
Film and television post-editing editor details, what software to learn in post-editing? Clipping thinking boost?

author:Ghost Valley Cloud Classroom

Film and television editors, this is relatively the easiest to understand, editing is the existing real-time video (whether it is real shooting or three-dimensional production) for editing, extraction, arrangement, reorganization, and final output of the finished product, the editor is generally also responsible for the overall tone of the picture.

Film and television post-editing editor details, what software to learn in post-editing? Clipping thinking boost?

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The most commonly used software for general editing is three, Premiere, Edius, Finalcut, of course, there are many fool editing software, such as vibrato cuts, sound and shadow, love editing and so on. Edius is based on the node-based editing software, Finalcut is mainly for the Apple system, of which Premiere is the most common post-editing software, it is a suite of software belonging to Adobe, and PS, AE, AU, etc. are brothers, so the compatibility is the best, the general learning editing is recommended to start from Premiere, and finally to emphasize that the editing software technology is very simple, 7-10 days can be learned, but the editing technology is very simple, The hard thing is to edit the mind"

Above we learned what the film and television editor is and what software to learn, but no matter what the editing software is actually the same, are just tools, it is easy to quicken, editing technology compared to other technologies in the later stage is the simplest, but a film to think well, editing is a very important part, the core of editing lies in editing thinking, editing art, and no longer editing technology itself,

Film and television post-editing editor details, what software to learn in post-editing? Clipping thinking boost?

Editing thinking mainly includes the following five points, copywriting script thinking, director thinking, audience thinking, lens sense, and musical sense

The first point of editing thinking is the copywriting script thinking, no matter how many shots, the core is how to tell a good story, this is the core, not the random patchwork of various video shots, never forget the theme of this video, and the theme is often the core of the copywriting script

The second point of editing thinking, the director's thinking, after clarifying the theme of a film's copywriting script, the editing as the secondary creation of the film, must have the director's thinking, remember to fall into the logic and order of the shooter, first familiar with the material, and then find the main dramatic conflict, and then you must consider how to cut through the editing, extraction, arrangement and reorganization of various shots, how to transfer the plot of each storyboard, through different transition storyboards, lens language to express the theme, this is the director's thinking, otherwise the editing level is high, It can only be craftsmanship, just imitation copying, not the editing art of the editor.

The third point of editing thinking is the audience thinking, when editing a film, it is necessary to figure out who the film is for, that is, who the audience is, what the characteristics of the audience are, and what the audience wants to see, so that we can find the appropriate way to deal with it when editing, when to follow the audience, when to hang the audience, when to go against the audience, so that the film will be more wonderful and layered. ,

The fourth point of editing thinking should have a sense of lens, 1 is the sensitivity of the material shot, see an excellent shot, you can associate a plot or a certain emotion. 2 is the idea of lens assembly, that is, the meaning of transition storyboarding, what kind of lens assembly is the most reasonable and smooth, or what kind of assembly is the most surprising to the audience.

The fifth point of editing thinking should have a sense of music, a video not only has to have pictures and dialogue but also has background music, suitable music can make the rhythm and mood of the film express better, make people look more comfortable, in addition, when to enter the music, when to receive music, when to leave blank, are the editors need to think seriously.

Film and television post-editing editor details, what software to learn in post-editing? Clipping thinking boost?

The above 5 points of editing thinking are the five points that editors must always keep in mind, so knowing the editing thinking, how can we improve the level of editing? The next article details that the synchronous series of small videos about this aspect can be viewed in the Douyin search "Ghost Valley Cloud Classroom" to view the corresponding videos.

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