
come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

author:wuhu animation people space

In this issue, Wuhujun has prepared a list of reading films for everyone to complete the animation!

Have you seen any of these works?

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

<h1>When the Wind Blows</h1>

Before the outbreak of the war, an old man returned home with a "preparation pamphlet" issued by the government, and his wife prepared delicious food and milk tea for him as usual. Soon the news of the imminent start of the war was broadcast on the radio, so the old man began to prepare to build an anti-aircraft shelter tent according to the introduction in the pamphlet...

  The war finally began, and the two elderly men survived the air raid, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the national emergency relief organization. Did their optimism give them a happy ending to the story? Did the National Emergency Rescue Agency really come to their rescue?

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

80 minutes is an old couple's dialogue and daily life, plain almost a little dull, but can not help but envy their "boring", there is a person who can always accompany you, affectionately call you dear, comfort you, encourage you, know each other until the moment of death. The old woman blows dandelions in the backyard, looks into the distance, and recalls the romance of her youth where her eyes fall, which is really lamentable, in fact, happiness is the place where the hand can touch.

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"On the Road to Happiness"

This is a warm 2D animated film, spanning the 80s to the present, the coming-of-age story of a Taiwanese girl. Animation feature film supported by golden horse venture capital conference million first prize / national film coaching gold!

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Insect Story

In a tranquil jungle, beneath the trail of humanity, hides a vibrant and lively insect world. A ladybug is chased by various insects in the jungle, and then breaks into the war scene of red and black ants to witness a "Trojan siege" in the insect world.

The film's imagination is wild, constantly throwing out new insect species and various design-rich props, walking on the screen, clumsy spiders, cute ladybugs, shrewd ants, taking turns to appear, teaching people to be dizzy. The entire film has no dialogue, presents the microscopic world of the insect kingdom in 3D, and combines animation and live-action shooting to create a French animation blockbuster that is very different from Hollywood animation.

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"Wrinkles" (arrugues)

The story begins with the friendship of Emilio and Miguel, two elderly people living in a nursing home. When Emilio was admitted to the hospital, he was already in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, and with the help of Miguel and others, he gradually stopped being afraid and adapted to life here. Their friendship filled the long and tedious years with humor and warmth. Although life is coming to an end, for these two old people life has only just begun.

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The Hollywood Reporter's critique of Wrinkles, which uses calm and delicate techniques to express the problems people face in old age, is one of the most successful Spanish films of the year. According to the website Critterion Cast, "the joys, fears, friendships, and betrayals encountered in life are fully displayed in this work, and the more the story progresses, the more it can express the above content." ”

Animation director Takahata Honon takahata of Studio Ghibli in Japan said, "'Wrinkles' allows me to see the feasibility of more undetected expression in animated films, and I would like to pay tribute to this work for the elderly who are also old and who work in the animation industry." Dedicated to everyone, one day, everyone will age, it will remind you of a lot of movies of the same genre, or simply put, let you think of reality. Whenever this happens, you always want to look back and think about life, what kind of regrets you have in this life. This script is very suitable for adaptation into a live-action movie, and the clues of the plot are no longer suitable for the conspiracy theories of some viewers, but you will eventually be melted by the warm color of the story

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In Search of Hidden Happiness

It's a story of finding happiness. Ten years ago, pianist Sergio parted ways with his brother Alfredo: both were music lovers, but they couldn't grow as they wanted. Alfredo decided to leave the worldly in search of happiness and left home to become a monk in Dharamsala, India, while Sergio became a taxi driver in Napoleon. Day after day, he listened to the radio through the streets, met different people, and listened to different stories. The director uses animation to draw philosophy and wisdom, and explores the true meaning of music, life, and happiness through the story of the two brothers. Are you, happy?

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Maybe when the loved one dies, you can feel all this, maybe the soul of the person after death will really return to the hometown, will return to the person who cares, and finally glance at the other person's life and make a final farewell. The film incorporates a lot of Buddhist concepts about the soul and reincarnation, the male protagonist tries to find happiness and the meaning of life, and with the memories and imagination of the stream of consciousness, he begins to reconcile with himself step by step and regain his life.

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The Matrix Animated Edition

"The Matrix Animation Edition" is composed of 9 short films based on the world view of the "Matrix" series of movies, each with different angles and styles, and the production team brings together the animation elites of Japan, the United States and South Korea.

