
How was Ford born, and who created it?

author:Old Dream Jay

American car king Henry. Ford, when he was 12 years old, with his father driving a carriage to the city, by chance saw the ministry of steam powered car, he felt very novel, and thought in his heart: Since you can use steam as power, then it should be possible to use gas oil, I want to try!

How was Ford born, and who created it?

Although it was a distant dream, since then, he has set himself a car powered by gasoline in 10 years. He told his father:

"I don't want to stay on the farm and be a farmer for the rest of my life, I want to be an inventor."

How was Ford born, and who created it?

Then he left his hometown for the industrial city of Detroit, where he became the most basic mechanical apprentice, and gradually gained a deeper understanding of machinery. Outside of work, he has never forgotten his dream, and after working from the factory every day, he still tirelessly engages in his research and development work.

At the age of 29, he finally succeeded. At the test drive, a reporter asked him, "What is the key to your success?" Ford thought for a moment and said, "Because I have big goals, I succeed."

How was Ford born, and who created it?

Tell us the philosophy of life:

Success requires early goal setting, and more importantly, efforts to achieve. Each of us has many dreams, but many years have passed, because there is no action to cooperate, dreams have long become fantasies. Ford not only dreamed, but also acted, and lasted 17 years, so he succeeded. Let's use action to complete our dreams!

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