
Love, so simple

author:Rangers 145

"This ghost place is so cold!" Ai said to me coldly as he packed his bags.

"Do you want me to send you?" I pretended to ask her enthusiastically.

"Forget it!" Ai said as she lifted the delicate suitcase in her hand to the corridor sharply, the corners of her mouth almost skimming to the root of her ear, "What if you freeze to death on the road?" ”

I don't want to talk anymore. To be precise, she didn't want to hear me anymore.

I stood silently on the top of the icy roof and watched as Aina's familiar figure disappeared from sight, and the bed-sharing that had once been in bed turned into a bone-chilling coldness and indifference in front of her eyes the moment she turned around. Her distant footsteps, without the slightest nostalgia, just walked away, without looking back; went, did not say a word; went, looking for the warmth she wanted.

I went back to the house in a daze.

No one can stop me from moving deeper and deeper sorrow and sorrow at this moment.

In the north, in the cold city of the north, when I sat alone in an empty house, sorrow and sadness came to my heart like a tide, very helpless, a hundred tastes, a thousand sorrows, and a thousand confusions.

Outside the window, the cold snowflakes were still fluttering, the cold glass was frozen with ice flowers like tear marks; the cold north wind was still blowing in gusts, crying like sycamore branches; the lonely and lonely street was empty.

"Such ghost weather will indeed freeze people to death!" I murmured to myself, "At least, it's frozen to my love!" ”

I got up and sat down, sat down and then stood up again, and I didn't know which way of standing up and sitting down would make me forget the cold. I think of Jing, and I think of her again and again when I feel happy or sad; when I think of her again and again, I feel very close to her, because I seem to have a lot of words to say to her; when I think of her again and again, I feel far away from her, because the person who has been close to my skin is not her.

"I'm out of love again!" I smiled bitterly and sent a text message to Jing.

I don't expect any comfort, I just want to confirm my own existence, or let others confirm my existence.

"A person has lost love, and a friend advises him: the person who should be sad is her, because she has lost a person who loves her, and you have only lost a person who does not love you!" In fact, the way to cure lost love is very simple, forget the person who does not love you! Jing's text message was quickly replied.

It's that simple.

Can you forget her?

Some things may be forgotten with a faint smile, while others? Even if you go to the end of the world, you can't forget and escape the time and energy of your life, just like those people you have loved deeply but are far away from you. Jing, you know: there is a man, he is helpless, from childhood like duckweed wandering around, warm home and beautiful love, has always been what he deeply desires; where his love is, where his home is, where all his tears and laughter are; he has lost a lot, he has learned how to cherish everything that is hard-won in life; he cherishes, but he loses.

"Actually, I just feel some pain in my heart!" I replied to Jing.

"One day, the Buddha brought together people in the world who considered themselves to be the most suffering, and asked them to write down one of the most painful things they had encountered and exchange them with others. When these people did this, they were surprised to find that there was still so much pain in the world, and they had only experienced a little! In fact, the way to endure pain is very simple, just look at the pain of others! Jing's reply was still so unexpected.

It's still that simple.

Jing is such a simple girl.

The acquaintance with her was in April, the beautiful season with the faint fragrance of acacia flowers, it is easy to think of the first love: bees and butterflies dancing, green grass, mountain flowers; writing poems on the hillside, painting by the river; silently looking at each other in the endless golden and splendid rape flowers, hugging tightly; trembling in happiness, living in plainness, loving in reality.

And Jing is also just seventeen years old this year.

Flower like seventeen years old.

At the age of seventeen, I imagined more than once the love that belonged to me, and I wanted to experience love only once in my life, from beginning to end, from loving someone to ending with loving someone; no sorrow, no pain, no tears, no separation; some just deep understanding and attachment, some just long tenderness and dependence. After the storm, I no longer have too many extravagant hopes and prayers for love, I just want to have a warm and soft embrace in the turbulent and displaced days, to be able to anchor my empty and tired body; there is a pair of hands that can gently caress my face next to my tear-dried pillow, telling me not to be separated, no longer to experience the deep loneliness and loneliness like a knife. I know that my love is not easy to come by, and I take good care of my own love, not wanting her to be hurt in the slightest. But tonight, all my efforts for love have been in vain, and I am once again returning to the world of one man, sitting alone in an empty house with a festering mood.

Lonely cold night, sad as a tide;

In the tide of sadness, the past is like a dream;

In the past like a dream, love is like smoke;

In love like smoke, the heart is cold as ice;

Inside the heart of the ice, there are tears that can be melted?

I don't want to text Jing anymore.