Machine Revival tells the history of MATRIX. The robots could not bear the harsh treatment of humans, and finally resisted and turned humans into energy. "Teenage Story" tells the story of a teenager who suddenly receives a call from the Internet, and a large number of men in black begin to round him up.

Virtual Programs shows a fragment of a man and a woman in a virtual training program. The World Record depicts a sprinter who is finally firmly controlled by the system when he is close to breaking through the limits of humanity. Beyond the Limits narrates that due to a system error, an extraordinary area appears in a calm neighborhood.

"Detective Story" depicts a detective who is led step by step in an attempt to get rid of the shackles of the system. Matrix tells the story of a robot captured and domesticated by humans. The Final Battle chronicles the destruction of a spaceship.

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Man Wolf

  The film won the 2000 Daily Film Award for Best Animated Film, the 1999 Portuguese International Fantastic Film Festival for Best Animated Film and the Jury Prize.

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Tales of the Night

This is a silhouette animation composed of six "pillow stories". At night, the old man, the boy and the girl get together, one is in charge of the artist, one is responsible for the costume, one is writing the plot, and a wonderful story is born.

  "The Story of the Werewolf", which tells the story between the prince and the two princesses who will transform into wolves on the night of the full moon; "Di Zhong and the Beauty Of No One Knows", which tells the story of various adventures after Di Zhong unintentionally enters the land of death; "The Chosen One of the Golden City", which tells the story of the young warriors against the patron saint of the Golden City; "The Drum Boy", which tells the story of a teenager who loves to beat the drum and gets the god drum;

The "Boy Who Doesn't Lie" tells the story that the king has a talking horse, and what is even more miraculous is that the boy who takes care of the horse never lies, so the two kings bet on whether they can make the boy lie; "the girl who incarnates as a deer and the son of the architect", the son of the architect falls in love with a young girl, but the girl is turned into a timid deer by a monster, so the teenager begins the adventure...

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The Last Vampire

The film is an animated film co-produced by Oshii Mori.

He won the Best Feature Award at the Stuttgart International Animated Film Festival in 2002 and the Media Art Festival Animation Award at the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan in 2001.

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Watership Down

The gifted boy predicts that there will be a devastating catastrophe from humans in the current rabbit territory, so he and a brave and resourceful rabbit named Hazelnut go to the rabbit leader and persuade him to lead the rabbit group out of the territory, but he refuses. So before the disaster struck, XiaoDuozi and Hazelnut and several other male rabbits hurriedly left the territory and embarked on a difficult adventure. After several life-and-death struggles with humans and other predators, they came to the Watersip Wasteland and began to create new territories...

  Due to the lack of female rabbits, the rabbit herd is still in danger of extinction. They ventured again, rushing to a farm to persuade the caged rabbits to join their territory, while sending diplomatic missions to propose marriage to a territory called Afrafa. However, the marriage proposal failed, and there was a life-and-death struggle with the tyrannical and brutal leader there, and finally succeeded in leading a large number of female rabbits back to the Waterhip Wasteland. However, it is far from over, and an even more dangerous battle awaits them...

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Whether the rabbits have original sin or not, the highest wisdom, truth, or the great gods of the ancients have promised them. Rabbits encounter natural disasters (family buried alive), hardship (long treks), tender illusions (carrot traps), dictatorship and tyranny (generals), inability to find a daughter-in-law, hopelessness (seeing the highlands for the first time)... All kinds of dangers of crushing the bones as soon as they lose their feet.

  Until you reach the Promised Land full of courage and hope for a good life.

And some rabbits in this highland know, and some rabbits can arrive. All those who believed, were not disappointed.

The rabbits looked out over the world when they first arrived at the Promised Land. Say, yes, it was created by Vans, but it was Pharr who discovered this place.

  In fact, they also knew that Vans promised them,

It is the rabbit's own talent and heart.

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Labyrinth Story

The little girl Oggieti (also translated as Gisina) is curious and takes a big fat cat into the door of the labyrinth behind the clock, and follows the shadow of the white-clad clown in the vast labyrinth passage, thus becoming a bystander of the two stories. These two stories are one about the world-famous racing car by Jack? Hugh, the cause of his death in the rally is a mystery: another Sugioka who was sent to Project 444 to deliver the stop-work order, in the midst of a large number of out-of-control robots, he is the only human in the project, and when he decides to destroy everything to stop the project, his boss sends an order to continue to support the project...

