
It's the first anniversary!

author:Cultural tourism Rizhao
It's the first anniversary!
It's the first anniversary!

January 20, 2021

Rizhao City Art Museum and new museum were officially opened

One year

The two halls are widely favored and sought after by citizens and tourists

To become a new and full of cultural landmarks

It's the first anniversary!

Municipal Art Gallery

It's the first anniversary!

In the past year, the Municipal Art Museum has adhered to the people-centered work orientation, with the praise of the era, praise of the hometown, and the promotion of rizhao as the main line, and has effectively led the development of mainstream art in the city by giving play to the work functions of exhibition planning, collection protection, public education, and art creation.


Tightly tie the important nodes,

The exhibition exhibits art works that gather people's hearts, warm people's hearts, and strengthen confidence

"A hundred years of Fanghua , the original heart is like a rock"

Rizhao City celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with a large-scale art exhibition

Focusing on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and other major time nodes of the party and the state, the Municipal Art Museum devoted itself to and carefully organized the launch of the "Centennial Fanghua • Initial Heart Like a Rock" large-scale art exhibition in Rizhao City to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the exhibition of works of the Yimeng School of Painting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the exhibition of fine works of the Jiaodong Five Cities Art Museum collection of "Painting and Telling the History of the Party in a Hundred Years of Glory", and the Exhibition of Paintings of Wang Defu in the Passionate Years. In the theme exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Art Museum organized 17 outstanding painters in the city to create 17 fine Chinese painting group paintings with a total of 100 meters for half a year. In chronological order, using the three chapters of revolution, construction, and development, 17 theme contents such as "Dawn first illumination", "Wang Gemei", "The Establishment of the Rizhao County Committee of the CPC", and "The Attempt of the Revolution - Rizhao Riot" were reproduced, showing the history of Rizhao in a panoramic manner, which is not only a vivid interpretation of the history of The development of Rizhao by Rizhao literary and art workers, but also a sincere gift to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party, and has better played the role of art works in gathering people's hearts, warming people's hearts, and strengthening confidence.


The high-quality exhibition helped to open the first exhibition, and the Municipal Art Museum became a popular punch card

It's the first anniversary!

"Sunshine Coast, Vibrant Sunshine" Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Calligraphy Masterpieces

On January 20, 2021, the new museum was opened, and the Municipal Art Museum grandly launched the "Sunshine Coast • Vitality Rizhao" Contemporary Calligraphy Masterpieces Invitation Exhibition sponsored by the China Book Association and the Rizhao Municipal People's Government, the "Shandong Art Museum Collection Exhibition" sponsored by the Shandong Art Museum and the Rizhao Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the "Shandong Sculpture Famous Artists Invitation Exhibition" sponsored by the Shandong Provincial Artists Association and the Rizhao Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and the "Children's Painting Rizhao" Children's Art Works Exhibition in Rizhao City, attracting many citizens and tourists to visit and take photos. Little Red Book netizen @ super like rock sugar gourd said: Punch card Rizhao Art Museum, especially good to shoot, every time you see the exhibition will be shocked. Douyin netizens @cici commented: "I still want to go again, the environment is good, the transportation is convenient, the equipment is new", and there are spontaneous publicity such as self-media "Rizhao Secret Agent", "Tandian Rizhao", "Eat, Drink and Have Fun", etc. Rizhao Art Museum once became the preferred punching place for popular APPS such as "Little Red Book" and "Douyin".


Each exhibition hall has a distinct theme to meet the aesthetic education needs of different age levels

It's the first anniversary!

Exhibition of fine works from the collection of Shandong Art Museum

The new museum has four exhibition halls, a central hall, and a public education room for fine arts. A total of 2,840 works were exhibited in the four exhibition halls throughout the year. Exhibition hall A1 respectively exhibits 11 exhibitions such as the exhibition of fine works from the collection of Shandong Art Museum, the exhibition of paintings of Weifang New Year Paintings in the Past, and the exhibition of calligraphy and painting works of the "First Secretary" of Rizhao in the village on the field of hope; the exhibition of calligraphy and painting works of contemporary calligraphy masters in the A2 and A3 exhibitions of "Sunshine Coast • Vitality Rizhao", the 2021 National Youth Realistic Painting Art Exhibition, and the "Exquisite Life of Rizhao" Qufu Normal University School of Fine Arts Teachers and 2021 Graduates Exhibition and other exhibitions, providing a stage for outstanding young artists to display the exhibition The "Children's Painting Rizhao" Children's Fine Arts Excellent Works Exhibition in Rizhao City launched by The A4 Exhibition Hall shows the colorful fairy tale world with paintbrushes, which has won unanimous praise from citizens and tourists; the central hall has successively held exhibitions such as the exhibition of shandong sculpture masterpieces and the national security education theme publicity week, allowing citizens to enjoy the artworks from well-known sculptors at their doorstep and play solidified music.


