliance detonated the Internet!

Although the Cannes Film Festival has ended, every moment of Tong Liya's time in Cannes seems to have become eternal. She not only let the world see the beauty of China through her appearance, but also made more people look forward to Chinese movies. It can be said that Tong Liya has won more attention and applause for Chinese films on the world film stage in her own way.


Of course, for Tong Liya's appearance, there will always be different voices. One might think that this is just a well-planned show that has nothing to do with the artistry of the film. But it is undeniable that every appearance of Tong Liya is to show the world the beauty of Chinese culture. And this is precisely one of the ways that film art conveys emotions and culture.

From Cannes to "Dog Formation": Tong Liya and Peng Yuyan's appearance alliance detonated the Internet!

In the controversy, one thing is certain, that is, whether it is Tong Liya's long hair or her photo with Peng Yuyan, it has become the focus of discussion. In this era of highly developed social media, everyone can be a critic and everyone's voice can be heard. So, you might as well leave your thoughts in the comment section and participate in this discussion about beauty, about movies, and about culture.

From Cannes to "Dog Formation": Tong Liya and Peng Yuyan's appearance alliance detonated the Internet!

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