  Originally known as Manie—Manie Labyrinth Story. It is an experimental animation work, composed of three small stories of "Labyrinth Story", "Running Man", and "Fortification Suspension Order", each part has a very different style and the plot is independent, so the work as a whole can not talk about a complete plot narrative, only with a little girl as the line of sight through the group films with little dialogue.

  Each story in the film is handled by a different production staff, so it is very different from the character setting to the expression method and soundtrack. The whole room is full of linguistic metaphors, and the surreal and realistic expressions are integrated with each other, so that the work is filled with a vague and eerie atmosphere from beginning to end. In addition, the imaging effect of the three parts is very beautiful, and the grasp of details is also very good.

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

"Czech Horror Night Jedné noci v jednom meste"

Ears: Street performers who lack musical cells curl up on street corners, pulling out-of-tune accordion and torturing passers-by' nerves. The red-haired musician demonstrates a beautiful piece of music to the artist, letting the artist understand that his ears are hindering his performance. The artist accidentally gets a genius ear with blood, and for the sake of art, he cut off his own unformed ear...

  Time to stop: Single young men clutching wilted bouquets of flowers and roaming the city streets at night. He walked into the empty tavern, and the loneliness overflowed into words. The elderly bartender throws gold coins into the on-demand piano, and as the beautiful music flows out, the small tavern begins to come alive...

  The essence of magic: the hustle and bustle of the tavern returns to calm, and drunken men ride home on motorcycles and fall in the middle of the road. Strange elves emerge from empty bottles and fulfill their wishes...

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Discover that Czech animation often has the meaning of an elephant swimming in the sky, what is it like to have a huge body soaring in the clouds? Perhaps just like TIM BUTTON's passion for depicting skulls, it is terrifying but intimate, because he hides in us all the time, day and night, but has a touch of cute temperament.

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

"I married a weird slut!" I Married a Strange Person! 》

This film can be "Akira" with humor, "RoadRunner" with a human touch, or "Pulp Fiction" with an animated version. A heartwarming story about a newlywed couple taking place on their wedding night. Husband Grant suddenly acquires strange supernatural powers, while wife Kerry is embarrassed to cope. Whenever Grant thinks about it, it becomes a reality, even though he doesn't know where the magic comes from. Since then, he has become a prominent figure in the Qingtan program. Larson Giles, the ceo of Smile Corp., a Ted Turner-type media magnate, sent his private army, led by the brutal but brainless Colonel Ferguson, to kidnap Grant in order to dominate global media ratings.

What follows is one of the most violent and bizarre duels in the history of cinema. In addition to multiple images of extreme violence that can incriminate everyone, there was what was once called "the weirdest and hilarious sexual scene ever seen in the film."

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Will you still love me? If I forget your birthday, if I throw my shoes around and refuse to shave, if I blow up a food store, if I have a big belly and feel like I'm about to rot. Will you still love me? If I'm wearing a ballet dress, or riding a kangaroo, wearing a big, idiotic wig, if I put a big rock in your stockings and force you to walk, can't you see how much I love you?

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows


The grand metropolis of Metopris, known as a symbol of the progress of the era, is being inaugurated. Mr. RED, who holds the real power of the city, was in full swing on the stage, but a young man dressed in black, ROCK, openly drew his gun and killed people under the heavy security, and the crowd was in an uproar. The Japanese detective who witnessed this incident, Accompanied by Toshisaku, and his nephew Kenichi, began a citywide investigation. But ROCK was convicted of shooting the robot, and the killer left without a problem.

  Medopolis is an urban system of dual structures composed of advanced aboveground parts and decadent underground parts, and among the human beings who survive in this city, there are people who benefit from the highly developed robot world and enjoy the superiority of civilized technology, there are people who have been taken away by robots and have no way to make a living, and there are mass groups that demand that robots also enjoy human rights and freedoms. As the investigation deepens, the truth of the implementation gradually surfaces, whether robots and humans will eventually survive together as equals or destroy together...

  The film is based on the manga of the same name published in 1949 by Osamu Tezuka.

