
Lightning Comment | interprets Shandong's vigorous development vitality in "stable investment"

author:Lightning News

After the release of the province's economic data in 2021, the results achieved by "stable investment" are very eye-catching, which shows Shandong's specific and clear development ideas in the new journey of high-quality development. It seems that under the premise of a higher base in 2020, the main economic indicators of the province are better than the whole country and better than expected, and the annual target tasks have been successfully completed. From the perspective of investment, in 2021, the province's fixed asset investment will increase by 6% cumulatively, with an average growth rate of 4.8% in two years, which is better than the national 1.1 and 0.9 percentage points respectively, which provides strong support for the sustained stability of the economy.

Lightning Comment | interprets Shandong's vigorous development vitality in "stable investment"

In the accurate and efficient "first hand chess", a blueprint drawn to the end, this is an important "methodology" for Shandong's "stable investment" in 2021. High-quality development has made breakthroughs, new kinetic energy growth is the goal, along the direction of the "baton", plastic strong kinetic energy conversion baseplate, Shandong's overall investment growth path is clear and clear. In 2021, the investment in the "four new" economy increased by 5.8% year-on-year, accounting for 51.2% of total investment; investment in high-tech industries increased by 11.6%, 5.6 percentage points higher than all investment. It can be seen that along the direction of high-end of the industrial chain and the specific path of industrial clusters to take root, it is very important to play a good "first hand chess" and continue to build key industries. Shaping the "strong engine" that drives the economy, promoting the transformation of new and old kinetic energy to a new level in the closed loop of investment-project-trade-reinvestment, and promoting the accumulation of high-quality development is bound to be the meaning of the problem.

Lightning Comment | interprets Shandong's vigorous development vitality in "stable investment"

Grasp the project construction of this "bull nose", "sword finger" the most critical link of high-quality development, and seek new breakthroughs with obvious results. With the "advancement" of project construction to support the "stability" of economic development, carrying key investment to achieve results, such a development logic continues to promote Shandong's high-quality development and expand new space. In 2021, the 12,929 provincial, municipal and county three-level key projects planned to be launched should be fully realized, and the implementation projects will complete the investment of 2.6 trillion yuan throughout the year; 1860 provincial key projects will complete the investment of 872.12 billion yuan; closely focus on wisdom, greening, equalization, and two-way, and plan to lay out 637 new urbanization major projects and major projects... With dots and lines, lines and surfaces, promoting major projects is not only to continuously strengthen the chain and supplement the chain in the industrial chain, but also to cultivate trees into forests and cultivate the long-term concept of ecology, from this point of view, the realization of "stable investment" is of great significance for continuing to stimulate the endogenous power of economy and society.

A hundred flowers bloom, bloom in the garden, fully mobilize various types of investment, stimulate the inherent vitality of the market, which is another highlight of Shandong's "stable investment" in 2021. In the whole year, fixed asset investment increased by 6.0% over the previous year, and private investment increased by 8.2%, accounting for 65.2% of total investment. Private investment is a "barometer" of economic vitality, and the 8.2% growth figure not only shows the characteristics of Shandong's continuous optimization of business environment and full stimulation of market potential, but also reflects the development trend of Shandong's stability and improvement, and lays a good foundation for further expansion of development space in 2022. As the "troika" that drives the economy, continuously promoting "stable investment" is not only an inherent requirement for doing a good job in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work, but also an important foundation for the benign development of economy and society.

As far as the eye can see, strive for 2022, the direction is accurate, the force is accurate, the follow-up is accurate, the vigorous development vitality is fully stimulated, the trend of high-quality development "a game of chess" is clear, the "stable investment" work is fully implemented, and the new situation of building a modern and strong province is worthy of common expectations in "walking in the forefront and comprehensively pioneering". (Text/Luo Ning)

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