
Interview 丨Wu Huimin: Inheriting the essence, shouzheng innovation, and making every effort to promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment reporter Nie Qianchuan correspondent Bi Yawei Du Fangjiang Zhuzhou reported

Zhuzhou has had the legend of "Shennong tasting hundreds of herbs" since ancient times. In ancient times, Emperor Yan planted five grains and thought it was for the people to eat; Taste all the herbs to cure the people. In such a unique historical and cultural environment, Zhuzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine and Injury Hospital (hereinafter referred to as "Wound Hospital") has already become famous after a multi-nail development.

Interview 丨Wu Huimin: Inheriting the essence, shouzheng innovation, and making every effort to promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine

Wu Huimin, president of the Wound Hospital.

In the deep winter, the reporter walked into the wound hospital and interviewed Wu Huimin, the president of the injury hospital, to experience the "warm supplement" of traditional Chinese medicine at close range.

When I met Wu Huimin, he was sitting in his office arranging related work for the backbone of the hospital, and after several contacts, he found that he had an innate sense of affinity, which made people feel particularly warm. After a closer discussion, I found that he was the winner of the May Day Labor Medal of Zhuzhou City, the top ten doctors in Zhuzhou City, the deputy leader of the Orthopedics Group of the Provincial Orthopedics Committee, the vice chairman of the Limb Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Engineering Committee of the Provincial Rehabilitation Medical Association, and the vice chairman of the Municipal Orthopedic Professional Committee. In the nearly thirty years of work, Wu Huimin has poured almost all her sweat and effort into traditional Chinese medicine and other related work.

Inherit and keep the business and strengthen the TCM industry

Zhuzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine and Trauma Hospital, which was established and developed in 1958, although its appearance is old and unconcealed, it is actually full of vitality and is more and more trusted by the people. For more than 60 years, the Trauma Hospital has clearly recorded the development and changes of Zhuzhou's traditional Chinese medicine industry.

In 1958, born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai, the teenager came to Zhuzhou from Shi Xiaoshan, a famous artist of Shanghai "Shi Shi", and jointly opened a family injury clinic with Lin Yingfan, the wife of Zhang Zigeng, the fifth generation of "Zhang Family" orthopedics in Huxiang, to relieve bone pain, treat diseases and save people, and became famous for a while. Later, it was renamed several times and developed into "Zhuzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine And Injury Hospital".

Interview 丨Wu Huimin: Inheriting the essence, shouzheng innovation, and making every effort to promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine

Shi Wanmei, the founder of "Shi's" orthopedic bone, is doing manual treatment for patients.

Shi visited Mei Rong's family tradition, Shanghai's "Shi's" and Huxiang's "Zhang's" orthopedic three families, innovative development, the formation of "Shi's" traditional orthopedic technology, the core idea of which is "first identify the bone body shape, detect the shape of the bone to recognize clearly, dialectical rectification in one method, hand touch the heart will receive the bone spirit", with its family heirloom medicine treatment technology, formed a unique style of "manual reduction, splint fixation, Chinese medicine external application and internal administration" orthopedic bone treatment concept. In particular, her traditional Chinese medicine humanistic feelings of "clever hands and benevolent hearts, hanging pots and saving the world" are praised by the world and are well-known in the land of Sanxiang. These were passed down in Zhuzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine and Trauma Hospital, and since then the "Shi's" orthopedic school has been formed.

During the anti-epidemic period in 2020, the participation rate of traditional Chinese medicine in Zhuzhou Reached 93.33%, of which the injury hospital played a major role.

In the summer of 2021, in the face of the strong enemy "Delta", the medical staff of the Wound Hospital implemented "one consultation a day, one prescription per person, and one adjustment in three days", and the participation rate of traditional Chinese medicine in treatment reached 100%. After the introduction of traditional Chinese medicine, the symptoms of cough, fever and diarrhea were significantly reduced in all patients.

Interview 丨Wu Huimin: Inheriting the essence, shouzheng innovation, and making every effort to promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine

Yuan Shangfeng, a provincial famous Traditional Chinese medicine doctor and vice president of the Injury Hospital, consulted as a TCM expert in the designated treatment hospital for new crown pneumonia.

"We can say that we can stand on the shoulders of our predecessors and forge ahead, while catching up with the best era of the development of Traditional Chinese medicine." Wu Huimin said that since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important expositions on the development of traditional Chinese medicine, providing a fundamental follow-up and action guide for the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine in the new era. At present, the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine has ushered in a great opportunity for time, location, people and people, and is in a period of promising historical opportunities.

The "Shi's" orthopedic and traditional Chinese medicine treatment technology of the wound hospital responds to the needs of the times and meets the needs of the people in the process of innovating the old. In accordance with the work idea of "overall promotion, key cultivation, and comprehensive improvement", with the consolidation and improvement of the high-quality development of the hospital as the starting point, the hospital's work in all aspects has maintained an overall stable, stable and progressive trend. Adhere to the development direction of traditional Chinese medicine, promote scientific research and innovation, and strengthen the construction of disciplines and talents.

Advantages of TCM Exhibition Inheritance and Development into the "New Bureau"

Wu Huimin introduced that in the last century, there was a period of medical controversy, and some medical people thought that Chinese medicine was useless. But over time, Chinese medicine continues to play its role. "People's cognition is limited and knowledge is unlimited, and the epidemic has allowed people to objectively evaluate TCM."