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Robot Carnival

In the desert village of desolation and poverty, a behemoth marked "Robot Carnival" suddenly appears, brilliant fireworks and enterprising music accompanied by cheers, and together they launch the killing of humans; "Frankend Tooth Car" lightning and thunder, wind and rain, gloomy castle, crazy scientists made of robots are about to wake up, but the accident suddenly occurs;

"DEPRIVE" invaded alien robots to take away the cute little girl, her robot partner vowed to break into the enemy to rescue the girl; "PRESENCE" He has a rich life, but endures a repressed marriage, so he longs to create a robot girl who completely obeys his orders; in the "Starlight Angel" playground, the girl who suddenly lost love is taken into the virtual world by the robot who picks up the necklace and experiences an unprecedented adventure; "Cloud" A robot teenager walks alone, The clouds around you are ever-changing, like a dream;

A crazy Western scientist manipulator robot lands in Meiji-era Japan, and young Japanese people build a barrel robot to meet the battle; "Tingbird Man and Red Head" Drunken man inadvertently breaks into a neighborhood ruled by robots, and he will experience a thrilling and terrifying night.

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

"Poets Should Strengthen Themselves"

Ming, a young girl of Chinese descent, wrote poems for her own amusement, and one day received an invitation to go abroad for exchanges at a poetry festival, not in Paris, but in Iran! The journey to the mysterious country brought unexpected gains, and the Exiled Chinese Poet gave her a wild imagination.

And the foreign country turned out to be her hometown, she actually had Persian blood, and the more she learned about the country's past, the clearer her father's face became. Amarie Framing ("I Am the Survivor of the Holocaust", 35th) uses simple but emotionally rich animation to find poetry and cultural identity. Actress Wu Shanzhuo of the American drama "Doctors As Self-Reliant" served as a supervising producer and voice actor, and invited Ellen Bizhi, Kaohsiung, Guan Nanshi and other cameos to help. Won the Best Canadian Film Award at the Vancouver International Film Festival.

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The Three Inventors Les trois inventeurs

Once upon a time, in a magnificent and magnificent house, lived three inventors, a family, husbands, wives, and young daughters with inventive talents who devoted themselves every day to creating machines that could improve people's lives. The husband invents the hot air balloon that goes with the wind, the wife creates a delicate and practical loom, and the daughter makes all kinds of cute and interesting toys. However, their inventions not only failed to realize their respective values, but were also hated and jealousy by the locals. People think they have broken God's will and will be punished by Heaven for it. Not to be outdone, the three inventors decided to show their greatest invention to this group of ignorant people...

  The film ranked 76th in the "100 Works of Animation of the Century" at the 2006 Annecy International Animated Film Festival in France.

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Unlike the traditional flat paper cuts:

  The paper cut itself of this film attaches great importance to surface and three-dimensionality. Therefore, the paper pieces reflect a rich sense of layering under the background of the side light and shadow, with body language and simple face changes, they can still explain the plot in the case of little dialogue and limited scene scale. Successful sound effects that effectively reflect the environment and material texture.

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Star Cowboy: Gates of Heaven

On the eve of Halloween in 2071, a stunning suspenseful event suddenly occurred in a big city on Mars. A tanker truck exploded on the highway. People at the scene of the accident fell ill for unknown reasons, and the number of deaths and injuries exceeded 400. Such large-scale killings appear to have been the work of biological weapons of unknown origin.

To this end, the Martian government has issued a bounty of 300 million yuan. Faye, who witnessed the incident, acted alone in a vain attempt to monopolize the bounty, and Ed used hacking techniques to find clues and act with everyone on the Bebop. The four-man-one-dog combination is on the move again, but they don't know that the price of 300 million yuan is to fight against an unprecedented powerful criminal.

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The Boy and the World

Exclusive | stories created by the director of Boys and the World

The animated film won the highest honor in the animation industry, the first prize of the Annecy Animation Film Festival in France.

How does innocence face the bitterness of growing up and the reality of the world? Like the Brazilian version of the 囧 boy, a poor farming life but a happy life. However, in order to earn a living, my father had to leave his hometown to earn a living. The little boy could not bear his mother's sadness and embarked on a great adventure to find his father. Along the way, strange personnel, urban and rural landscapes, media, greedy American bosses and squeezed skinny laborers, beautiful and sad world scenes.

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The ethereal story has not yet ended, the lonely old man, wearing the colored hat of youth, wearing the colored clothes of youth, finally returned to the colored stone at the beginning of the film, it turned out that it was the can he buried, opened, he can still hear his treasured familiar notes: Daddy's flute, Mom's song. He was able to return to his parents' arms and return to his old age.

