
My education story - Huang Fan who did not leave school


One night after midnight the mobile phone rang, a look is the heart of the housekeeper called suddenly cold and half cut, the dormitory management said that the ninth grade girl Huang Fan is not in the dormitory, called the class teacher, said that she did not ask for leave. This is a special girl, her parents are working outside, her grandparents brought up, she brought her mobile phone to school several times in violation of the law, and she fell in love with social youth in the eighth grade. I know her better, and I remember that she added my WeChat. So, I tried to contact her, and soon she replied to me.

Here's the conversation in WeChat:

Me: Where are you? Did you go home?

Huang: Teacher, I was in the milk tea shop and didn't come home. Tonight encountered something, the mood is very irritable, just take advantage of the out-of-town students to go home when mixed out, sorry! Can I go back to school now?

Me: Okay, I'll go to the school gate and wait for you.

Finally, the mind settled.

After returning to school, I arranged for the dormitory manager to take her back to the dormitory, during which I only said one sentence to her, "Rest well", and then asked the class teacher to call the parents to report that she was safe.

The next day, I talked to her with the class teacher, she put last night and the classmates because of the inconsistency in the solution method of the quarrel, resulting in their own thoughts messy, remembering her parents in the growth of the lack, feeling that no one cares for her, etc., said a pass, and finally said that she will not be so impulsive in the future, and is willing to accept the disciplinary punishment of the school (our school rules clearly stipulate that it is a serious violation of discipline for students not taking leave to leave school).

Thinking back on the whole process of this incident, the class teacher and I did not strictly ask her "why didn't you leave school, who you were with, where you went, do you know if everyone is worried about you", etc., but gave her enough time to think calmly and let her reflect on herself. I think that's why she said it the next day.

When teachers face students who make mistakes, they should control their emotions, do not "burn in anger" as soon as they hear that "habitual offenders" have made mistakes, and do not accuse as soon as they open their mouths, forming an antagonistic situation. In this way, students will be provoked, will not accept criticism, and even cause conflicts between teachers and students. Don't simply teach emptyly, give students time and space, and communicate with students with sincere love and patience. Lay out the facts and reason, and enhance students' sense of trust in themselves.

Remember: every time you talk to students, no matter what the result is, you must reflect on the process of the conversation, and summarize the gains and losses in the reflection, in order to make us grow better.

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