
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs focused on responding! Wheat, corn, soybean production, and genetically modified issues

author:China Grain Network

The Information Office of the State Council held a press conference on 20 July. Both the Central Economic Work Conference and the Central Rural Work Conference stressed that ensuring the supply of primary products is a major strategic issue, and doing a good job in the production and supply of grain and important agricultural products is a bottom-line task that cannot be lost. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will resolutely implement the central decision-making and deployment, do everything possible to grasp grain production, ensure that grain output continues to remain above 1.3 trillion kilograms, and firmly hold the rice bowl of Chinese in its own hands.

In terms of target tasks, we should further consolidate grain output and optimize the grain structure. The focus is on achieving "two stability and two expansions," stabilizing rations and corn, and expanding beans and oilseeds.

In terms of stabilizing rations, we should stabilize the production of rice and wheat crops, do a good job in double-cropping rice in the south, and do everything possible to seize a bumper harvest of wheat in the summer. In terms of stabilizing corn, we will focus on increasing the yield of corn and consolidating and improving production capacity. In terms of expanding soybeans, we will establish a reasonable rotation system of corn and soybeans and guide the expansion of soybeans in the northeast region. In the northwest, Huanghuaihai, southwest, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and other suitable areas, vigorously promote soybean and corn strip compound planting. In terms of oil expansion, adhere to the winter rapeseed, spring rape, peanuts, oil sunflower, sesame and other oils at the same time. Expand the area, raise yield and take multiple measures.

1. The pilot industrialization of genetically modified soybean corn is carried out in an orderly manner

Zeng Yande, chief agronomist and director of the Department of Development Planning of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that to solve the problem of china's agricultural product supply, soybeans are a very important variety, from the perspective of transgenics, agricultural transgenic technology is an important aspect of the new generation of biological breeding technology, but also the most mature and widely used new technology. Three points on the application of GMos in China:

First, genetically modified breeding is scientifically rigorous. In the field of agricultural transgenics, the mainland has established a set of independent research and development systems and biosecurity guarantee systems, and obtained a number of new strains with independent intellectual property rights and industrial application prospects, such as insect-resistant herbicide corn and herbicide-resistant soybeans.

Second, the management of genetically modified varieties is strictly regulated. Agricultural genetically modified organisms can only obtain safety certificates after passing scientific and legal evaluations. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out variety verification and obtain seed production and operation licenses in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Seed Law before production and planting can be produced.

Third, the pilot project of industrial application of transgenic varieties was carried out in an orderly manner. In order to solve the problems of grassland moth and grass pests currently faced in agricultural production, last year we carried out an industrialization pilot project of herbicide-tolerant transgenic soybeans and insect-resistant herbicide transgenic corn that have obtained production and application safety certificates, and the progress is relatively good. We talk about it better, at least three points can be shown: First, the pilot transgenic varieties have excellent characteristics and obvious advantages in cost saving and efficiency. The weeding effect of genetically modified soybeans is more than 95%, which can reduce the cost of weeding by 50% and increase yield by 12%. The control effect of genetically modified corn on the grassland nightcrawler can reach 95%, which greatly reduces the cost of insect control. At the same time, the content of mycotoxins in the grains of genetically modified corn is low and the quality is good. Second, the pilot of genetically modified soybeans and corn has no adverse effects on the production environment. Growing genetically modified maize reduces pesticide use and promotes biodiversity. The third is to implement the management of "unified seed supply, unified acquisition, and unified technical specifications" on a pilot basis, and regularly carry out inspection guidance and supervision and inspection to strictly prevent illegal proliferation.

At present, we are revising the regulations of four departments, including the Measures for the Approval of Major Crop Varieties, to clarify the relevant provisions on the industrialization and application of genetically modified crops. We will work with relevant departments to continue to promote the industrialization of genetically modified organisms in a sound and orderly manner based on the principles of respecting science, strict supervision, compliance with laws and regulations, and ensuring safety, and promote the high-quality development of the seed industry.

2. Ensure that the corn area does not decrease and the soybean area increases

Pan Wenbo, director of the Department of Crop Industry Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Soybeans and corn are dryland crops, one is legumes, the other is a grass family, under the condition of abundant cultivated land resources, the interannual rotation of the two crops is not only conducive to planting land and raising land, but also conducive to high yield and stable yield, but in the case of limited cultivated land resources, the two crops have the contradiction of competing for land, which is a practical problem and a difficult problem. In order to promote the compatible development, coordinated development, and even mutual development of corn and soybeans, so that fish and bear paws can be obtained, now we must make a fuss about both incremental, and find ways in the farming system and planting mode. In recent years, various localities have carried out useful explorations and achieved gratifying results.

