
Happiness 2021, Tribute to the Light Chaser | Li Jun and Chuankai Electric's "Three Entrepreneurships"

author:Dual-stream publishing

Shuangliu District in 2021

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Li Jun, who was recommended to run for the "Top Ten Most Beautiful Strivers"

In 1996, Chuankai Electric was founded exactly 16 years ago, in the "first entrepreneurship" stage. This year, 23-year-old Li Jun joined Chuankai Electric, after experiencing ordinary workers, sales personnel, marketing company vice president and other positions, in 2009 was promoted to the general manager of Chuankai Electric, it is also in this year, Chuankai Electric output value exceeded 300 million yuan, opened the "second entrepreneurship"; 10 years later, the enterprise output value quickly exceeded 2 billion yuan, as the senior vice president of Qingdao Trident Electric Co., Ltd., chairman of Chuankai Electric Co., Ltd., Li Jun began to plan his and Chuankai Electric's "third entrepreneurship".

Happiness 2021, Tribute to the Light Chaser | Li Jun and Chuankai Electric's "Three Entrepreneurships"

A township enterprise spent 29 years to cultivate, the output value exceeded 300 million yuan, which was rare in the country at that time. A young man, injecting 13 years of youth into his own faith and career, taking root and struggling, for Li Jun, this is also the "secret" that he can harvest many achievements in the struggle. Li Jun realized a truth in the big tree: all trees can only grow into towering trees if they are deeply rooted, and trees that have been transplanted many times are often difficult to survive. "For young people, they should take root in their chosen careers and work intensively, which is the premise of continuous growth." Li Jun said.

"Promote the stable and sustainable development of enterprises." This is the strategic goal determined by Chuankai Electric's "second entrepreneurship" in 2009. To this end, Chuankai Electric has built a new talent echelon based on the post-70s to support the development of the enterprise in the next 20 years; at the same time, it will carry out market-oriented transformation. Breaking the development model of focusing on opening up the regional market and determining the development idea of "industry as the market, the region as the base", Chuankai Electric has thus become the first enterprise in the industry to open up the industry market.

Happiness 2021, Tribute to the Light Chaser | Li Jun and Chuankai Electric's "Three Entrepreneurships"

With the implementation of the new development strategy, the market scope of Chuankai Electric has gradually moved from the previous 9:1 inside and outside the province to the goal of 3:7, and the successful development of the industry market has been the main force to promote the rapid growth of enterprise output value.

"By 2020, we found that the process of the times was more rapid, and the second entrepreneurship plan could not support the 20-year development plan of the enterprise, so we launched the 'third entrepreneurship' in 2020." Li Jun introduced that the "third entrepreneurship" is more customer-centric, combined with the construction of enterprise platforms, with ten years of time, to continuously improve corporate capabilities and support the development of enterprises.

Happiness 2021, Tribute to the Light Chaser | Li Jun and Chuankai Electric's "Three Entrepreneurships"

"The post-80s are the mainstay, the post-90s are supplemented, and the post-70s help the post-80s get on the horse and send them a ride." The restructuring of the talent team is still one of the main contents of the "new entrepreneurship plan". In the face of the new era of development, Li Jun believes that for Chuankai Electric, it is more important for enterprise capacity building, to promote the digital and intelligent transformation of enterprises with innovation, in order to strengthen the basic support for the development of enterprises in the next ten years, "For example, our current foundation can only support the repair of a house with 20 floors, but we want to repair a 100-story house, and with the current foundation, it will definitely collapse." Therefore, we are doing digital and intelligent transformation and consolidating the basic support. ”

In the strategy of "the third entrepreneurship", Li Jun and Chuankai Electric set a small goal: by 2025, the output value of Chuankai Electric will exceed 10 billion yuan. Lead the enterprise to continue to struggle and complete the "third entrepreneurship" plan with high quality. For personal development, he also has his own "small goals", "to improve their own ability as a focus, so that they have more ability to serve the society, to reflect the value of personal life." Li Jun said.

[Source: Shuangliu on the Cloud Reporter: Wang Rong Editor: Liao Qin Review: Sun Jianhan Zeng Wanjuan]

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