
On January 20, India will build a space station, and the Indian media will benchmark China; China will allow US officials to participate in the Winter Olympics

author:Speak the world

Previously, India in order to promote its domestic will be built the so-called "largest international airport", many senior officials use Beijing Daxing International Airport as a picture, this picture even appeared in its official propaganda film for 5 seconds, the incident once triggered a fierce discussion, netizen comments are even more wonderful. However, the Indian side seems to have become accustomed to taking advantage of China's "momentum" to boast of Haikou again, and this time the scope has expanded to outer space.

On January 20, India will build a space station, and the Indian media will benchmark China; China will allow US officials to participate in the Winter Olympics

According to the news of the Observer Network on January 19, the Indian media "Eurasian Times" recently reported that India's Minister of Atomic Energy and Space Development, Jitendra Singh, announced that the first test flight of the long-awaited "Gaganjan" spacecraft in India will begin in the second half of 2022, and the second unmanned space mission will be carried out at the end of 2022, and the first manned space launch is planned in 2023. Once the test flight is successful, India will become the fourth country besides China, the United States and Russia to master manned space technology. Gitendra Singh also said India's first space station will also be completed in 2030.

After learning this news, Indian defense experts analyzed that from nuclear tests to lunar probes to anti-satellite tests, this series of historical laws can show that India can fully have its own space station in 2030. For the prospects of the space station, the Indian media is also very optimistic. Eurasia Info said that in recent times, the world has focused on the space race between China and the United States, but in the process, India has completed many space missions, and there are more "ambitious" plans to be carried out in the next few years, China is expected to become the only country in the world to have a space station from 2024 to 2030, during which time, India will continue to catch up with China, and the speed will be quite fast.

On January 20, India will build a space station, and the Indian media will benchmark China; China will allow US officials to participate in the Winter Olympics

The space station claimed by the Indian side, according to the head of the Indian Space Research Organization, Shiwen, will be located in an orbit of 400 kilometers of the earth, weighing 20 tons, and can ensure that astronauts stay in the station for 15 to 20 days. Sylvan said he would submit a detailed report to the Indian government on this. However, for haikou boasted by the Indian side, domestic netizens are not optimistic, and even some netizens bluntly say that so far, even countries that cannot send people to space have actually tried to build a space station, and the bragging skills can be seen.

At the same time, the United States has previously announced that it hopes to send 46 officials to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics and take the initiative to ask China to submit visa applications. According to Global Times, at the Foreign Ministry's regular press conference held on January 19, the reporter asked a question that some media reported that China had issued visas to US officials, hoping to confirm this news.

On January 20, India will build a space station, and the Indian media will benchmark China; China will allow US officials to participate in the Winter Olympics

In response, spokesman Zhao Lijian responded that in the team composed of US government officials to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Chinese side has indeed issued corresponding visas to some of its members, but many of the above-mentioned US officials are from the US State Department and other government departments, and they all hold diplomatic or official passports. After confirming this news, Zhao Lijian also expressed the hope that the US side can put the Olympic spirit into practice and work with the Chinese side to create a good atmosphere for athletes from all over the world to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Then, the reporter asked whether the words and deeds of the Us side, which had previously hyped up "not sending official and diplomatic representatives to attend the Winter Olympics", now took the initiative to apply for visas and sent so many people to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics. In response to this question, Zhao Lijian did not reply directly, saying that he should ask the US side more. Obviously, Zhao Lijian's answer did not directly expose the United States and save some face for the United States, but he also hoped that the US Government would be able to do its own thing and not make any more moths.

On January 20, India will build a space station, and the Indian media will benchmark China; China will allow US officials to participate in the Winter Olympics

Interestingly, the US government sent officials to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics, that before following his ass together with the opposing "little brothers" can be miserable, when Biden declared that "no official and diplomatic representatives will be sent to attend the Winter Olympics", Australia was the first to jump out of the line, and now, the attitude of the US government has taken a sharp turn of one hundred and eighty degrees, and some countries have quickly seen the wind and rudder and showed favor to China.

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