
Dump 1.5 billion tons of water every day! The A68 iceberg, which had shattered into hundreds of pieces, melted faster and the impact came

If the sea level can be lower, then the impact of the tsunami caused by the eruption of the Tonga volcano is not so large, but the real world is just the opposite, the sea level is not lower, but higher and higher, because in the context of global warming, the north and south glaciers are changing rapidly, pouring fresh water into the ocean.

Dump 1.5 billion tons of water every day! The A68 iceberg, which had shattered into hundreds of pieces, melted faster and the impact came

At this moment, there is a huge iceberg, moving north while rapidly decomposing, it has broken into hundreds and is rapidly melting, satellite data calculations show that it dumps 1.5 billion tons of fresh water into the ocean every day, which is 150 times the daily water used by British citizens, and the global sea level has also risen.

Dump 1.5 billion tons of water every day! The A68 iceberg, which had shattered into hundreds of pieces, melted faster and the impact came

This super iceberg is known as the A68, the crack in the A68 iceberg after several years of splitting, finally fell off the South Pole Larsen C ice shelf in 2017, an area of about 6,000 square kilometers, 5.5 times the area of Hong Kong, A68 is also in recent decades, from the Antarctic ice shelf split the largest ice cube.

Dump 1.5 billion tons of water every day! The A68 iceberg, which had shattered into hundreds of pieces, melted faster and the impact came

The A68 iceberg, which contains 1,000 billion tons of fresh water, slowly drifted northeast after shedding the Larsen C ice shelf, moving nearly 500 kilometers a year, and in 2021, the A68 iceberg drifted near South Georgia, which also caused an empty concern, because South Georgia is home to tens of thousands of animals.

From the satellite map, South Georgia is very small, only the size of a point, but it is actually a relatively large island, 160 kilometers long, 32 kilometers wide, with a total area of 3756 square kilometers, more than three times the area of Hong Kong, and the island has 5 high mountains with an altitude of more than 2100 meters.

Dump 1.5 billion tons of water every day! The A68 iceberg, which had shattered into hundreds of pieces, melted faster and the impact came

South Georgia is home to tens of thousands of seals, but it is also home to a large nest of birds, albatrosses, southern petrels, emperor penguins, skuas and petrels, and when the A68 iceberg approaches South Georgia, scientists worry that super icebergs stranding South Georgia will block the passage for emperor penguins and seals to catch, especially the arrival of the breeding season.

Dump 1.5 billion tons of water every day! The A68 iceberg, which had shattered into hundreds of pieces, melted faster and the impact came

In January 2021, the A68 iceberg was affected by the movement of ocean currents, came to the vicinity of South Georgia and began to move in an easterly direction, and did not strand South Georgia, causing scientists to worry about it, and in April 2021, the A68 iceberg began to decompose, turning into multiple Xiaoice mountains, and the melting rate was further accelerated.

Dump 1.5 billion tons of water every day! The A68 iceberg, which had shattered into hundreds of pieces, melted faster and the impact came

By January 2022, Xiaoice Mountain further decomposed, again into hundreds of pieces, a large number of small fragments that could not be tracked, and as they moved further north, the water temperature also became higher and higher, the melting rate was further accelerated, and 1.5 billion tons of fresh water were dumped into the ocean every day, and it may take a long time to melt to the end.

Although the fragments that split off from the A68 iceberg are very small from satellite maps, in fact most of the Xiaoice mountains are still very large, with a height of more than 150 meters and an area of more than hundreds of square meters.

Dump 1.5 billion tons of water every day! The A68 iceberg, which had shattered into hundreds of pieces, melted faster and the impact came

A large number of Xiaoice mountains drift northward, affecting, will have an impact on the ecosystem, the arrival of icebergs will cover a wide range of sea areas, affecting the normal growth of aquatic animals and aquatic plants, may damage the local ecosystem, especially after Xiaoice mountain stranded small islands, will inevitably affect the animal activities on the islands.

Dump 1.5 billion tons of water every day! The A68 iceberg, which had shattered into hundreds of pieces, melted faster and the impact came

At the same time, the northward drift of a large number of Xiaoice mountains will also affect the ship's waterway, which is a big threat, to know that the smaller the Xiaoice mountain, the faster the drift, and sometimes suddenly appears in front of the ship, knowing that many years ago, the British Titanic sank due to the impact of the iceberg. Interesting and informative scientific content, please pay attention to the only WeChat public account: Interesting Exploration

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