
Don't give up the new crown virus "zero"

author:Chinese graticule

The new crown pneumonia Omiljung variant was introduced to Taiwan from Taoyuan Airport in early January, and in just half a month, the confirmed cases soared to 130 cases. Although Omilon has strong transmission, but the severe disease and mortality rate are low, whether the epidemic prevention policy should adhere to zero, or change the coexistence mode with the virus, experts are arguing. The two strategies have their own advantages and disadvantages, but human knowledge of the new crown virus is still limited, Taiwan is an island, border defense is relatively easy, based on the health of the people and their own safety considerations, epidemic prevention can keep one point and keep one point, do not give up zero.

Emphasis is placed on vaccines and epidemic prevention measures

The characteristics of Omikejong are extremely strong, but the virus survives in the upper respiratory tract, reproduces slowly in the lower respiratory tract and lungs, and has low severe and mortal mortality rates, so the daily new cases around the world soar to 3 million, and the number of deaths remains flat. Some experts believe that the strong clearance of the mainland is too large, and the social cost is too large, since Omilon is mostly asymptomatic or mild, which means that the new crown pneumonia will change in the direction of influenza, there is no need to spend a lot of resources to eliminate it, and the society can coexist peacefully with it after the vaccine is popularized.

This has always been the idea of many European and American experts, the first Buddhist epidemic prevention to seek herd immunity in the United Kingdom, proved to have failed, and now the international community no longer talks about herd immunity, because the development of immune escape of TheOmi Kerong proves that under the continuous mutation of the virus, the idea of herd immunity is too naïve. Because of immunity to this strain, immunity to the next strain, the process of repeated infection, will cause damage to the health and life of the people. Europe and the United States are the most serious areas of Omicron, which is of course related to the decline of vaccine antibodies after half a year, but also because the people in Europe and the United States are psychologically tired of epidemic prevention, unwilling to wear masks to comply with epidemic prevention measures, and want to return to the past laissez-faire days, many people refuse to get vaccinated and refuse to endure the inconvenience of life, so that the case is out of control. Examples from Europe and the United States tell us that vaccination and epidemic prevention measures must not be abandoned, and we must not leave the other after vaccination.

Taiwan is in the initial stage of the epidemic, and the number of cases may increase in an equal proportion, and finally bloom everywhere like Europe and the United States. The team of Chen Xiuxi of the National Taiwan Public Health Institute estimates that there will be 540 infected people by the end of this month; but it is also possible that with effective epidemic prevention control and good hygiene practices, we can cut off the chain of infection and let the virus that is scattered be blocked by masks and disinfectants. This wave of epidemic is brought about by the Spring Festival homecoming tide, not the local crowd, as long as the virus that has been spread is blocked and the control of entry is strengthened, there is still a chance to prevent a major outbreak of the epidemic. Since there is an opportunity, of course, we must do our best, the people of Taiwan have always been very public health awareness, most of them are willing to abide by the epidemic prevention regulations, which is the biggest support for Taiwan's epidemic prevention achievements, and everyone must work together.

Alert the escalation to be upgraded

Some people think that The Symptoms of Omikeron are mild and do not have to spend a lot of effort to kill them. It is true that epidemic prevention should strike the most feasible and long-term balance between social costs and epidemic risks, but although Omikerong has many mild diseases, as long as the number of infections is large, severe illness and death will still follow, and the elderly and unvaccinated children should be especially careful, and we cannot risk their lives. Moreover, the increase in confirmed cases will cause a burden on the amount of medical treatment and compress other medical needs. In addition, we do not know enough about the new crown virus, and it is difficult to say whether the infection will cause long-term sequelae. One less person infected is equivalent to one less string of human infections, and the accompanying medical expenses and social costs.

If the epidemic prevention is relaxed because the symptoms of Aomi Kerong are as mild as a cold, the government and the public will reduce their awareness of vigilance, in case there is a new variant with strong toxicity in the future, sneaking in and wandering around when the taiwan gateway is wide open, then it will be busy trying to pull up the defense line again. After the outbreak in May last year, many loopholes in epidemic prevention have been filled, and now we should be able to continue to track and contain the virus without attacking the people's livelihood economy. After the outbreak of infection in the peach machine, the epidemic prevention unit and the local government actively investigated the epidemic, carried out the landing inspection of the flight, and tracked down the loss, which was a necessary response. The peak of the Spring Festival homecoming tide has passed, and the number of inbound passengers will be greatly reduced in the future, and all flights should be inspected and quickly PCR, and the virus should be intercepted in the first line of defense.

We still have a chance to stop the epidemic, so we must do our best to stop it. If the outbreak expands rapidly and even multiple unidentified sources of infection emerge, the escalation of vigilance will escalate, including the suspension of restaurant use and large-scale events, the closure of tourist attractions or the restriction of the number of people. The public should also be vigilant, and at this time when the epidemic is about to explode, take the initiative to reduce out-of-town gatherings and endure temporary inconveniences for long-term safety. The virus brought back by the tide of returning home is waiting for the Spring Festival people to spread out during the dinner and travel. If Taiwan can block this first wave, it is likely to suppress the entire peak. Now is the time when we still have the ability to clear zero, don't let go too early, as long as the whole people work together, there is a great chance to survive the crisis.

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