For example, since 2003, our ministry has organized a pilot project of soybean and corn strip composite planting, through changing the planting of single crops to high and low crops with inter-crop, changing the planting of equal rows to large and small ridge planting, changing crop continuous planting to inter-annual rotation, integrating the traditional inter-cropping technology with mechanized and standardized planting, so as to efficiently use light and temperature resources and give full play to the advantages of the side line.

For example, two rows of corn between the four rows of soybeans, farmers say that the corn line is a side row, the plant is a single plant, the ventilation and light transmission conditions are very good, the corn basically does not reduce production, and the income is increased by one season of soybeans.

For example, in 2021, the belt composite planting in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, the average spring corn yield of one mu of land can reach 802 kg, and the spring soybean yield of the set can reach 91 kg; the belt composite planting in Gaocheng, Hebei Province, the average summer corn of 1 mu of land can reach 517 kg, and the summer soybean can reach 102 kg. The average yield of soybeans in the country is about 130 kg. So the corn did not decrease, and an extra crop of soybeans was harvested.

According to our statistics, the national soybean and corn strip compound planting area in 2021 has reached more than 7 million mu, so this model has now basically matured. In the next step, we will further improve and improve the suitable varieties, suitable machinery, suitable herbicides, etc., to maximize the potential of this model. This is the most important technical measure promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs this year in expanding the production of soybean oilseeds. We strive to add 15 million mu of new area this year.

3. Wheat yield in the new season

Just now you also mentioned the problem of wheat vomiting toxin, and also mentioned the problem of wheat production this year. The quality of wheat harvested in the summer last year was generally good, and the quality of wheat was affected by various factors such as pests and diseases, weather conditions during the harvest period, and so on. Last year, wheat stripe rust, red mildew prevention and control in a timely manner, good prevention and control effect, plus the middle and late weather is good for filling maturity, there is no "rotten rain", the overall quality of wheat is good. The proportion of first-class wheat in the main producing area of Anhui is more than 85%, and the market response can also be reflected, and the acquisition enthusiasm of processing enterprises is high and the purchase price is good. However, some areas along the river are the nests of wheat gibberellosis, that is, the perennial gibberellosis in these areas is relatively heavy, mainly affected by the local rainy and humid climate. Gibberellosis is severe, and vomitin may be more abundant. The area we monitored last year with a panicle rate of more than 30 percent of gibberellosis in this area was about 1 million mu, accounting for about 0.3 percent of the country's wheat area. This part of the wheat is basically a targeted purchase, mainly used for processing industrial alcohol, and has not entered the edible or feeding process.

With regard to this year's wheat production, there was a very serious autumn flood in the winter wheat area last year, and the wheat sowing period was generally delayed. The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to it, and have promptly introduced targeted support policies, and various localities have taken extraordinary measures to go all out to grasp the autumn and winter plantings. According to the agricultural situation dispatch, although the sowing period of winter wheat is a little late, the area is basically implemented and basically stable. Grassroots comrades said that most of this year's wheat has been able to sow at full length, especially some dryland wheat that cannot be sown all year round has also been sown this year, and the seedlings are better, and the sowing of late wheat plots has increased the sowing volume. The temperature in November and December this year is generally high, so the pre-winter temperature is more, and the wheat grows better than expected before winter.

At present, the main problem is that the proportion of late-sown wheat is relatively large, and the growth of seedlings before winter is indeed weak. According to expert analysis, the growth period of wheat is relatively long, there is a lot of room for maneuver, in the past there were also times when the sowing period was delayed, as long as the sowing was carried out before winter, the management measures after the opening of spring could keep up, and there was still hope for a bumper harvest.

Just now, Chief Master Zeng said that today is a great cold, the agricultural proverb says "the great cold and the three whites are set to a good year," and it is a good omen that it snows on this day, but there is also a saying that "there are unexpected storms in the sky." We must firmly establish the idea of resisting disasters and winning a bumper harvest; in accordance with the requirements of the central authorities, we have already formulated a work plan and technical plan for a bumper harvest of grain and wheat in the summer; as soon as the spring begins, the agricultural and rural departments at all levels will throw down and suppress their strength, base themselves on the word "early," grasp the word "promotion," increase fattening, promote the weak and turn the strong, prevent diseases and control the grass, and promote the strongness of the grass. Every effort should be made to seize this year's bumper summer grain and wheat harvest and win the initiative for the stable development of grain throughout the year.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China Grain Network Comprehensive Finishing.

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