
After watching the movie, the new "island keepers" of Kaishan Island listened to the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea talk about the real version of "Chosin Lake"

author:Purple Cow News

"It's good to be alive! It's nice to be able to enjoy a peaceful life! All this must be grateful for the party's kindness! On October 12, in Anfu Village, Tuhe Town, Guanyun County, Lianyungang City, an old man faced a group of militiamen wearing party emblems who came to visit, calmly telling the story of the war that occurred in an exotic land that he experienced 70 years ago.

After watching the movie, the new "island keepers" of Kaishan Island listened to the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea talk about the real version of "Chosin Lake"

Wang Shulin's old man left a gunshot wound in the war

Most of these young people came from the militia post on Kaishan Island, the prototype of the story of the main theme movie "The Island Keeper", which is the "Hero Island" guarded by the people's model Wang Jicai with his life.

The 97-year-old man is called Wang Shulin, formerly known as Wang Youfu, who changed his name after returning to his hometown in 1955, and he was mentally strong and had a good memory in the interview. "In April 1946, I joined the army, and from the day I joined the army, the chief looked at my alert and gave me a light machine gun, from Lunan in northern Jiangsu to the Korean battlefield, and the machine gunner became my combat label. A machine gun, a ten-year military brigade, went out of northern Jiangsu, fought in Lunan, crossed the Yangtze River, crossed the Yalu River, participated in the Huaihai Campaign, the Battle of Crossing the River, and the Battle of Shanghai, and fought until the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. ”

According to the old man's recollection, after becoming a machine gun squad leader in the East China Field Army, he successively participated in the liberation campaigns of Hai'an, Funing, Dingyan, and Lianshui. After a brief victory at the Battle of Lianshui, Zhang Lingfu's Nationalist 74th Division counterattacked strongly; in order to avoid its sharp edge, the troops withdrew north to Shandong and fought a 6-day and 6-night decisive battle with Menglianggu; after the victory of the Battles of Laiwu and Jinan, he participated in the Battle of Huaihai with his troops; in November 1947, he and his comrades-in-arms conquered Pheasant Gang and Dianhuang Station in battle; then forcibly crossed the Yangtze River, liberated Shanghai, and suppressed the bandit Chongming Island, and gloriously joined the Communist Party of China.

After watching the movie, the new "island keepers" of Kaishan Island listened to the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea talk about the real version of "Chosin Lake"

Wang Shulin old man war historical materials donation receipt

On the National Day of 1950, he entered the Korean War with the troops and participated in the second, fourth and fifth battles that attracted worldwide attention, and the defense campaign in the summer and autumn of 1951. From Changjin Lake to the mouth of the Han River, Wang Shulin has received many meritorious awards. "In the battle of Chosin Lake, we had more than 30 people in a platoon, and after a battle, only a dozen people were left. The Americans threw down the incendiary bombs, and the comrades-in-arms suddenly became 'burning people', and they could not rescue them if they wanted to rescue them. After returning to China, the regiment held a three-day memorial service to commemorate these martyrs. As the leader read the long list of martyrs, we burst into tears. During the Korean War, I was awarded the Second Class Meritorious Service. ”

Hearing the militia of the island tell the battle scene of the Battle of Chosin Lake in the movie, the old man pondered for a long time and said, "The real war is much more tragic than in the movie." For the sake of artistic effect, our army in the movie has cannons, and some people can drive tanks, in fact, our army has so many cannons, guns and bullets are not enough, it is completely with extremely inferior equipment and the enemy to fight, and won the victory. ”

The militiamen guarding the island also talked about the "ice sculpture company" in the movie, and the old man immediately said, "That is true, it can be said that no battle in north Korea is easy, and the gap between equipment and logistical support, weather reasons, etc. make every battle extremely difficult for us." After crawling for a long time in extremely cold weather, many officers and men were frozen and killed in their positions when they launched the attack, but they still maintained a fighting posture. ”

In the spring of 1952, Wang Shulin returned to China for treatment after being shot in the left shoulder. In 1955, Wang Shulin, who had finished his military career, returned to his hometown of Anfu Village in Tuhe Town to work as a farmer. "After I returned to my hometown, I did not extend my hand to the government once, and the house I live in now was built by the party organization to take care of me."

In 2012, the Lianyungang Revolution Memorial Hall collected historical materials of the war. The staff did not expect that the old man in Wang Shulin collected ten valuable war historical materials such as the pennant of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Liberation of North China, the Battle of Huaihai, and the Victory Medal for Crossing the River, and the old man donated these objects to the museum free of charge.

Listening to the story of the new "island keeper" telling the story of Wang Jicai and Wang Shihua sticking to the island, the old man said to the militia of Kaishan Island very emotionally, "Wang Ji is a good son of the party, and it is not easy to defend the island and defend the country for 32 years." You must take him as an example, always listen to the party, always follow the party, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation at an early date! ”

Yangzi Evening News Purple Cow News reporter Zhang Lingfei correspondent Xia Xingjian

Proofread by Faye Wong

Source: Purple Cow News

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