
"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

author:Sneak peek at the fast battle

Once a Broadway tap dance drama "The Dance of the Great River", it has spread all over the world, modernizing the choreography of traditional Irish music and tap dance, bringing surging audiovisual shock. Then when listening to the songs of the famous musician Su Yang, you will also have this feeling, Suyang is the most traditional folk art forms in the northwest, such as flowers, Qin cavity, drum books, etc., with modern music to package, mix, recreate, so that the original ecology is revitalized.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

The music documentary film "Big River Singing" is to let the audience follow the pace of Suyang, to explore the ditches and bumps of the whole territory of the Yellow River, and to discover those hidden in the folk art treasures. Therefore, this journey can be called the "song of the great river" of our Chinese nation.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

In "The Great River Song", Su Yang has a sentence that is shocking, he said: "In fact, life can be wasted, and what is wasted is the real life." This sentence has the kinetic energy to teach people to realize everything in an instant, so that we can immediately ask ourselves about the true meaning and practical value of waste. In Suyang's context, the word "waste" does not seem to be a reference to "inappropriate" or "unrestrained", but to illustrate an ancient and new state of existence — slow and long.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

The film "Big River Singing" is also a very "wasteful" existence, the whole film covers a range of 700,000 square kilometers, focusing on a national musician and the four musical parents that influenced him, the filming and production process exceeds three years, and the final film is only condensed into a short two hours. "Waste" here, is not a kind of dead heart and no remorse?

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

Although the lens of the whole "Big River Singing" focuses on Suyang's song and four wildernesses, focusing on the persistence of the four folk artists, in it, we can feel the collision and exchange between Suyang and folk culture, as well as the creation and presentation of Suyang. Suyang "wasted" time for decades as a day, rooted in the earth, watching the sky, and eventually becoming a legend of the music industry. And these folk artists he cares about and pays attention to are even more, they often devote their life's energy to the inheritance and creation of art, and the four folk artists in the lens of "Dahe Singing": Liu Shikai, a storyteller, Ma Fengshan, a flower singer, Wei Zongfu, the leader of the centennial shadow puppet class, and Zhang Lai, the head of the private Qin cavity theater troupe, are no exception.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

Thanks to the creators of the film, thanks to Su Yang, and even more grateful to the folk artists touched by the film shooting, they used their "wasted" years or even half of their lives in exchange for our two-hour movie-watching experience. So, if you have the opportunity to "waste" two hours of your life, you may regain another interpretation of time, which is a life full of infinite power.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

Through "Big River Singing", we not only got to know four folk artists and came into contact with these four types of folk art, but more importantly, we walked into their lives, accompanied them to joy and sorrow, and felt the seemingly ordinary, but actually bumpy and solid life.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

Folk art, with strong vitality, can be passed down from generation to generation, singing non-stop, and has been passed down to this day. However, with the progress and development of science and technology, the rapid change of the trend, traditional culture, but also inevitably affected, deeply in trouble, on the one hand is the loss of the audience, on the other hand, there is no successor, both the source may be broken, may also be broken. Of course, because of the economic underdevelopment of the Great Northwest, many folk customs and customs are still there, still retaining the thin fields that nourish traditional culture, we can also see from the "Big River Singing" that the artists still have a livelihood, the troupe's performance is still quite a lot, and the folk have corresponding demand for "praying for rain", "playing the stage", "sacrificial", etc., but how long such supply and demand can be maintained, no one knows. After all, the changes of the times are like waves, and no one can stop them.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

Therefore, the emergence of Suyang, there is a certain significance of succession, if we compare the artistic inheritance to the relay race, then Suyang is from the hands of many folk artists, took over the stick that was placed high hopes, and lived up to expectations, bringing Chinese folk art into the popular, folk, rock and roll modern music queue, into the domestic and international music stage, the popularity of a "virtuous" song, can make people feel, the energy and significance of this "artificiality".

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

In the process of watching the movie, the author also noticed a detail, that is, with the popularity of mobile phones, short video and live broadcast platforms such as Kuaishou have also rapidly entered thousands of households and "penetrated" into the most grass-roots folk. For traditional culture, filming and releasing their own craftsmanship and talents, or live broadcasting to hundreds of millions of netizens, this is another gratifying phenomenon.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

Many people may not know that in fact, today's online media have also undertaken the inheritance of traditional culture and folk culture, such as Kuaishou. We often say that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, in the past 2018, there are 2.52 million users in the use of Kuaishou to record intangible cultural heritage content, a total of 11.64 million intangible cultural heritage video content, the cumulative total of 25 billion views, equivalent to the national average of 18 times per person to watch, such a spread, quite amazing. This year, Kuaishou officially released the "Kuaishou Intangible Cultural Heritage Leader Plan", which allows us to see the momentum of traditional culture in the Internet age, and also makes the world feel the efforts made by the network platform represented by Kuaishou at the level of cultural inheritance.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

Those folk arts with unlimited vitality can always continue to merge in the collision and temptation of reality, and in them, find new and broader channels and renew new vitality. The value carried by such an online platform as Kuaishou is not only at the level of entertainment, but also a fertile soil for folk culture and grassroots culture, which to a certain extent helps the exchange and continuation of art.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

In the face of many traditional cultural inheritors, our impression of "conservative", but the slow pace of life, once they come into contact with the freshest food, they will immediately act, Liu Shikai's singing lyrics with the times, the new performance screen of the shadow puppet class, the Qin Cavity Troupe continues to explore on the road of commercialization, and Ma Fengshan, collecting and sorting out those "flowers", has a rebellious spirit in itself. From them, we see the same quest as Su Yang.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

Countless folk artists, like a great river, are full of surging power and rush forward. If the Yellow River nourishes the life of the Chinese nation, these folk arts and artists give us spiritual comfort. The yellow river water can not be cut off, folk art can not die, the governance of the environment, has become a comprehensive consensus, and to save and excavate traditional art, but also need more understanding and action, we not only need the big river in life, but also need the big river in the spiritual field. "Big River Singing" has undoubtedly been pioneering at the pace of a pioneer, which is particularly worthy of respect.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

Li Baishiyun: "The king is not seen, the water of the Yellow River rises from the sky, and the rush to the sea will not return", let us also follow the water of the Yellow River, sing the song of the Yellow River, and run to the wider sea of human art.

"The Great River Sings" The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns

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