
The Workers' Party of Korea held a politburo meeting

Source: CCTV news client

According to a report by the KCNA on the 20th local time, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea held the sixth meeting of the Eighth Central Committee on the 19th to discuss and decide on current work and important policy issues.

The meeting first discussed and decided to solemnly celebrate the 110th anniversary of the birth of former DPRK leader Kim Il Sung and the 80th anniversary of the birth of former DPRK leader Kim Jong-il.

The meeting reported on the recent provocative acts of the United States in making irresponsible remarks and provoking trouble over the DPRK's legitimate exercise of sovereignty, and discussed the direction of the DPRK's future policy toward the United States. In recent years since the DPRK-US summit, the United States has held hundreds of joint military exercises that it has personally promised to terminate, conducted various strategic weapons tests, and shipped sophisticated weapons into south Korea, deploying nuclear strategic weapons in the vicinity of the Korean Peninsula, seriously threatening the security of the DPRK.

The United States has also grossly desecrated and slandered the dignity of the DPRK, wantonly carried out more than 20 attempts to impose separate sanctions, and the current US administration has been obsessed with conspiracies to stifle the DPRK's right to self-defense.

The meeting redeployed the task of immediately strengthening and developing more powerful material means to effectively suppress the hostile behavior of the United States against the DPRK, and issued instructions to the relevant departments to re-examine the measures taken by the DPRK to establish mutual trust with the United States on its own initiative and to discuss in a timely manner whether it is necessary to restart all activities suspended during the period. (Reporter Dong Haitao)

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