
Tai'an: He is known as the "Medicine King", the first advocate of the wind of medical ethics, but why can he be ranked in the Taishan Xianban?

author:Tarzan travels those things

Taishan, located in the territory of Tai'an City, Shandong Province, the reason why it is known as "the sole dignity of the Five Mountains", "the first mountain in the world", the main reason is not its majesty and magnificence, but from its unique Taishan culture, the reason why it is unique, is because it has the inclusiveness of the sea, both Feng Zen culture, mountain culture, folk culture, but also religious culture, ghost culture, medicine culture... And so on, in Taishan can always find their shadows, so that Taishan is full of mysterious colors, since ancient times has been worshipped by the world, every year will receive millions of tourists to visit.

Tai'an: He is known as the "Medicine King", the first advocate of the wind of medical ethics, but why can he be ranked in the Taishan Xianban?

Limited by factors such as the underdevelopment of ancient scientific and technological civilization, people have a deepest feeling of life, old age, illness and death, so many doctors with excellent folk medicine are constantly deified, and temples are built for them to be sacrificed and worshipped. In the old days, there was a Three Emperors Temple north of Taishan Daizongfang, which set up the Xianyi Temple, which enshrined the legendary witch doctor and the Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and other ancient apricot altar masters totaling 28 people, becoming part of Taishan culture. Among them, Sun Simiao, known as the "Medicine King", also has a special temple for worship.

Tai'an: He is known as the "Medicine King", the first advocate of the wind of medical ethics, but why can he be ranked in the Taishan Xianban?

Sun Simiao, a famous medical figure in the Tang Dynasty and one of the most important figures in the history of chinese medicine, compiled two medical encyclopedias, "Qianjin Zhifang" and "Qianjin Yifang", which are second only to the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" ("The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" is the earliest Chinese medicine monograph written by Qi Bo and the Yellow Emperor, embodying the spirit of the ancients "cautiously pursuing the far", and eventually "Qi Huang Zhi Shu" has also become synonymous with Chinese medicine. ) the first serum immunity in the history of medicine. Folklore is that he can heal the dragon and cure the tiger, directly making the four famous medicines of Taishan He Shou Wu, four-leaf ginseng, yellow essence and comfrey well known to the world.

Tai'an: He is known as the "Medicine King", the first advocate of the wind of medical ethics, but why can he be ranked in the Taishan Xianban?

In the Taishan Queen's Mother Pond, there is the main ancestor of the Medicine King Hall, "Medicine King" Sun Simiao, and the columns on both sides of the hall hang a pair of yanglian, "Sitting on the tiger needle dragon to spread compassion and save sentient beings, to eliminate the disease and solve the evil of the golden immortal Fang Pu benefits", praising Sun Simiao's superb medical skills, the nobility of medical ethics, the hanging pot Ji Shi, and the benevolence of the clever hands. He pioneered medical ethics and exhorted doctors to "have no desire and no demand" for patients, and that "whether poor or rich, male or female, young and old, all are the same, just like the thoughts of their loved ones.". Since then, medical ethics and medical skills have been equally important, and have become an indispensable and important part of traditional medicine.

Tai'an: He is known as the "Medicine King", the first advocate of the wind of medical ethics, but why can he be ranked in the Taishan Xianban?

At the corner above Mount Taishan Huimaling, there is a small stone house directly opposite the climbing pan road, covered with gray tiles and exquisite architecture, which is the separate Yaowang Hall on Mount Tai. Above the door is engraved the three characters of "Hall of the Medicine King", and on the stone pillars on both sides is engraved a pair of yanglian, "Creation Of Five-Colored Stones, Rebirth of Dupu Four Hours Spring", which compares him with the Creator Lady Niangniang, implying the benevolence of the Medicine King Healer and saving the life and the injured. On the south side of the square on the west side of Pandao, there is an ancient pine plant, which is hung with prayer belts for tourists, hoping that the medicine king will protect the health and no disease.

Tai'an: He is known as the "Medicine King", the first advocate of the wind of medical ethics, but why can he be ranked in the Taishan Xianban?

Because of the exquisite medical skills and noble medical ethics of the Yao king, Taoism included him in the "Complete Biography of the Immortals", thus transforming from a medicine king and a divine doctor to a medical god, holding the divine position, and gradually evolving into a part of religious culture, thus being respected by the world. All over the country have built temples, built temples, filed statues, and sacrificed them, reflecting people's strong demand for completely getting rid of the pain and suffering of illness, and there is a saying that "there is nothing without money, there is nothing else to be sick"! (Most of the temples in Mount Taishan are dedicated to the god of wealth, presumably this is also the truth)

Tai'an: He is known as the "Medicine King", the first advocate of the wind of medical ethics, but why can he be ranked in the Taishan Xianban?

So why can the "Medicine King" be ranked in the Taishan Immortal Class? In fact, this is directly related to the worship of Tarzan! Since ancient Times, Mount Tai has been the land of all things, and has been given the meaning of the main birth. People travel thousands of miles to Taishan to pray for blessings, often hoping that the gods of Taishan can bless themselves and their families to get rid of diseases and disasters, have many children and blessings, prosper and have children and grandchildren, which is the expectation and yearning for a new life. The "Medicine King" can rejuvenate with a clever hand and bring back to life, which is equivalent to giving patients a second life, which is in line with the meaning of the life and death of Lord Taishan. Therefore, it was only natural that he could enter the ranks of Taishan Immortals!

Tai'an: He is known as the "Medicine King", the first advocate of the wind of medical ethics, but why can he be ranked in the Taishan Xianban?

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