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"Criti, the Fairy Tale Cottage Kerity, la maison des contes"

Natta will turn 7 but has been unable to read. He was disappointed in the collection of books his aunt had left him. It is not until night falls that the characters in the book appear and inform Nata that they are in danger of disappearing forever. So Natta throws herself into an adventure to save his friends and their story. Did he have time to read the spell that saved them?

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows
come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

I like the phrase "true wealth is often hidden", and I hope Angelica really understands it!

Thanks again to Aunt Eleanor, Angelica regained her innocent heart and regained that beautiful state of mind!

  Envious of Aunt Eleanor's bland idyllicity:

- Her greatest pleasure is to lie there,

- Slept in her easy chair, and then that morning,

- She's still like this, just forgot to wake up ...

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Azur and Asmar Azur et Asmar

Set in the Middle Ages, Azul was a blonde European aristocrat who lived with his father in a sumptuous palace. Living with him are the wet nurse and her son, the dark-haired, brown-skinned Asmal. The nurse took good care of the two boys and told them fairy tales about the fairy goddess. But as Azur grew older, his father sent him outside for a more professional education and fired his wet nurse, driving her and Asmal out of the palace.

  As an adult, Azur returned to the palace and decided to go on an adventure, but accidentally ended up in a strange country. In this Middle Eastern land, Azul actually reunited with his wet nurse and Asmal after many twists and turns. Subsequently, the two princes, representing different races, Azul and Asmar, both decide to go in search of the fairy, and on the way they encounter various difficulties, whether they can rescue the fairy girl if they are competitors...

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

At the end of the film, the prince married the princess and lived a happy and happy life from then on, a typical reunion ending. Othello's dream is the greatness of racial integration, the French and Arabic chorus: "You are brothers, my two children, you must work together..." Looking at today's world, the global village is still full of swords, full of discrimination and prejudice, a seemingly innocent ancient fairy tale, the cartoon "Azul and Asma", is undoubtedly a modern fable that awakens the world.

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

Princes et princesses

The night is low, everything is quiet, six stories traveling through time and space, and the ancient and gorgeous theater lead us into the wonderful dream.

  This is a unique silhouette animation, three main characters - the old man, the boy and the girl gathered in an ancient theater, using their rich imagination and a magical garment making machine, while designing costumes, writing plots, while creating characters, self-interpretation, a unique "prince and princess" fable story was born. They created six stories, namely "The Diamond Princess", "The Fig Boy", "The Witch's Castle", "The Old Lady's Coat", "The Cruel Queen and the Fab Heron Trainer", and "The Prince and the Princess". The story is set in different time and space, from the Middle Ages to the third millennium AD, from ancient Egypt to ancient Japan, continuing ancient fables while subverting traditions.

  This animation is the best animated film at the Chicago International Children's Film Festival.

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When the voices of the outside world came, asking the young man to marry the princess, the witch bowed her head and said softly: This visit is really short. The boy went up to the balcony and announced to the outside: "Thank you for your love, but I will not marry a princess." In the stunned eyes of the crowd, he exclaimed, "The person I love is a witch. I'm going to stay with her."

It's a love story. Great love story.

Witch I love you.

Princess side goes.

come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

The Thief and the Shoemaker

Few people have heard of it, but it's the most legendary indie animated film in the world.

The animation was directed by Richard Williams and the main animators were Ken Harris, Babbitt and Grim Natwick. Williams began conceiving the work in 1964 and began production in the late 1960s, the exact timing is unclear, but it is certain that the dubbing work began in 1968.

Originally williams intended to do an animation about Nasruddin, he began to read and collect various stories and legends about Nasruddin, and eventually Williams decided to make the animation into a film specification and named the project Nasruddin.

In 1972, Williams abruptly decided to terminate Nasruddin' production, changing the style of the animation to more closely resemble the tone of 1001 Nights, and the title of the film was changed to Thief and Shoemaker, although some of the characters previously designed would still appear in the animation.

Williams wanted to make the animation a 100-minute purely hand-drawn epic, and wanted the animation to be as exciting as a detective novel. He designed the two protagonists to be dumb so that the audience could focus entirely on the performance of the animated characters, and in his words, he wanted the animation to be a "silent film with sound."

Wuhu animation human space, WeChat ID: wuhu1768

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come! Dried this bowl of animation ten big soup! When the Wind Blows

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