
After more than 6 years of work, 7 achievements have been formed

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - People's Daily

After more than 6 years of work, 7 achievements have been formed

This edition is drafted by Wang Zheping

On January 19, the "Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Heritage Report Collection (2022)" (hereinafter referred to as the Heritage Report Collection) was released, comprehensively sorting out and summarizing the important achievements achieved in the preparation of the Winter Olympics over the past six years from the seven aspects of sports, economy, society, culture, environment, urban development and regional development.

Wang Renhua, deputy director of the Overall Planning Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, said: "With the joint efforts of all parties, the heritage work of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games has achieved positive results, and the results of multi-faceted preparations have been transformed into a realistic heritage, benefiting the broad masses of the people in advance, driving the development of cities and regions, and creating a new situation of win-win development of the Olympic Movement and the host city and region." ”

Work Advancement——

Gather the wisdom of all families and bring together the strength of all parties

Creating a rich legacy of the Winter Olympics and bringing long-term and positive benefits to the host city and the general public is in line with the reform spirit of the International Olympic Committee and is also one of the important symbols of successful Olympic games.

The work of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee has been integrated into the heritage concept at the planning stage and has been carried out throughout the preparations. In 2019, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Heritage Strategic Plan was released, which set out 7 heritage goals and key tasks in 35 areas of sports, economy, society, culture, environment, urban development and regional development, aiming to create a rich Winter Olympic heritage through scientific planning, creation, management and application of the results of the preparation.

The legacy work of the Winter Olympics covers a wide range of areas and involves many fields, which requires the wisdom of all families and the strength of all parties. In November 2018, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Heritage Coordination Committee was established, and the departments of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee coordinated with relevant departments and units to form a linkage work mechanism, give full play to their respective strengths, and simultaneously plan and promote heritage work in various fields.

On the one hand, the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee strengthened exchanges with the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee, fully drawing on advanced international concepts and experiences, and on the other hand, based on itself, applied the Olympic heritage concepts and norms to the actual preparations for the Winter Olympic Games, and formulated a heritage plan that conformed to China's national conditions and culture.

Achievements Display——

Borrow the east wind of the Winter Olympics and paint a picture of ice and snow

While simultaneously planning and creating synchronously, the legacy work of the Winter Olympics focuses on regularly summarizing the results and issuing reports. The collection of heritage reports released this time will be produced into promotional panels, brochures and promotional videos, which will comprehensively display the achievements and highlights of the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics during the games.

Wang Renhua said that some of the results of the preparatory work have been transformed into reality, and a beautiful picture of the vigorous development of ice and snow sports has been painted across the country: "Driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports" from vision to reality. The latest data show that since the successful bid for the Winter Olympic Games, the number of residents across the country who have participated in ice and snow sports has reached 346 million, and the participation rate of ice and snow sports is 24.56%; by the beginning of 2021, there are 654 standard ice rinks and 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts in the country; based on the construction of venue facilities, ice and snow competition performances, ice and snow exhibitions, and ice and snow equipment manufacturing have accelerated, and ice and snow tourism has become a new consumption hotspot; 835 Olympic education demonstration schools and 2062 ice and snow sports characteristic schools across the country , the Olympic education and ice and snow sports into education and teaching, igniting the enthusiasm of young people to participate in ice and snow sports...

"With the help of the East Wind of the Winter Olympic Games, the venue facilities have been continuously improved, driving more people to understand and participate in ice and snow sports, which will lay a good foundation for the sustainable development of ice and snow sports after the Winter Olympics." Wang Shirley, director of the Sports Industry Development Research Center of Tsinghua University, said.

Vision come true——

Two places and three divisions, showing a new look

Beijing will become the world's first "double Olympic city" to host both the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games. Wang Renhua said that the Inheritance and Utilization of the Legacy of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing will give full play to the role of driving and demonstrating, and further accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the host city and high-quality development.

The role of the Beijing Winter Olympics in promoting the high-quality development of the host city and the traction role in the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region will leave a rich legacy. The preparation of the Winter Olympics adheres to the road of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, laying a beautiful Chinese background for the Beijing Winter Olympics. By promoting the coordinated governance of various provinces and cities, and implementing the battle against gas, sand and water, the regional ecological environment has been continuously improved. Comprehensively promote low-carbon management, and extensively carry out technological innovation and application demonstrations in low-carbon venues, low-carbon transportation, low-carbon energy and carbon neutrality, and contribute to the mainland's goal of achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality. The new appearance and new atmosphere of the three divisions in Beijing and Zhangzhou have also become a vivid practice of the new development concept.

Science and technology have added a bright color to the preparations for the Winter Olympics. Wang Shirley believes that the Characteristics of Science and Technology, Wisdom and Green in the design and construction of Winter Olympic venues have been highlighted, a number of domestic patented technologies have been formed, and a road of independent innovation has been explored. Science and technology help prepare for the Winter Olympics, and overall improve the competitive level of ice and snow sports.

According to reports, the series of heritage achievement reports will also be released in an international version, aiming to tell the Chinese story well and spread the Chinese voice. "This will be a positive contribution to the development of the Olympic movement by the Beijing Winter Olympics." Wang Renhua said.

What is an "Olympic Legacy"

All the tangible and intangible long-term benefits created or accelerated for the public, cities and regions, as well as for the development of the Olympic Movement, through the organization of sporting events such as the Olympic Games – this is the definition of "Olympic heritage" in the IOC's Strategic Approach on Heritage.

On its website, the International Olympic Committee has compiled the legacy of several Olympic Games, as early as the 1920 Antwerp Olympic Games, when the peace dove was first released at the opening ceremony, a ceremony that has been used in all Olympic Games since then. But at the time, the concept of Olympic legacy was not systematically and explicitly proposed.

In 2002, the IOC organized an international seminar on heritage. In July 2003, the IOC's Olympic Research Committee issued a report clarifying the importance of the Olympic legacy, a concept that was enshrined in the Olympic Charter. In 2014, the Olympic Agenda 2020 was promulgated, a reform plan proposed by IOC President Bach to call for a bid for the Olympic Games to "focus on sustainability and Olympic legacy."

The Beijing Winter Olympics thus became the first Olympic Games to be fully planned and managed from the beginning of the preparations after the promulgation of the Olympic Agenda 2020.

(Compiled by Liu Shuoyang, reporter of this newspaper) People's Daily ( 2022.01.21 15 edition)

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