Cultural activities for the benefit of the people are rich and colorful, and the efficiency of public cultural services is continuously improved

It's the first anniversary!

"Five LotusEs Come on Fighting the Epidemic with Me"

Rizhao City calligraphers and painters create donation PEN club online live broadcast activities

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the outstanding artists in the museum were organized to carry out 6 activities of "sending blessings and sending spring festivals" culture to the countryside and "everyone is blessed - spring festival blessings", and more than 10,000 "blessings" were sent to the grass-roots masses. Actively do a good job in the "epidemic" work of the literary and art war, carry out the "Five LotusEs, Cheer up and fight the epidemic with me" Rizhao City calligraphers and painters to create a donation pen club online live broadcast activity, and created more than 20 pieces of anti-epidemic theme calligraphy and painting works, with 30,000 clicks. At the same time, relying on the exhibition area exhibition, it received large, medium, and small schools and training institutions to carry out special public art education activities, and trained more than 2,000 people.

Looking to the future, drumming and urging, continue to move forward. The Municipal Art Museum will walk with the party with one heart and one mind, walk with the people, focus on the center and serve the overall situation, sincerely listen to the sonorous footsteps of the development of Rizhao, vividly praise the fiery practice of reform and innovation, and continue to play an active role in exhibition planning, collection protection, public education, artistic creation, and foreign exchanges, and strive to write a new chapter in the development of fine arts!

Municipal Museum

It's the first anniversary!

The writer Helen Keller once wrote in "If You Give Me Three Days of Light" that if she had three days of light, she would choose a day to go to the museum: "I want to see the wonders of human progress, the infinite changes of thousands of years, so many years, how can it be compressed into one day?" Through the museum, of course. ”

In a city, the functions carried by museums, as Shan Jixiang, the former head of the Palace Museum, said, are "spiritual homes, cultural oases, temples of knowledge, living rooms of cities, and windows of civilization." In the museum, we can see the beauty of precious cultural relics and works of art, and intuitively feel the longevity of urban civilization and the depth of history.

Rizhao has a long history, outstanding people, profound cultural heritage, the territory of Dongyi culture, Longshan culture, Ju culture, etc. have a long history, Ju culture and Qi culture, Lu culture and called Shandong three major cultures; Rizhao black pottery has a history of 5,000 years, known by historians as "the treasure of primitive culture"; juxian Lingyang River site unearthed original pottery is the ancestor of Chinese characters, more than 1500 years earlier than the oracle bone. Cultural relics carry a splendid civilization, inherit history and culture, maintain the national spirit, and are the profound nourishment for strengthening the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.

It's the first anniversary!

At present, as the people of the city welcome the arrival of the Spring Festival, the Municipal Museum has also ushered in the first anniversary of its opening. In order to further enrich the spiritual and cultural needs of the general public and tourists, improve the level of public cultural services, and create a strong festive atmosphere, from now until March, the Municipal Museum has carefully prepared 8 theme activities, including pottery restoration training classes, cultural lecture halls, museum treasure hunting punch cards, theme calligraphy and painting exhibitions and other contents, which will lead the general public and tourists to experience a "time and space" Rizhao cultural journey.

Professional library of cultural relics

Free to the public

It's the first anniversary!

Rizhao City Museum actively expands public welfare service channels, and the professional library and reference room of Culture and Bo is open to the public for the public to consult the relevant materials of cultural relics and archaeology and museum professions. Located on the 3A floor of the Municipal Museum, the library covers an area of about 70 square meters and has a collection of more than 2,000 books, covering most of the newspapers, periodicals and reference books of archaeology, museology and history in China.

Members of the public can make an appointment to open the museum with valid documents such as ID cards.

The Heritage Restoration Room is open free of charge

Workshop on pottery restoration

It's the first anniversary!
It's the first anniversary!

Rizhao City Museum is equipped with a professional cultural relics restoration room, the restoration room has the function of carrying out pottery, porcelain, bronze restoration, etc., open to the society, free venue and technical guidance, has held five consecutive sessions of pottery restoration public welfare training experience class. On the first anniversary of the opening of the new museum, the pottery restoration training class was continued, and the teachers of Shandong Wenbao Cultural Relics Restoration Technology Co., Ltd. were specially invited to give lectures.

Enthusiasts from all walks of life are welcome to sign up for the participation, and the number of places is limited.

Training period: January 19 to January 20

In 2022, the first session of the Cultural Expo Lecture Hall was held

It's the first anniversary!

