
How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


In the gym

Some people will use too much force

If you don't pay attention, you practice yourself until you vomit

Something squirted out of the mouth

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?

So today we will observe it

People in the gym practice until they are excited

How crazy is that?

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Challenge the big weight on the spot

That picture is a bit wild

There is also a sour smell

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Even if there are brothers behind them to assist

It may not be easy to do a lot of weight

Sometimes I really practice until I throw up

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


The girl before performing the "stunt"

The momentum must be strong enough

Oh my God, she succeeded and threw up at the same time...

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Besides, fitness practice until you throw up

Some girls may not be able to escape

The fate of urinary incontinence on the spot!

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


No, this girl is

Push your limits

Suddenly, I felt a stream of heat in my body

Gushes out uncontrollably, and then...

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?

In fact

Any master in the gym

All through sprint weight and repeated training

Only to make their own continuous progress

Therefore vomiting and urination during workouts

It is a reaction when the body is overloaded

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?

And really in the gym

The cause of many injuries

It comes from some strange "riot" operations

And blind imitation of difficult actions:

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


"Mentally retarded" people have a lot of fun!

When they show off suffocating maneuvers

Minutes make you and I laugh in the gym

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Recently I have felt some looseness in my teeth

Eating is not fragrant anymore

You must come to the gym to practice your teeth

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


It is said that fitness requires a brain

Don't practice your brain well

How can you practice your body well?

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


I know you're a single dog

But does the instrument have a vendetta against you?

Why are you insulting it so much?

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Big brother, I know you're middle-aged

The crisis has been realized

But you practice like this

I'm afraid it's not good...

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


There's nothing good about fitness

Want to make yourself better

Just practice and you're done

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Please, here is the gym

Not a juggling troupe!

Trouble you let go of the elliptical machine

It's all falling apart...

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


See this scene

Didn't know he was lying down

Still performing iron swallowing

I felt a pain in my throat across the screen

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Look at this trembling appearance

Barbells are not happy anymore

The next second, I was stripped of my pants

What could be more embarrassing than that?

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Big long legs, peach buttocks

Show up on the treadmill

Do you love such a hip?

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


New feature of gantry

As long as the inmates cooperate well

One leg training, one core training

All in one go, perfect~

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


The apparatus is dead

But man is alive

Only flexible use

In order to achieve the miracle effect of brain congestion!

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Sister you train like this

The scene will be too exciting

It's really hard to see

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


I can work out without I can practice

Will practice without my passion for fitness

I'm the most "fierce" guy in the whole gym

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Use the time to practice your legs to get a chest exercise

The movements are seamless

Isn't this the little genius of the fitness world?

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


In the gym

You can not trust the muscles

But be sure to trust your own brain holes

Send the IQ tax, knees sooner or later scrapped!

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Whenever I come to the gym to pick up iron

The body always dances involuntarily

Could it be that the music inside is too dynamic?

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


One worships heaven and earth, and the other worships the high church

Please, big guys, please accept my worship

Take my poor knees

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?


Even if it is assisted

Bench press is also still a high-risk training program

Because you never know

The barbell hits you in the chest at any point

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?

Believe in most people's fitness goals

It's about practicing your body

Instead of becoming a neuropathy in the eyes of others

Therefore, in the process of fitness, we must talk about the method

In order to avoid dangerous and embarrassing things from happening

How crazy are the people in the gym practicing?

Fitness, safety first

Sand sculpture fitness everyone to see on the line

Don't imitate!


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