
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting

author:Nine Schools of Observation

On January 18, the Kunming detachment solemnly held the "one main and two auxiliary" task deployment and training mobilization oath meeting. The meeting was presided over by Yang Xianyong, political commissar of the detachment, and all the commanders and fighters of the organs and grass-roots units were simultaneously carried out in different places through video conferencing.

The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting

The conference opened with the majestic sound of the national anthem, and Yu Xin, deputy head of the detachment, read out the detachment's 2022 "one main and two auxiliary" task plan and training work instructions. The plan instructs that the main tasks of the 2022 annual training are, first, to vigorously standardize the training order of the team; second, to strengthen the professional skills of forest fire fighting; third, to scientifically improve the comprehensive rescue maneuver capability; fourth, to build and strengthen the global mobility; and fifth, to improve the training support efficiency.

The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting

The chief officers of the Special Service Brigade, the Directly Subordinate Brigade, the Kunming Brigade, and the Emergency Communications and Vehicle Service Squadron made statements in turn. At the meeting, Li Xiaozhong, detachment leader, delivered a mobilization speech and made work arrangements. Detachment Leader Li demanded: With regard to the tasks of "one main and two auxiliaries," first, it is necessary to fully understand the situation of the tasks, thoroughly and meticulously study and judge the situation of the tasks in accordance with the "three modernizations" combat readiness standards, scientifically and rationally formulate plans for multiple disasters, further optimize the organization of forces and equipment, and implement the systems of combat readiness education, combat readiness duty, combat back management, and combat readiness drills throughout the year, so as to always maintain a state of readiness and rapid response. Second, it is necessary to make solid preparations for the task; on the "one main" task, it is necessary to continuously consolidate and enhance the fire-fighting combat capability in the alpine forest areas of Yunnan, truly base ourselves on actual combat, boldly explore, blaze new trails, and innovate in terms of tactical tactics, force deployment, and equipment application, further practice the air-ground coordination and three-dimensional combat mode, and vigorously promote the modernization process of detachment fire fighting operations. In the "two auxiliary" tasks, it is necessary to give full play to the special advantages of the three echelons of detachment special service, rapid response, and routine operation, and form a comprehensive rescue system that can quickly maneuver to the core of the disaster area in the form of a special sharp knife detachment and can also be organized into the disaster area to carry out operations in a large-scale reorganization system, closely focus on the needs of the task, distinguish the types of disasters, make all-round preparations, and ensure that we can effectively respond to tasks with professional and exquisite quality. Third, we must earnestly ensure the safety of tasks. It is necessary to firmly establish the rescue principles of "two supremes" and "scientific rescue and safety first", keep an eye on all stages of mission operations, assess risks in advance, predict risks in a timely manner, effectively resolve risks, and resolutely prevent the team from falling into danger. It is necessary to abandon the erroneous understanding that missions and actions are commanded by intuition, overcome the paralyzing thinking, systematically study advanced rescue theoretical knowledge at home and abroad, clearly and unambiguously grasp rescue safety procedures, do a good job in battlefield surveys in a down-to-earth and meticulous manner, scientifically and rationally formulate rescue plans, and rigorously and conscientiously check the wearing of rescue equipment. It is necessary to carry out safety education well, enhance the ability to recognize, prevent, avoid, and rescue dangers, obey orders, obey commands, and act in a unified manner. Especially in key links such as long-distance maneuvering and rest and recuperation, it is necessary to consolidate the responsibilities of cadres, drivers, safety personnel, and observers with vehicles, adhere to the safety bottom line throughout the time and the whole process, and ensure the realization of the goal of "good completion of tasks and safety and security".