In the first session of the 2022 Wenbo Lecture Hall, Li Yinde, a jade expert at Xuzhou Museum, was specially invited to give a special lecture on "Jade Seeing Brilliant - Jade Unearthed by the Xuzhou Thorn History Department in the Han Dynasty". Li Yinde, graduated from the Department of History of Nanjing University, majoring in archaeology, was the director of Xuzhou Museum, and is now the honorary director and research librarian of Xuzhou Museum, and a part-time professor of Jiangsu Normal University. Engaged in Han jade research for 30 years.

Registration is by appointment and places are limited.

Lecture time: 15:00 on January 21st

For the first time, the exhibition area of stone carvings in the collection was opened

It's the first anniversary!
It's the first anniversary!

Rizhao City Museum has newly added a new exhibition area for stone carvings in the collection, which is located on the first floor of the minus, displaying for the first time the stone stele, stone seat, door pier of the Qing Dynasty and modern stone agricultural tools and living tools. Specially introduced the Exhibits of the Shinto Stele of Gengzi Nian Jinshi Anyeting, the Calligraphy Stele of Yu Youren and the Calligraphy Stele of Ding Weifen. Among them, the owner of the Anyeting Shinto Monument is An Yong, a native of Anjia Village, Liangcheng Street, Zhao city today, whose original name is 砺金, Ziyeting, Tieqiao, Alias Yanshan, An Fangsun, An Bang Xianzi, and the father of An Yue. He is a member of the 20th year of the Qing Daoguang Gengzi Branch, and the outer lang of the Camp Commander of the Ministry of Works and the walking of the Water Division.

The exhibition area is open by appointment.

Appointment tel: 0633-8788925


Fan Boqian Tongding (remnant) made his debut

It's the first anniversary!
It's the first anniversary!

On the occasion of the opening of the new museum of the Municipal Museum, Fan Boqian Tongding (remnant) was exhibited for the first time in the Xia Shang Zhou Cultural Exhibition Hall on the second floor. Fan Boqian Bronze Ding (remnant), Fan Guo inscription bronze during the Spring and Autumn Period, national second-class cultural relics, collected from The Village of Xiayuan in Taoluo Town, Donggang District, Rizhao City in August 2009, the fragment is engraved with an inscription: "Only Fan BoQian Cast Ding, Shan Zhong Win Ge Mother, □ its ten thousand years without boundaries, children and grandchildren Yongbao to enjoy." ”

Exhibition period: January 18 to March 4


A treasure hunt in the museum

It's the first anniversary!

In order to increase the enthusiasm and fun of audience participation, the Municipal Museum launched a museum treasure hunt on January 20. Visitors to the event first register at the information desk on the first floor to collect the treasure hunt manual, which is limited to one copy per person per day, and go to the exhibition hall to find treasure with the treasure hunting manual. For each "treasure" found, find the security staff of the relevant exhibition hall to punch and stamp in the corresponding position of the treasure hunting manual, and after all is completed, receive a prize at the service desk with the manual, and the reward quota is limited to the first 30 visitors who enter the museum to complete the punch card every day, and the prize is a featured commemorative stamp.


Rizhao Qing Dynasty Republic of China Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition

It's the first anniversary!

Rizhao City Museum and Rizhao Ancient Folk Museum jointly held the "Hanmo Danqing - Rizhao Qing Dynasty Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition", which exhibited more than 40 sets of nearly 100 sets of Rizhao celebrity calligraphy and painting works from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, most of which were publicly displayed for the first time. Most of the authors are celebrities and famous artists of the Qing Dynasty, such as Ding Shoucun, a pioneer of the modern arms industry, Xu Han, an outstanding scholar and calligrapher, Tanhua Guan Tingxian, a famous archaeologist and calligrapher Ding Linnian, and a generation of guoxue masters Wang Xiantang.


Exhibition of works by the Hundred Generals

It's the first anniversary!

Rizhao City Museum and Linyi City Museum jointly held the "Hundred Generals Book of War Art Works Exhibition", which exhibits a total of 45 classic famous sentences written by contemporary generals "Sun Tzu's Art of War", which is a perfect combination of the calligraphy art of contemporary Chinese generals and the traditional military culture of the mainland, showing the style of the generals of the Republic and the charm of the "Art of War of Sun Tzu", a sacred classic of military science.

Exhibition period: January 18 to March 2

Source: Rizhao Daily

In order to do a good job in 2022

Further promote the high-quality development of the cultural and tourism industry

Please work for rizhao City Culture and Tourism Bureau

Make valuable suggestions and suggestions

It's the first anniversary!


In order to further protect the health and safety of the general public and tourists, please adhere to the epidemic prevention and control measures, wear masks, wash hands frequently, measure body temperature, disinfect frequently, gather less, and ventilate frequently. Reduce the frequency of travel in crowded places, pay attention to the open information of public venues in a timely manner, consciously abide by the epidemic prevention and control system, accept requirements such as measuring body temperature, checking health codes, dividing time flow, and maintaining spacing, and give full understanding to the resulting queues and waiting.

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