
Is eating lard healthy or unhealthy? After reading it, you will understand! Comes with a healthy way to eat oil

author:Wonderful materia medica

A bowl of lard bibimbap went down, and Uncle Chen touched his stomach with satisfaction, and looked up to see Uncle Qiu walking in front of the door with a bowl of green vegetables and rice.

"Old Hill, it's white rice and green vegetables again, how light is this?"

"Everyone is like you, everything is mixed with lard to eat, and you will not die." Uncle Qiu replied.

"Hey, don't you say, this lard is incense, mixed with rice, the taste is amazing, you taste it?" Uncle Chen persuaded.

"Hey, you still have to hang around, you know the old Xia no in front street, lard ate sick, and now he's still lying in the hospital!" Uncle Qiu returned unceremoniously.

Uncle Chen listened to Uncle Qiu say that eating lard hemiplegia, his heart could not help but be a stem, very unhappy, lao Qiu what does he mean, this is not a curse on him? Suddenly angry, he explained in a hesitant manner: "Old Xia, the legs and feet are not good, what is the relationship with lard, experts have said that lard is good to eat, you don't talk nonsense." ”

"Nonsense? Whoever talks nonsense, don't believe you look online. ”

The two of them broke up for a while, and had no choice but to teach a high school on the Internet, but this investigation did not matter, there were many opinions, and it turned out that the dispute between lard and vegetable oil was not the exclusive domain of the two masters.

Is vegetable oil better, or is lard better?

Is eating lard healthy or unhealthy? After reading it, you will understand! Comes with a healthy way to eat oil

Is it true that lard is healthier than vegetable oil?

Lard is an animal oil extracted from pork that is mistaken for causing damage to the body because of the large amount of fat it contains, and in recent years most people believe that lard is healthier than vegetable oil.

But fat is actually good and bad, good fat can supplement the nutrition needed by the human body, and bad fat will bring harm to the human body, such as: saturated fat and trans fat, of which trans fat is far more harmful than saturated fat. Trans fat is a fatty acid, and studies have found that for every 2% increase in trans fat contained in the daily diet, the risk of coronary heart disease in patients increases by 25%, which shows the harm of trans fat.

It is true that we do not deny that lard contains more saturated fatty acids, and excessive intake will cause certain nutrients to the body, but vegetable oil will decompose to produce trans fatty acids when heated to a certain temperature. Scientific research has found that the boiling point of vegetable oil is 155.5 ° C, and in a heated environment, vegetable oil is more easily decomposed than lard, producing a large number of trans fatty acids.

Therefore, from a certain point of view, the right amount of intake and cooking methods are the key to healthy eating oil, and it cannot be said that which oil is healthier and which oil is more unhealthy.

Is eating lard healthy or unhealthy? After reading it, you will understand! Comes with a healthy way to eat oil

Second, "The Lancet": ingesting more fat can reduce mortality

Recently, the authoritative journal of the medical community "The Lancet" published a large-scale epidemiological study jointly participated in by McMaster University and Hamilton Health Medical Hospital in Canada, the time span of the study is 10 years, the participants come from 18 countries, the number of people exceeds 135,000, through the statistics and analysis of these people's fat intake, health status, causes of disease, etc., and finally came to a conclusion: fat intake accounts for 35.3% of the total calorie ratio of the population, the lowest than fat intake of 10.6% of people with a 23% lower risk of death. However, cardiovascular disease and mortality are not affected.

In other words, the more fat you consume in a given range, the lower the mortality rate

The findings of the study are also true in terms of saturated fatty acids, which decrease in stroke incidence when saturated fatty acid intake increases.

Saturated fat and saturated fatty acids can also bring positive benefits to the human body to a certain extent, and from the stability of cardiovascular disease and mortality in the experiment, it will not flood the beast, and lard containing only 40% saturated fat naturally does not have the possibility of harming the human body, but appropriate intake will play a good role in the human body.

Is eating lard healthy or unhealthy? After reading it, you will understand! Comes with a healthy way to eat oil

Third, lard is rich in nutrients, and the way of attention can also be eaten healthily

Lard contains vitamin B and minerals to supplement the human body nutrition, compared with beef and mutton, lard unsaturated fat content is also higher, healthier, followed by lard in the carotene can protect vision, can effectively prevent night blindness, dry eye disease and other eye diseases. Facts have proved that as long as you learn how to eat lard, you can also bring many benefits to the human body.

So we don't have to think primarily of the flood beasts, it's okay to eat in moderation. Of course, when eating lard, pay attention to the dosage. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend that the average daily intake of lard for adults should be controlled at 25-30 grams. When eating lard, it can also be eaten with other oils and foods.

In addition, the saturated fat intake of lard is too much, when it exceeds the burden of the human body and cannot be discharged, it will accumulate in the blood vessels, which is extremely unfavorable to the human body, and will increase the incidence of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, so patients with cardiovascular diseases themselves are recommended not to eat.

Is eating lard healthy or unhealthy? After reading it, you will understand! Comes with a healthy way to eat oil

Fourth, the middle-aged and elderly should pay attention to the healthy eating oil here

Oil is a substance that people must eat every day in life, and if you eat it badly, you will get sick, but eating it well can also prevent disease. Middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to two points when eating oil:

1, control the content of oil intake: generally 25-30 grams per meal is enough, while paying attention to the environment of preserving oil should be cool and dry, a barrel of oil is best not to open for more than 3 hours to prevent bacteria from breeding;

2, a variety of oil replacement use: the oil referred to here does not refer to the difference between peanut oil, soybean oil, this kind of oil plant, but refers to the type of unsaturated fatty acids contained in the oil, unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial substances to the human body, by containing different unsaturated fatty acids to supplement them, you can maintain their own health.

Doctor's recommendation: corn oil, camellia seed oil, flaxseed oil three kinds of oil can be replaced and eaten.

Lard and vegetable oil health controversy has a long history, the reason why people do not understand this problem is because of the lack of relevant knowledge reserves, many people will also prefer a kind of edible oil because of their own eating habits, in fact, each edible oil has strengths and weaknesses, what oil to eat is not important, what is important is how to eat, how much to eat. In life, people should also learn to use science to resolve disputes and maintain the correct oil eating posture.

Is eating lard healthy or unhealthy? After reading it, you will understand! Comes with a healthy way to eat oil


[1] Lard, is it cardiovascular protection or cardiovascular harm? Eat regularly must check it out!.Health Times.2021-10-21


[3] Is it a fact or a rumor that eating lard causes cancer? It's time to know the truth... Popular Science China.2021-07-19

[4] None. How to eat edible oil is safer and healthier[J].Health and Nutrition, 2015:68.

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