
Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

author:Big hands hold small hands to teach squads

Today is the second day of the "Big Hand Holding Small Hand" winter vacation practice course. Teachers and students have a good foundation for the first day of running-in. In the morning, everyone sat down in front of the screen on time to start the next day's class!

Class 3 Transcript:

Lesson 1:

First of all, Mr. Du led the children to re-understand the meaning of "geography", through interactive questioning, the teacher introduced the main topic, took the students to see different views on "what is geography", and brought a more interesting and vivid definition of geography to the students.

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

Subsequently, Mr. Du used PPT to display key words and explained them in detail to deepen their understanding of geographical phenomena.

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

Then the teacher divided geography into two parts: Chinese geography and world geography, and introduced the students in detail.

In the Chinese Geography section, Mr. Du led the students to understand the map of China, understand the division of provincial administrative regions, and explain the geographical location and characteristics of the four municipalities directly under the central government and the two special administrative regions.

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

In the world geography section, the students followed the teacher's PPT, stopped in front of the Eiffel Tower in Europe, galloped on the African savannah, and danced a happy samba dance in Brazil in South America...

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

Through the study of this lesson, the children have a further understanding of the map of China, a further understanding of the division of China's provinces and administrative regions, a certain understanding of the scope of the world, and a general understanding of the humanistic phenomena of different countries and regions. The children's knowledge is enriched, and their horizons have become more extensive!

Lesson 2:

Albert Einstein once said, "Interest is the best teacher." ”。 In view of this situation, math teacher Guan mainly uses interesting mathematics teaching methods, citing mathematical cases in life, cultivating children's mathematical thinking and interest in mathematics, so as to facilitate better learning of mathematics in the future.

Before class, Teacher Guan began with the theme "What is your dream?" "Asking questions to children, bringing them closer together, and illustrating the importance of mathematics in children's growth paths through the elaboration of dreams."

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

By describing the Müller-Leigh illusion, Ms. Guan guided the children to experience the fun of mathematical graphics, and then she used mathematical riddles to connect problems to deepen the children's understanding of mathematical terms and math-related idioms, and actively interacted with the children.

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

Subsequently, Teacher Guan combined famous quotes with mathematical concepts to see life from mathematics and tell the children the philosophy of life. And from the "This is the beauty of mathematics" short film cut, to lead children to experience the mathematics in life, combined with reality, let children feel the close connection between mathematics and life.

In the end, this 40-minute math lesson ended with a game of "betting on the law of winning", successfully "harvesting" a wave of small fans of mathematics.

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

In this class, Mr. Guan told the children that mathematical knowledge can not only solve problems, but also solve some practical problems in life. More importantly, in the process of learning mathematics, we can also exercise our observation ability, analysis and judgment ability and innovation ability, and these abilities will also help us take a better life path in the future, which is the charm of mathematics!

Lesson Transcript for Class 6:

At nine o'clock in the morning, Teacher Ma Xiaoting brought the first class of the sixth class today, garden appreciation. Today's garden appreciation class takes the art of flower arrangement as the theme, showing the artistic value, display form and production process of flower arrangement to the students.

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

This class leads the children to understand the art of flower arrangement from three aspects: flower arrangement appreciation, flower arrangement types and forms, and flower arrangement production. In order to let the children more intuitively understand the beauty of flower arrangement, in addition to some text descriptions, the teacher also showed a large number of pictures and videos to introduce the flower art in a variety of ways.

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

"The so-called neatness of the flowers is in jagged and natural." This is also the core idea that the teacher wants to convey to the students in this class, and it is also the core of the Chinese flower arrangement art. Teacher Ma taught not only the beauty of flower arrangement, but also the beauty and mellowness of our traditional Chinese culture, which explained that our Chinese nation has maintained its pursuit of beauty since ancient times.

The second class is a language class. Teacher Shao Di first started with hieroglyphs and used words as a guide to introduce the great patriotic poet, Mr. Qu Yuan. Later, Teacher Shao introduced a lot of ancient cultural knowledge from Qu Yuan, such as the difference between surname and first name.

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

After that, Teacher Shao introduced the origin of Wen Yanwen and explained the nature of Wenyan Wenwen. And in the class, he proposed: I hope that everyone can more easily understand the meaning of wenyan and ancient poems, learn wenyan and don't memorize by rote, and then Teacher Shao explained the meaning of "Specializing in The Crown, and Pulling the Tiger Thorn" for the students by playing an animated short film.

Big hands holding small hands| and you "child" line, the clouds accompany Day.2

Finally, Mr. Shao listed several interesting couplets to hope that the students would become more and more interested in and more enthusiastic about Chinese. In Mr. Shao's class, the students were enthusiastic and brave enough to ask questions, and Mr. Shao also answered them one by one with a smile.

On the second day of the winter vacation volunteer teaching activities, these primary teachers had something to say:

Ma Xiaoting, a teacher in the gardening appreciation class, said: "There is no lack of beauty in life, but there is a lack of eyes to find beauty. "When we have a pair of eyes that find beauty, we will be pleasantly surprised to find that there is beauty in every detail of life." I hope that this flower arrangement class can be used as a small opportunity for children to understand and feel the beauty of life. For children, it seems too early to discuss life and art, but it is necessary to cultivate a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty from an early age. There is still a lot of beauty in traditional Chinese culture, and I hope that children can discover more beauty in life and inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of our Chinese nation with their hearts.

Chinese teacher Shao Di: The homology of calligraphy and painting is probably one of the most unique charms of Chinese characters. Today's Language Class mainly introduces the ancient and simple Chinese characters and the literary artists and literary classics that we are proud of. The students in the class are actively involved in the interaction and the atmosphere is good. It is worth mentioning that the students also have heartfelt feedback after class, which makes us deeply feel that volunteer teaching is not a unilateral effort, but a two-way rush between teachers and students. I believe that while the students feel confident in our long-standing traditional Chinese culture, their interest in language learning has also reached a higher level.

In the lecture of the volunteers, the second day of the "big hand holding small hand" social practice activity was also successfully concluded! Rich and colorful classroom content, interesting teachers teaching, enthusiastic classroom experience... I hope that all the volunteers in Donglin will continue to cheer! May we continue to bring more knowledge and happiness to the children of Yingjie Yiyang Hope Primary School in Bin County with a youthful attitude and dedication!

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