However, Jing's text messages still appeared on my phone:

A little girl crawled on the windowsill and sadly watched as the man outside the window was burying her beloved kitten. Her mother rushed to take her to another window to admire the beautiful flowers and flying bees and butterflies in the garden. Her mother said to her: Child, you just opened the wrong window! In fact, the way to choose the mood is very simple, don't open the wrong 'window' on it! ”

"A poet who, bored with life, decided to commit suicide by digging a grave for himself in an empty field. But he felt that the surrounding area was too desolate, so he planted flowers and plants around the grave. Gradually, he became obsessed with gardening and began to cultivate exotic flowers and precious trees selflessly. In fact, the way to eradicate negativity is very simple, just plant some flowers and plants on the side of the pit of 'death'! ”

"A bankrupt businessman who locks himself up in a house for three days becomes happy again. Someone asked him: How did you make yourself forget about pain? He smiled and said that when Jesus was crucified on Friday, it was the worst day in the world, but three days later it was Easter. So, when I encounter misfortune and pain, I will wait for three days and everything in my heart will return to normal! In fact, the way to resolve the pain is very simple, let yourself 'wait for three days' can be! ”


Quiet text messages just kept popping up on my phone.

But it is so touching.

Simple thinking, simple comfort, simple warmth.

However, Jing's text messages quickly disappeared.

Maybe she was tired too.

I looked up, and oh my God, I don't know when it was already dark.

I reached out and pushed open the window, and the cold wind and snow of the winter night came over me. What does all this coldness mean compared to the love I have experienced? In the lonely and deserted room, I heard my own laughter, empty and desperate. I looked back, and there was no expression on the man's miserable white face in the mirror; some crystalline liquid slowly spilled out of his eye sockets, slid across his cheeks, and dripped silently and silently.

In my turbulent years, in my youth of error, in my unrecognizable love, what can be retained? What can't be kept? When I go back to a person's world again and look back, what can I see? What is invisible? Who can call me at the next moment? Who is willing to extend her hand to me and sincerely tell me without complaint or regret: Let's go together, no matter the wind, frost, snow or rain, no matter the rich or the poor, no matter the rich or the poor, no matter the spring, summer, autumn or winter, no matter the east, west, south, north, south?


I felt sad.

I don't know how long later, the mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Are you crying?" The sound of silence came from afar, from that distant and remote town, as if from a distant dream.

Am I crying? Stroking the tears that slid down my cheeks, I asked myself, tearfully asking.

"Just now the phone was out of battery, so I couldn't send text messages; my parents were here again and didn't dare to call you, so I lied and said I wanted to buy something, so I went downstairs to find a public phone." I walked a long way to find this utility phone. The road just now is so dark! The quiet voice was quiet, with the power of dampness, "I know that your heart will be sad, you are sad, I will be sad!" On the other end of the phone, there was a clear sound of Jing's extremely uneven breathing, and the cracking sound of the wheels running over the ice and snow.

What more can I say?

What else do I want to say?!

What else do I have to say?!!

Thousands of miles away, the same cold town, a little quiet, without experiencing love, alone and lonely through a section of black pavement, curled up in front of the cold magnetic card phone, dialed the phone of a man with a festering mood.

"Are you cold?" I asked her.

"No!" Jing said, "I imagine being in your warm arms, being hugged tightly by you..." On the other end of the phone, Jing muttered to himself, dreaming.

What other reason do I have to keep myself grieving?!

Let the love that belongs to me return to such simplicity and purity! Not far away, not gathered or scattered; there is no worldly disturbance, no materialistic defilement, no physical desecration, no barrier of time and space; some are just sincere communication and concern between one heart and another.

Love, can be so pure and beautiful!

Love, it could have been so simple!

In the cold night, no one can make me go deeper and deeper sadness and sorrow.

Because of love, because of being loved.

Three days later, I sent a text message to Jing, which was so simple:

"In the Ming Dynasty, there was a man who built the villa on the edge of the cemetery in the north of the city. Someone went to visit him and said doubtfully: I will not be happy to see this every day! People laughed and said: Seeing this every day, I dare not be unhappy! In fact, the way to create happiness is very simple, understand that living is a kind of happiness! ”

"Congratulations, that's right!" Jing's text message came quickly, and with a smiling face.

Her reply suddenly made me happily think of the sketch "Selling Cars".

I sent two more text messages to Jing in a row:

On the night of the full moon, The Zen master of Yunmen Wenyan said to the monks: Don't ask about the things before the fifteenth, and the things after the fifteenth, everyone will say try it. Before the crowd could speak, Zen Master Wen Yan said affectionately: "Every day is a good day!" In fact, the way to enjoy life is very simple, think that 'every day is a good day' can be! ”

"A man said to the butcher who sold meat: Cut me a pound of good meat! The butcher asked him, "Which piece of meat am I not?" In fact, the way to measure value is very simple, confirm that you are all good 'meat'! ”

"Congratulations, you'll all be answered!" Jing's reply was exactly the same as I had imagined.

I smiled happily.

The cold winter passed unconsciously.

Spring blossoms, the sun shines, the grass grows warblers fly, bees and butterflies dance...

I wasn't frozen to death by the ghost weather here, as Ai said.

On the contrary, the two books I created for this reason, "So Simple", were published by the China Three Gorges Publishing House extremely smoothly.

I sent one set to Jing, and I also sent a set to Ai.

I found that I still couldn't forget Ai, but I was no longer sad for her.

"Your book can also be published?"

"But it's published!"

"How can it be so simple to write?"

"It's that simple

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