
Was the 30 years before the reform and opening up really "unbearable" as some people say?

author:Xiao Xiao zheng language
Was the 30 years before the reform and opening up really "unbearable" as some people say?

编者按‬:我们‬经常‬看到‬有一些‬人一‬提‬到改革‬开放前的年代‬,就会‬嗤之以鼻‬,把‬改革‬开放前说‬得‬一无是处‬,说‬成‬是‬国民经济‬到‬了“崩溃‬的‬边缘‬”,以至‬把‬它‬当作‬‬“贫穷‬落后‬”的‬代名词‬,总之‬一句话‬就是“不堪回首‬”的‬年代‬。 那么‬,事实‬究竟‬如何‬呢‬? 这是‬需要‬我们‬澄清‬的一个‬重要‬问题。 我们‬都知道‬一个‬简单‬的道理‬:饭‬要‬一‬口‬一口‬地‬吃,路‬要‬一步‬一步地走,一锄‬挖‬不‬出一口‬井‬来‬。 任何‬事物‬的发展‬都有一个‬循序渐进‬的过程,社会‬的发展,国家‬的‬进步‬都是‬如此‬。

那么‬新‬中国‬建国‬初期‬的‬发展‬到底‬如何‬? 让‬我们‬一起来回顾‬一下建国‬初期‬的国家‬发展‬情况‬吧‬。 在这篇‬文章我们‬暂且‬不谈‬当时‬的国家‬所‬处‬的艰难‬发展‬环境‬,我们‬单‬从相关‬的‬一些‬方面的事实‬和‬数据来‬求证‬一下建国以来‬的真相‬,让‬那些‬诋毁‬抹黑‬新‬中国‬的‬公知‬们‬不再‬执迷不悟‬。

Was the 30 years before the reform and opening up really "unbearable" as some people say?


人口‬的‬增长是‬最‬能‬反映‬一个‬国家‬盛衰‬的‬重要‬指标‬。 这是‬任何‬也‬否定‬和‬改变‬不了的事实‬。 笔者‬从‬网络‬上查找‬了有关‬数据‬。

A figure that many people are very familiar with is 450 million people, because in 1900, the Gengzi State Change, the Eight-Power Alliance forced the Qing government to make a large indemnity, the total population at that time was 450 million people, representing that from now on to after the Xinugu Treaty, forty-five million, became a Chinese convention.

Looking at it again, in 1912, the early years of the Republic of China, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the central government at that time conducted a nationwide census, and that census was the most detailed, and in 1953, the first census after the founding of New China was also based on the statistical methods of this census. In the early years of the Republic of China, it was concluded that the population of the "Annals of Internal Affairs" was 419640279 people, and the version of the "China Economic Yearbook" was 405810967 people. That is to say, about 410 million people.

In 1936, the National Government in Nanjing was preparing to initiate constitutional reforms and promote the election of deputies to the National Assembly, so a new household registration was started, and by 1938, the results of the national household registration statistics showed 474625744 people.

After the end of the Korean War in 1953, New China had its first census, and the census data this time was 580 million.

Let's push the history a little further, from the "Headline Encyclopedia" to see such data, Chinese from 413 million in 1841 to 541 million in 1949, an increase of 128 million in a hundred years.

By 1976, the mainland's population had grown to 938 million, and in more than 20 years it had increased by 397 million from 1949. New China's population growth in the past 10 years is 3.1 times that of the past 100 years. May I ask, if it is really the "unbearable" era, can the population grow at such a high rate in the past 20 years? Population growth is completely inseparable from the stability of the country and the development of the economy. Judging from the population growth in China's history, it fully shows that the remarkable improvement in the living standards of the new Chinese people is still "unbearable"? If we say that New China is "unable to look back," how can we explain China's past history?

Was the 30 years before the reform and opening up really "unbearable" as some people say?



Great achievements have been made in nation-building, which shows:

Before the reform and opening up, the steel industry has successively built steel plants such as Anshan, Wuhan, Baotou, Panzhihua, Jiuquan and Chengdu seamless steel pipe factories.

In terms of machinery industry, more than a dozen basic industries such as metallurgy, mining, electric power, petrochemical and other industrial equipment manufacturing, as well as aircraft, automobiles, and construction machinery manufacturing, have been formed. And it is able to independently design and manufacture a part of the modern large-scale equipment. In 1964, the self-sufficiency rate of major machinery and equipment in the mainland had reached more than 90%. What is particularly prominent is that the petroleum industry developed into a pillar industry of the mainland's national economy during this period. The construction of Daqing Oilfield was completed, followed by the development of Shengli Oilfield and Dagang Oilfield. By 1965, all the oil needed in China was self-sufficient, achieving a leap forward in the history of the development of China's petroleum industry. By 1966, 1198 large and medium-sized projects above the quota had been completed and put into operation, initially forming a relatively complete industrial system, and building a number of emerging industrial sectors, such as the electronics industry, the petrochemical industry, and the atomic energy industry, most of which laid the foundation during this period and filled many gaps in the mainland industry.

