
"Every year, I think it is not easy to pick one thing that can be done for the people."

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
"Every year, I think it is not easy to pick one thing that can be done for the people."

Character business card

Yu Ziwei

After the 90s, Maoming Xinyi. In 2011, he joined Guangzhou Diesel Engine Factory Co., Ltd. and is currently the assistant director of the company's assembly workshop. In August 2016, he represented the company to participate in the Guangzhou Electric Equipment Group Skill Competition, and was awarded the title of "Guangzhou Technological Innovation Expert" by the Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions and the title of "Guangzhou Technical Expert" issued by the Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in the fitter project, and was awarded the "2016 Guangzhou Top Ten Outstanding Youth Post Experts" by the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League in May 2017; was elected as a deputy to the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress in early 2018, and was awarded by the Guangdong Provincial Federation of Trade Unions in April" Guangdong Province May Day Labor Medal".

On January 20, the Fifth Session of the 13th People's Congress of Guangdong Province opened in Guangzhou, and Yu Ziwei, a post-90s people's congress deputy, also participated in it, and he will make relevant suggestions on further standardizing and improving the division of non-motorized roads and sidewalks in urban areas and town streets in Guangdong Province.

At the beginning of 2018, Yu Ziwei was elected as a deputy to the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, and he still remembers that his father said to him at that time: "When you become a people's congress deputy, you must really speak up for the people." In his 5-year representative career, "doing practical things for the people" has become his "key word". In order to better perform his duties, relevant laws and regulations and reference books have become his fragmented time to read, before the start of the two sessions, he collected opinions in the circle of friends to improve his suggestions.

After 5 years of service, as a post-90s generation, he has really grown.

Talk about how to perform your duties

Gather opinions in the circle of friends before writing suggestions

"The Provincial People's Congress is about to be held, are you ready?" Leaders from all walks of life are welcome to call and micro to discuss the high views on the division of non-motorized roads (adding barriers) in the main sections of high traffic in cities (districts) and town streets in Guangdong Province. On the eve of this year's provincial two sessions, Yu Ziwei sent a message in his circle of friends, hoping to collect a wider range of opinions and further improve the proposals for participating in this year's meeting.

Yu Ziwei, a post-90s generation, is the assistant director of the assembly workshop of Guangzhou Diesel Engine Factory Co., Ltd. of Guangzhou Industrial Control Group, and at the end of 2017, he was elected as a candidate for the provincial people's congress deputy by the Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions, and then began a 5-year road of performance.

"At that time, when I learned about the election through the newspaper, I contacted my family for the first time, and the most impressive thing was that my father said such a sentence, he said, 'When you become a deputy to the National People's Congress, you must really and truly speak out for the people.'" Yu Ziwei said that his father gave him a lot of suggestions with his accumulated life experience, and also made him more deeply appreciate the meaning of being a people's congress deputy, and "doing practical things for the people" has become the most core keyword in his work in the past 5 years.

Yu Ziwei's daily work is not easy, he is mainly responsible for the research and testing of new models. After becoming a deputy, he also has to participate in relevant training and research of the people's congress. At first, the timing of his work and the work of his deputies was always not so appropriate, and he admitted that this made him a bit "busy".

In order to better complete the performance of his duties, he began to explore new areas with trepidation. Since participating in the training of new deputies, he has added many reference books to himself, and relevant laws and regulations and reference books such as "Research on the System of Proposals for People's Congress Deputies' Bills" and "Practical Manual for People's Congress Deputies to Perform Their Duties According to Law" have become his fragmented time readings.

Talk about making suggestions

From idea to forming advice, it's not that simple

"At the beginning of the proposal, many suggestions are not so mature, and by learning from friends around me or people's congress deputies in the past how to standardize proposals, based on the reality of their own work, they put forward more practical suggestions." As a representative of laisui migrant workers, many of the suggestions made by Yu Ziwei at previous sessions are related to laisui migrant workers, including their children's schooling, kindergarten and medical treatment.

In the process of learning and accumulation, Yu Ziwei put forward many targeted suggestions based on his own situation and the field of work he was in, some of which were adopted and publicly replied. One of the suggestions that impressed him the most was about improving the treatment of employees. Yu Ziwei once proposed that it is necessary to improve the treatment and social recognition of skilled personnel in order to build a stable team of high-skilled talents. Soon, the proposal was reflected in the work plan of the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department for the following year.

Recently, Yu Ziwei also put forward the proposal to give full play to the role of in-service labor model craftsmen in Guangdong Province to enter the campus and enter enterprises, and the Guangdong Provincial Trade Union publicly replied that it will further play the leading role of labor model artisan talents, broaden the channel for labor model craftsmen to grow into talents, promote the improvement of the treatment of labor model craftsmen, and provide a communication platform and build a display stage for labor model craftsmen.

"When I was just elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress, I had many ideas about the social and people's livelihood." Yu Ziwei said that in the process of performing his duties, he gradually discovered that it was not so simple to go from idea to forming a mature proposal.

When he participated in the training of the National People's Congress, the words of a trainer still vividly remembered: Suggestions and bills are not too many but fine. "Sometimes there are a lot of ideas, and if they are all put forward, they may not be able to take care of it, and the effect is counterproductive." Yu Ziwei said: "It is not easy for representatives from different strata to speak out for the people in the crowd and pick one thing every year that can be done for the people."

Talk about this year's proposal

Standardize and improve the division of non-motorized roads and sidewalks

The identity label of the post-90s people's congress deputies once made Yu Ziwei a bit of an "internet celebrity", and when he interviewed, he said with a smile: "The post-90s generation is not young, this label may have left a young and immature impression on the elders in the early years, but now it is also a representative of vitality and the strongest voice of the times." Willingness to learn and dare to do is also a sign of the post-90s. ”

The acceptance of new things also makes Yu Ziwei more in line with the actual situation of social development in the proposal process. He revealed that this year's proposal will focus on further standardizing and improving the division of non-motorized roads and sidewalks in urban roads in Guangdong Province.

Yu Ziwei observed that the people of Guangdong are particularly fond of electric bicycles and bicycles, because after the express delivery industry, food delivery brother, substitute driver, shared electric bicycle (shared bicycle) and several other industry armies joined, the design of non-motorized roads and pedestrian passages in various cities in the Greater Bay Area is obviously unable to better meet the current needs of people's lives, and there will often be a phenomenon of non-motorized vehicles driving on the motorized road or on the sidewalk.

To this end, he proposed in the proposal that the focus should be on promoting the rational division of non-motorized roads and sidewalks in the cities in the Greater Bay Area, and for cities with economic conditions, do a good job of isolating motorized lanes from non-motorized lanes, so that non-motorized vehicles will not occupy motorized lanes, and through road division and isolation measures, the two lanes will not interfere with normal driving, which will also greatly reduce traffic accidents caused by motor vehicles and non-motorized vehicles. Secondly, after the non-motorized road is reasonably divided, the non-motorized vehicle will not rampage on the sidewalk, so that pedestrians on the sidewalk can also walk with peace of mind, so that citizens can walk more assured, safer and more secure.

Yu Ziwei hopes that by re-rationally dividing the non-motorized roads and sidewalks in the urban (town) road sections of Guangdong Province, the traffic pressure in Guangdong Province will be further alleviated, and at the same time, it will truly take care of people from people to people and vehicles, and truly think of what the people think and do what the people expect.

Coordinator: Nandu reporter Wu Xuan

Written by: Nandu reporter Zheng Yunan

Photo: Nandu reporter Dong Zihao


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