
OKR makes your team better

author:Tita Technology

How far a team will develop, whether it is talented or barely up to standard, whether it is highly valued or marginalized, will be greatly affected by the management style of the team manager. A good manager, using the right management methods, makes decisions that are conducive to the development of the team.

However, even if it is a team of first-class talents, there is no consistent direction, no mutual cooperation, no timely and effective communication, and this team cannot go further and higher. To do this, as a manager, you need to choose a way to manage the team that can twist everyone into a rope, so that the goal of bringing you together as a team can be achieved. You can try using the OKR goal management method, which emphasizes that the team has a consistent goal from top to bottom, and everyone is responsible for achieving the key results of the goal and working in one direction.

OKR makes your team better

Before using the OKR management method, you need to understand the OKRs-E management framework. This management framework is an extension of the OKR Management Act and emphasizes the importance of E execution to OKR.

For example, my team's product is a work collaboration software, and my goal can be to become the leader of the next generation of enterprise collaborative software market within a year.

With big goals in mind, let's break down some key outcomes. Key outcomes are outcomes that measure whether objectives have been achieved and need to be targeted on a case-by-case basis. The objectives in the above example can be broken down into the following key outcomes:

KR1: Achieve a valuation of $100 million

KR2: AppStore gets the best recommended app in the market

KR3: 10 or more transactions, each more than 100w

KR4: NPS scored more than 9 points

We can see that these key results are in all directions and represent the cooperation of various departments. There are sales indicators of the sales department, product quality indicators of the technical department, and marketing indicators of the publicity department. The whole team works together from all directions for the ultimate goal and moves forward in unison.

The key results are formulated to consider how to achieve the key results, which is the implementation emphasized by OKRs-E. Again, in the above example, let's show the execution in the form of tasks and projects.

Project 1: Execute 4 marketing public relations activities

Project 2: Application optimization on employment ASO services

Task 1: Do a product strategic planning seminar (single task)

Task 2: Publish a core leveling value article every day (circular task)

Task 3: Update the product functions every two weeks (circular task)

From the above cases, it is not difficult to see that E implementation is the specific thing to do, and it is a practical plan to support the realization of key achievements. Of course, the way of execution is not static, because the times are progressing, the market is changing, and this can be adjusted in real time according to internal and external factors. Therefore, in the process of implementation, we should pay attention to the implementation tracking and progress feedback of the implementation, and practice timely and effective communication between the teams to ensure the correctness of the implementation method.

This is a basic process of OKRs-E, of course, this is not perfect, and there is a lack of review meetings. Therefore, in the implementation of OKRs-E, regular review meetings are also very critical. This is a formal meeting to prepare everyone for review and raise the importance of goal management. In the review session you can understand what the exact outcome of the current phase is, what the obstacles are, and what to do next requires changes to how it is executed.

Setting goals, breaking down key outcomes, determining how to execute, focusing on progress feedback, and regularly reviewing and summarizing, all of which are significant for your team's growth, can make the whole team better.

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