Was the 30 years before the reform and opening up really "unbearable" as some people say?

The industrial layout has been markedly improved, and modern industries of different scales have been built in the interior and the frontier, which has basically changed the situation of deformed industrial development in old China.

Was the 30 years before the reform and opening up really "unbearable" as some people say?

In terms of agriculture, we have concentrated on large-scale infrastructure construction, relying on the collective strength of the people to build more than 86,000 large, medium and small reservoirs, such as the Xin'anjiang Reservoir, the Miyun Reservoir, the Ming Tombs Reservoir and so on. Large and medium-sized hydropower stations such as Sanmenxia Hydropower Station, Liujiaxia Hydropower Station, and Danjiangkou Hydropower Station have been built successively.

In terms of transportation, railway lines such as Chengdu-Chongqing, Yingxia, Baolan, Lanqing, Lanxin, Chuanqian, Qiangui and Chengkun were completed and opened to traffic. In addition to Tibet, all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government have railways. Fujian, Ningxia, Qinghai and Xinjiang were connected by train for the first time. Roads, waterways, and shipping have also developed greatly. Most counties and towns in the country are connected by car. More than 100,000 tons of deep-water berths were added to coastal ports, and ocean shipping opened up three routes to Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa.

Was the 30 years before the reform and opening up really "unbearable" as some people say?

In terms of science and technology, the first launch vehicle was successfully launched in 1960. In October 1964 and May 1965, two atomic bombs were successfully tested. In June 1967, the first hydrogen bomb was successfully exploded, in September 1969, the first successful underground nuclear test was conducted, in April 1970, the first artificial earth satellite "Dongfanghong I" was successfully launched, and in November 1975, the first retrievable remote sensing artificial earth satellite was successfully launched.

In terms of basic science, in 1965, the mainland successfully developed the synthetic bovine insulin crystal for the first time in the world, which is in the leading position in the world.

In terms of biotechnology, in 1972, the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine successfully extracted a new anti-masochial drug artemisinin, saving millions of lives. In 1973, the world's first indica hybrid rice was successfully cultivated on the mainland.

Was the 30 years before the reform and opening up really "unbearable" as some people say?

Major achievements in science and technology, especially in the field of cutting-edge technology for national defense, have not only enhanced the mainland's comprehensive national strength and strategic defense capabilities, but are also of great political significance.

Judging from some data on the growth of industrial and agricultural production, according to relevant data, from 1949 to 1976, steel increased by 129 times, coal increased by 15 times, power generation increased by 47 times, oil increased by 726 times, fertilizer increased by 874 times, cement increased by 71 times, grain increased by 2.5 times, cotton increased by 4.6 times, oil increased by 1.5 times, and meat increased by 2.3 times (compared with 1952). Railway mileage increased by 2.2 times, road mileage increased by 10.2 times, water transport engineering increased by 1.9 times, air mileage increased by 8.6 times, students in school increased by 8.4 times, and higher education schools increased by 5.3 times.

In 1949, China's grain was 113.18 million tons, 209 kilograms per capita, and by 1979, the national grain output had reached 332.12 million tons, reaching 341 kilograms per capita, which had reached the international subsistence line, while the population was only 540 million in 1949 and 990 million in 1979.

By 1976, when Chairman Mao died, the state treasury had enough strategic reserves of grain for the whole country to eat for three years at that time, 500 billion catties. There are also billions of dollars in foreign exchange, 600 gold reserves.

Was the 30 years before the reform and opening up really "unbearable" as some people say?

To sum up, in the more than 20 years before the reform and opening up, on the basis of extreme material poverty, in a hostile international environment and with very little foreign aid, China took only 1/4 century to transform "a completely agricultural country into a country dominated by industry." "The average annual GDP of 9.8% is increasing rapidly, and the ratio of the mainland economy to the United States has changed from 28 times in 1949 to 5.52 times that of 1978, ranking among the world's sixth largest industrial countries" (Baidu entry: Mao era) "Industrial construction has gradually established an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system. In 1980, compared with 1952, when the economic recovery was completed, the national industrial fixed assets increased by more than 26 times at the original price, reaching more than 410 billion yuan, and the "Resolution" especially the self-reliance built more than 500,000 state-owned enterprises, supporting an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system.

纵观‬新‬中国‬改革‬开放‬前‬各‬方面‬的‬情况‬,改革‬开放‬前‬中国‬在各‬个‬方面‬都‬取得‬了‬非常‬伟大‬的‬成就‬,无论‬从‬哪个‬角度来说‬,把‬这‬个历史‬时期‬作为‬“贫穷‬落后‬”的‬代名词‬,认为‬是国民经济‬到‬了“崩溃‬的‬边缘‬”,把‬它‬说‬‬成‬是“不堪回首‬”的‬年代‬, 都是‬信口雌黄‬,是‬对‬新‬中国‬建国‬初期‬的‬诋毁‬和‬抹黑‬,是‬别‬有用心。 是典型‬的历史‬虚无‬主义。

Was the 30 years before the reform and opening up really "unbearable" as some people say?

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