The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting

Li Xiaozhong, detachment leader, stressed that in terms of training work in 2022, we must persist in placing training work in an important position. All levels must focus on the rescue needs of "all kinds of disasters, major emergencies, and cross-regional" rescue, enhance political consciousness, and strengthen the sense of responsibility. It is necessary to grasp the training work as a project of the party committee and the project of the chief officers; the chief officers at all levels should conscientiously analyze the training situation of the contingent and examine and approve the training plan in light of reality; the backbone cadres should take the lead in organizing training and taking the lead in participating in the training, continuously standardize the training order, keep a close eye on the implementation at the end of the training, and vigorously guide the whole contingent to regard the large-scale grasp of training as the most pragmatic work for improving quality and strength, the most core basic work, and the most normal construction requirements. Vigorously commend units and individuals with excellent training results, guide all personnel to change from passive training to active training, and set off an atmosphere of promising training, training in place, and meritorious training. Second, we must persist in making efforts to consolidate the foundation of training. It is necessary to resolutely implement the requirements of the forest fire bureau's instructions for vigorously grasping special training, study and popularize the "eight types of group training models," persist in administering training according to law and strictly administering training, and strive to overcome the inherent defects that restrict the training level of the contingent, such as unclear responsibility for grasping training, poor implementation of the system, incomplete training content, and lax discipline in examination style and examination. It is necessary to firmly establish the orientation of "large-scale training and large-scale examination, full-scale training than full-scale examination, and strict training and strict examination," do a good job in training work planning, implementation, evaluation, and guarantee passes, scientifically refine the training contents, methods, standards, and requirements in close connection with the actual conditions of undertaking tasks, existing equipment, and personnel quality, make efforts to really plan, study, and really grasp real training, constantly enhance the actual results of training, and temper hard skills. Third, we must persist in strengthening the level of training in a real combat environment. It is necessary to take actual combat as the "baton" to lead the training orientation, and based on the needs of the "all-disaster" and "major emergency" tasks, the leading organs must strengthen their professional capabilities, innovate and study dynamic command, rapid command, and precise command, and improve their ability to make plans and make decisions and organize and command. Grass-roots units should do a good job in individual skills, squad coordination, and detachment tactical training, persist in working with a single element first, and then synthesize multiple elements, and synthesize and form an overall ability step by step. Distinguish between professional characteristics and task categories, regularly carry out actual combat training in entering mountains and forests and wading down rivers and rivers, make full use of comprehensive rescue training and training of backbone talents, and give prominence to field training, skill competitions, and real-life drills.

The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting

Political Commissar Yang Xianyong put forward three requirements for the next step of work: First, it is necessary to give play to the organizational role. Party committees and branches at all levels should give better play to their role as the core of leadership, earnestly improve their political, ideological, and work stations, regard military training and preparation for war as an important task in development and as an important duty, and run the leading role of party organizations through all links and aspects of military training and preparation. Second, it is necessary to scientifically coordinate the work. All units should profoundly study the spirit of the enlarged meeting of the higher-level party committees, especially digest and understand the annual work plans made by the party committees of the detachments and the summer of the department, make scientific overall plans and coordination, strengthen communication and docking, handle well the contradictions between engineering and learning, and ensure that all work can start smoothly from the beginning of the year, advance hand in hand, and develop together. Third, it is necessary to cultivate a pragmatic style. All levels must fully understand the new situation in the current contingent building and development; it is an inevitable trend that the task pressure is high and the work pace is fast; everyone in the detachment must take the initiative to take action, conscientiously perform their duties and fulfill their responsibilities, and promote collective progress with individual progress; all personnel must unify their thinking with the detachment party committee, make efforts to improve practical results, vigorously cultivate a down-to-earth and pragmatic work style, race against the clock to do work, strive for excellence and implementation, unite as one, and jointly write a new chapter in detachment building.

The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting
The Kunming detachment held a "one main and two auxiliaries" task deployment and a training mobilization oath meeting

At the end of the conference, the leader of the Li Xiaozhong detachment announced the opening order, marking the official start of the 2022 training of the Kunming Forest Fire Brigade.

Producer: Wang Zhengkang

Editor-in-Charge: Fanbing Zhang

Editor of this issue: Wang Jie

Proofreader of this issue: Guo Yuanfeng Ru Longjun

【Source: Yunnan Forest Fire Protection】

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