"The history of the development of Chinese medicine is the history of the fight against epidemics." Wu Huimin said that in the 3,000-year written history of Chinese medicine, there have been more than 500 large and small epidemics, from the Yellow Emperor's Neijing to the typhoid theory to the "Four Greats of Wen Disease" in the Qing Dynasty, Chinese medicine has accumulated a lot of effective experience in treating epidemic diseases, and has also summarized many effective prescriptions.

Interview 丨Wu Huimin: Inheriting the essence, shouzheng innovation, and making every effort to promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine

Promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine.

During the SARS period in 2003, the prevention and control system of infectious diseases in the mainland was in its infancy. In Wu Huimin's view, SARS has taught the mainland a very good lesson in its understanding of infectious diseases.

"When the new crown outbreak broke out, although we did not have a deep understanding of the virus, our country already had a very good foundation for understanding infectious diseases." Wu Huimin said that in this new crown epidemic, the state has combined the prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine into the whole process of new crown treatment in the early stage.

Wu Huimin said that from the first edition to the latest edition of the "New Crown Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan", the length of Traditional Chinese Medicine is getting larger and larger, and it is becoming more and more specific. In the latest eighth edition of the "New Crown Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan", it is clearly written that this disease belongs to the category of "epidemic" diseases in traditional Chinese medicine, and the cause of the disease feels the atmosphere of "epidemic", and all localities can carry out dialectical treatment according to the condition, local climate characteristics and different physiques.

"The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to inherit and develop the cause of traditional Chinese medicine." On the one hand, the wound hospital takes the initiative to undertake high-quality medical resources in Beijing, Shanghai, Changsha and other places, on the other hand, it provides personalized and differentiated precision assistance for talent training, discipline construction, scientific research and innovation in district and town hospitals and community health service centers. "The cause of traditional Chinese medicine inherits and innovates, and we feel deeply responsible and honorable." Wu Huimin said.

Ten years of trees, a hundred years of tree people, talent training is never an overnight thing, need to be planned step by step to achieve. Wu Huimin divides the talent system into three layers: famous and old Chinese medicine experts are the treasure house and resources of the hospital, the root of the development of the hospital, and the top of the inheritance; Young and middle-aged experts are the backbone; Young people are a reserve force. "The old gentlemen are old, if they can't establish a good inheritance system as soon as possible, the inheritance of Chinese medicine will be hindered, and innovative development will be impossible to talk about." At present, Zhuzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine and Trauma Hospital has continuously expanded the team of traditional Chinese medicine talents in the hospital through "passing on help" and in the way of "famous doctors, famous teachers and famous departments".

Shouzheng innovation revitalizes the development of traditional Chinese medicine

Wu Huimin believes that the development of Chinese medicine, the premise is to keep the right, first of all, we must have a comprehensive grasp of the traditional Chinese medicine knowledge and theoretical system, and use the thinking of Chinese medicine to guide clinical practice.

In injury hospitals, there is an unwritten rule that new orthopedic surgeons must learn small splint making and bandaging techniques. It is understood that at present, the vast majority of hospitals generally use gypsum trays and braces in the conservative treatment of bone injuries.

"The advantages of gypsum and braces are convenient, but the braces are expensive, cannot be used twice, and need to be replaced regularly, which increases the economic pressure on patients." Wu Huimin introduced that the injury hospital generally prefers small splint external fixation, because the small splint external fixation can be freely adjusted according to the patient's fat and thin physique, the location of the fracture and the degree of swelling, and the type of fracture, which can fix the affected area without hindering blood circulation. In the 1980s and 1990s, in addition to the necessary surgery such as open fractures, 70% of fractures were treated with splints, and now this inexpensive traditional Chinese medicine treatment method is difficult to find, and many young people have not even heard of the word splint. "The TCM Trauma Hospital has passed this on well, and patients recognize this treatment method."

Innovation is development, and modern Chinese medicine must have the ability to master modern science and technology. "TCM is not synonymous with tradition, it has always kept pace with the times." Wu Huimin said that Chinese medicine has always been integrated with the most advanced science and technology of the times.

Among them, standardization is undoubtedly an important starting point for the future development of traditional Chinese medicine. Wu Huimin believes that the standardization of traditional Chinese medicine is an important technical support for the development of traditional Chinese medicine, which is of great significance for promoting the academic development of traditional Chinese medicine, improving the clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, standardizing industry management, promoting administration according to law, promoting the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, and accelerating the development of traditional Chinese medicine to the world.

Interview 丨Wu Huimin: Inheriting the essence, shouzheng innovation, and making every effort to promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine

GPP certified Chinese medicine preparation building.

"To be a standard, we must have standardized processes, scientific methods and quality assurance systems." Wu Huimin and other leaders of the hospital have long been involved in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine standards. The hospital has a GPP certified traditional Chinese medicine preparation building, which integrates independent research, development, production and inspection. The hospital strives to promote the development of characteristic specialty medical certificates combined with special disease preparations, and has launched 9 kinds of bone injury series special preparations such as traumatic external dispersion and skull cedar continuous dispersion, and more than 30 kinds of hospital agreement parties, of which the trauma external dispersion preparation has been used in the hospital for nearly 50 years and has obtained national patents.

In the future, Zhuzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine and Trauma Hospital will continue to accurately match the expectations of the people for diversified medical and health needs in the new era, focus on showing new responsibilities in promoting the deepening of medical reform, enhancing the integration of China and the West, and accumulating development momentum, strive to contribute to the high-quality development of Zhuzhou, and strive to realize the people's yearning for a better life.

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