
Lady Christina (Act VI, Verse 23)

author:Yannan Zhaobei small poet

Mortal dust: Once people are old and useless, they become more and more weak and can't help the wind, and look at the meager bright moon, it can't withstand the dark clouds in the sky, helplessly this time flies by, and the dreams of the past also come true, but can you still find the happiness of childhood, or have you long been lost in this rolling red dust?

Fate: People should cherish their lives, no matter how muddy your life path is, no matter how miserable the days will eventually disappear, don't waste precious time on unnecessary things.

Mortal Dust: If the yearning for nobility is the soul of man, then corruption and depravity will exhaust life, but who in life does not seek some pleasure, only mortal worlds will have this atmosphere.

Fate: Everything in the world must listen to fate, master your own life needs to listen to its decisions, happy life does not know where to start, sad days do not know when to come.

Fan Chen: Ah! All my life I have been fleeing from my destiny, my life is only to follow the classical spirit, but the reality of the story is so sad, restless psychology can never find peace.

Fate: In fact, I am only following my mission, I also have my own destiny, as for the fate of fate, what it is, then only God can explain His command.

Fan Chen: I have been taking care of the commoners of the world, and not a day has I been able to do my own thing, but mortals are tired and have a vacation, and I have to be busy even at night.

Fate: I am the same in the world, taking care of all things from birth to death, you have to ask me when to rest, there is no such day in the world.

Mortal Dust: Common thoughts can penetrate the heart, no wonder human beings can produce love, careers can create great friends, and suffering meet true brothers.

Fate: Life is a magnificent hall, spacious to welcome guests from all directions, but do not let the guests occupy your seat, so that you will not be able to hear your own voice until you die.

Fan Chen: I planted fig trees in my home in the autumn, and let countless beautiful flowers guard her, and after a year she did not have her original appearance, but those flowers became more and more angry.

Fate: If people do not have a strong spirit, do not rush to act on the goal, there is only one energy in the world, either belongs to themselves or to others. No one can win the crucial gamble, the fruits of victory cannot be divided equally with others, and selfishness is god's arranged disposition for man, which drives mankind from birth to be busy.

Fan Chen: However, after all, this world is so beautiful, people can not climb the sky can also rely on grass, not everyone can drink qiong pulp jade liquid, but only birds can enjoy the scenery of the world.

Fate: No one can predict the future, safflowers do not necessarily match green leaves, even spiders can step on clouds, and sometimes people can indulge without drinking.

Mortal Dust: The worldly vision is ultimately limited, people should always be accompanied by fate, no one does not want to flow through the ages, but they will always think of the world.

Fate: If one can only be a good parent, then protect the child's dreams, just like the fig tree you planted, and don't let the flowers take away her nutrition.

Mortal Dust: If reality is the boundless darkness, then the ideal is the lightning that cuts through the night sky, and few ordinary people dare to listen to the thunder that follows, and its power makes the mountains and seas tremble.

Fate: You said that the darkness hides the deception of the human world, and the places that cannot be prevented are full of open guns and dark arrows, how can you escape the tracking of darkness, and the cautious life is always ahead of fate?

Mortal dust: Humble species have not yet been remembered by God, in his eyes we dare not call ourselves a piece of dust, small things can torture us to death, and the strange scenery is even more dazzling.

Fate: Be careful with the wind and rain around you, don't listen to women's songs, don't try to collide with unrelated fates, and forget when it's critical. This life is originally a good play, the role you play is all a little heart of God, the wind and rain are to give you the opportunity to perform better, this is the real secret I know as a destiny.

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