
China Telecom Guangdong Foshan Branch joined hands with Jianlibao Company to build "5G + Digital Intelligent Factory"

author:China Telecom

On the morning of January 19, 2022, the "Guangdong Jianlibao Co., Ltd. Digital Intelligent Factory and China Telecom 5G Project Signing Kick-off Meeting" was held in the Corporate Culture Exhibition Hall of Huanju Jianlibao Company, and the Economic science and Technology Bureau of Sanshui District of Foshan, the Southwest Street Office and strategic partners jointly participated in the grand event. At the meeting, Guangdong Jianlibao Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement with China Telecom Foshan Branch to fully launch the "5G + Digital Intelligent Factory" project.

China Telecom Guangdong Foshan Branch joined hands with Jianlibao Company to build "5G + Digital Intelligent Factory"
China Telecom Guangdong Foshan Branch joined hands with Jianlibao Company to build "5G + Digital Intelligent Factory"

China Telecom Foshan Branch will make full use of the advantages of China Telecom's 5G customized network to provide a vpc with bandwidth enhancement, low latency and local data offload for Jianlibao's factory, cooperate with MEC/Tianyi Cloud, maximize the advantages of cloud-side collaboration, empower Jianlibao's digital applications, escort Jianlibao's digital factory with the "5G+cloud+security+platform" system, and jointly build a new generation of "lighthouse factory".

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