
2023 National Civil Service Examination Practice Test Common Sense Judgment Knowledge Accumulation: "Four Saints of the Soldiers"


Looking at the development of the ancient history of the mainland, a large number of military talents have emerged. Someone can strategize and win thousands of miles away; There are also people who can know astronomy and geography, and have won many battles; What's more, they can turn their hands over to the clouds and cover their hands for rain. From the Spring and Autumn Warring States to the end of the Qing Dynasty, in the rolling river of history, they are all very bright strokes. In this article, the Chinese public education takes you to take a look at them known as the "Four Saints of the Soldiers" in Chinese history.

2023 National Civil Service Examination Practice Test Common Sense Judgment Knowledge Accumulation: "Four Saints of the Soldiers"

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First of all, the "Four Saints of the Bing Family" is a general term for those excellent military experts in history, but different historians have different accounts of the Four Saints of the Bing Family. If according to the historical records, it refers to "Bing Sheng Sun Wu, Mou Sheng Ghost Guzi, Ya Sheng Wu Qi, and Sub Saint Sun Zhen". The most common saying is "Bing Sheng Sun Wu, Ya Sheng Wu Qi, Ji Sheng Sun Zhen, Wei Sheng Wei Ji". In addition to the above description, there are many kinds of statements, but today I want to take you to understand the latter, which is the most common statement.

Sun Wu (孙武), also known as Changqing, was a famous military figure and politician in the Spring and Autumn Period, who was revered as "Bing Sheng" or "Sun Zi (Sun Wuzi)", also known as "BingJia Sheng", known as "the master of the Hundred Generations of Soldiers" and "the originator of Oriental Military Science". His main work is also the "Art of War of Sun Tzu", which is more familiar to everyone, which is the earliest surviving military book in the mainland, and is praised by later generations as the "Holy Code of Military Studies".

Wu Qi, a famous politician and outstanding military figure in the early Warring States period. Wu Qi's military thought is mainly concentrated in "Wu Zi", which not only occupies a very important position in ancient Chinese military texts, but also Wu Qi himself is also called "Sun Wu" together with the military scholar Sun Wu in the Spring and Autumn Period because of his important position in Chinese military history. Wu Qi's life has extremely high achievements in internal affairs and military affairs, although many of today's data show that Wu Qi did have some life stains in the early days, but judging from his legendary military achievements, the name of the soldier "Yasheng" is also well-deserved.

Sun Bing, a famous military figure in the State of Qi during the Warring States period, was a descendant of Sun Wu. In his youth, he studied the art of war with Pang Juan at the time, and had a deep attainment in military theory. For example, the "Siege of Wei and Rescue of Zhao", which we are more familiar with today, is related to it, and later after summarizing some war experiences, Sun Bing wrote in "Sun Bing's Art of War". It put forward a new tactical concept that has never been seen before, and is a treasure of ancient Chinese military theory. Because of his achievements and military masterpieces, he himself was later known as the "Ji Sheng", one of the four saints of the Bing family.

Wei Ji (尉缭), a warrior of the Warring States, was a liang of the State of Wei. According to legend, Wei Ji was an apprentice of Oniguzi, who studied astronomical geography and was best at the art of war, and also knew the art of face-to-face divination. The greatest achievement of Wei Ji's life was to write a copy of "Wei Jizi" and leave it to the world to discuss the methods and military strategies of soldiers. In ancient times, his "Wei Miaozi" martial art was included in the military masterpiece and was respected by successive generations of soldiers. Later generations also honored him as "Wei Sheng".

Practice the questions

(Judgment): Sun Tzu was a founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty, a military expert, a representative figure of the ancient "military thinker" and "military power strategist", and was regarded by posterity as a "soldier immortal" and "divine marshal".

A. Correct B. Error

【Zhonggong Answer】B.

Zhonggong Analysis: Han Xin (c. 231 BC – 196 BC), Han Chinese, a native of Huaiyin (present-day Huai'an District, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, also known as Huaiyin District). The founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty, a military expert, a Huaiyin Hou, one of the four saints of the Bing family, one of the three masters of the early Han Dynasty, and a representative figure of the Chinese military ideology of "military power strategists", was regarded by posterity as "soldier immortal" and "divine marshal". "Han Xin points out soldiers, the more the merrier" is an allusion to him. Sun Wu (孙武), also known as Changqing, was a famous military figure and politician in the Spring and Autumn Period, who was revered as "Bing Sheng" or "Sun Zi (Sun Wuzi)", also known as "BingJia Sheng", known as "the master of the Hundred Generations of Soldiers" and "the originator of Oriental Military Science".

Therefore, the answer to this question is B.

【Examination Point Dialing】The knowledge points examined in this question are mainly historical figures in ancient Chinese history, and the common examination method is the distinction between the titles of important figures, and when preparing for the examination, it is necessary to distinguish between the dynasties and representative works of different characters and their titles.

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