
Love worry-free accident insurance: the maximum compensation for isolation is 6,000 yuan, and the annual premium is only 59 yuan

author:Paolai Yako Brother

Recently, due to the epidemic, everyone is a little panicked.

Near the end of the year, more and more places appear Omikron...

In Guangdong alone, there have been 17 cases, and Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, and Meizhou have been diagnosed.

On the other side of Beijing, the first case of Aomi Kerong has also been detected, and the preliminary judgment is that the patient may have been infected because he received an international mail...

Love worry-free accident insurance: the maximum compensation for isolation is 6,000 yuan, and the annual premium is only 59 yuan

The Spring Festival is coming, and small partners are worried that the green code is not guaranteed, and they will be isolated if they are not careful


In case of isolation, it may cost you money to stay in an isolated hotel, three or four hundred a day, and if you isolate for two weeks, the big few thousand will be gone.

Many friends have recently asked, about the new crown pneumonia insurance, is there any isolation insurance or the like?

Today I will introduce you to a very cheap new crown isolation insurance, a year premium of only 59 yuan, if unfortunately isolated, you can receive 200 yuan per day allowance.

This product is ZhongAn's Love Worry-free Accident Insurance.

This accident insurance is insured at a wide range of ages: from 30 days to 65 years old.

Coverage period: 1 year.

The requirements for occupational categories are: 1-3 occupations, do not know whether their occupation can be insured, remember to write me privately.

Love worry-free accident insurance: the maximum compensation for isolation is 6,000 yuan, and the annual premium is only 59 yuan

Coverage includes:

(1) Accidental death and disability insurance: 100,000 yuan

(2) Sudden death insurance premium: 100,000

(3) Extended Covid-19 death benefits: 100,000

(4) Extended new crown pneumonia compulsory isolation daily allowance insurance premium: 200 yuan / day

Whether it is home isolation or centralized isolation, as long as the mandatory isolation meets the following conditions, you can get an isolation allowance of 200 yuan / day, up to 30 days of isolation allowance, and the waiting period of the isolation allowance is 2 days.

[1] The insured person is determined by the country as a medium- and high-risk area in the place of residence or work, travel route or destination, and is required to be subject to compulsory isolation by the local epidemic prevention department;

[2] Traced by the local epidemic prevention department as a close contact of a suspected patient with confirmed new crown pneumonia, he was required to be forced to isolate by the local epidemic prevention department.

Some considerations regarding quarantine allowance:

1. Already in medium and high-risk areas, or already in isolation, can not be insured;

2. Overseas return to China for isolation, no claim will be settled;

3. Home health testing, no claims will be settled;

4. People in low-risk areas accompany people in compulsory isolation (parents accompany their children), and no claims will be settled;

5. Take the initiative to go to known medium- and high-risk areas, so they are isolated and will not settle claims; centralized isolation or home isolation of returning home visiting relatives will not be settled;

6. When applying for insurance, the city/prefecture-level city where the ID card is located has been listed as a street in the medium and high-risk area, and cannot be insured; if the local ID card is successfully insured, the claim will not be settled;

7. The medical institutions and living areas where medical staff work are not identified as medium- and high-risk areas can be insured. However, after applying for insurance, if you voluntarily go to a medium- and high-risk area for any reason, you will not be reimbursed.

(5) Extended covid-19 diagnosis allowance insurance premium: up to 3,000 yuan

If it is diagnosed as mild or ordinary, 1,000 yuan is paid, and if it is confirmed as severe or critically ill, 3,000 yuan is paid.

COVID-19 diagnosis allowance, waiting period of 5 days.


Let's take a look at some of the common insurance and claims issues:

1. My city/prefecture-level city already has streets listed as medium and high risk, can I still buy them?

A: No, the specific list of medium and high risks issued by the State Council shall prevail, and can be viewed in the Mini Program and APP.

2, travel / business trip, departure and destination are low risk, if two days later one of them becomes medium and high risk, is it possible to be isolated in this situation?

A: Yes, after two days of insurance, the location and transit place become medium and high risk, so the claim can be claimed if you are quarantined. At the same time, the centralized isolation or home isolation of returnees or family visits from non-medium- and high-risk areas or closed management areas in the whole territory required by local governments or epidemic prevention departments is within the scope of exemption.

3. Can people who are being forcibly quarantined be insured?

A: People who are in mandatory quarantine are not insured.

4. If you are notified to go to quarantine, can you apply for insurance?

A: Being notified of isolation before applying for insurance is regarded as a suspected case and cannot be insured.

5. Can I apply for insurance when returning from abroad?

A: You cannot apply for insurance. All areas outside of China are medium- and high-risk areas. The insured person in a high-risk area before the insurance contract takes effect is exempt from liability.

Love worry-free accident insurance: the maximum compensation for isolation is 6,000 yuan, and the annual premium is only 59 yuan

6. If the new crown pneumonia is diagnosed after being forced to isolate, can I claim the compulsory isolation allowance and the new crown pneumonia confirmed allowance at the same time?

A: Yes. However, please note that there is a difference in the effective time of the two types of benefits, the mandatory quarantine allowance is 2 days after the policy takes effect, and the New Crown Pneumonia (COVID-19) confirmed diagnosis benefit is 5 days after the policy takes effect.

7. Can I settle a claim for compensation if I am forced to isolate because of the yellow code of the health code? / The community is closed and forced to isolate, can the health code be green code to claim the claim?

A: The yellow code and green code of the health code are not necessary conditions for the claim, and those who meet one of the following two items can apply for a claim:

(1) After the insurance contract takes effect 2 days later, because it is in a medium- and high-risk area, it is notified by the local government or the epidemic prevention department to implement centralized isolation or home isolation.

(2) The insurance contract takes effect 2 days after the insured person is in close contact with a patient suffering from novel coronavirus pneumonia and is notified by the local government or epidemic prevention department to implement centralized isolation or home isolation.

8. Because the community with suspected cases is closed and compulsorily isolated, after inspection, the suspected cases are not confirmed, the community is unsealed, can the claim be settled during the compulsory isolation period?

A: After the 2-day waiting period, if the local government or the epidemic prevention department is required to implement centralized isolation or home isolation due to close contact with patients suffering from novel coronavirus pneumonia, or because they are in medium- and high-risk areas, the isolation allowance for specific infectious diseases can be paid according to the actual number of days of isolation of the insured.

9. If the second close connection is required to be isolated, can it be paid?

A: No, you can't.

10. What are the mandatory isolation certification materials recognized by the insurance company?

A: The claim materials for the isolation allowance for specific infectious diseases in this insurance policy recognize the official isolation certification materials provided by governments at all levels, health commissions at all levels, streets, management committees and neighborhood committees, and the materials must be confirmed by the official seal of the issuing department.

The certification materials issued by property management companies, communities and other institutions will not be recognized.

Love worry-free accident insurance: the maximum compensation for isolation is 6,000 yuan, and the annual premium is only 59 yuan

To sum up: ZhongAn's love worry-free accident insurance only needs 59 yuan a year to have:

● Compulsory isolation allowance 200 yuan * up to 30 days

● The new champion diagnosis allowance is up to 3,000 yuan

● COVID-19 death insurance premium of 100,000 yuan

● Up to 100,000 disabled persons in accidental death

● Sudden death up to 100,000

The Spring Festival is approaching, everyone has embarked on the road home one after another, and don't forget to do a good job in epidemic prevention while having fun.

In the face of repeated epidemics, in addition to raising vigilance and paying attention to epidemic prevention and control, we must also do the most basic protection for ourselves and our families in advance!

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