
A story, a life - 4

author:Mr. Autumn Rain

1. It is better to kill than to change it

A rooster gets up in the morning to report. At dawn, he was proposed by his master to be killed.

Another rooster got up in the morning to report the news. At dawn, he was proposed by his master to be killed. Another rooster got up in the morning to report that it was dawn, but it was still proposed by its owner to kill.

The neighbor was puzzled and asked, "These roosters are quite punctual every day, what do you kill them for?" ”

The man said, "I have a habit of getting up late in the morning, but they call very early." ”

The neighbor said, "It's not their fault, it's the rooster's duty to report it." ”

The man said, "I don't care about this, what I need is a rooster that mates with a hen, not a rooster that is announced." ”

The neighbor said, "But the rooster can't fail to report, can't you solve the problem in another way?" ”

"It's hard." The man said, "I tried to cut off their throats, and then I wanted to prick their mouths, but it was too much trouble, and it was easy to kill them." ”

"Then why don't you change your sleeping habits?" The neighbor asked doubtfully.

"Change my habits, how is this possible!" The man said, "I've had this habit for decades, how could I change it for a few roosters?" Besides, I am the master, they should meet my needs, and when their behavior contradicts me, it can only be them who suffer, how can it be me? ”

2. Do you still have the passion to impact the baffle?

Psychologists place a hungry crocodile and some small fish at either end of the aquarium, blocked by transparent glass plates in the middle.

At first the crocodile did not hesitate to attack the little fish, and it failed, but it was not discouraged; then it launched a tenth more violent attack on the little fish, and it failed again, and was seriously wounded; it attacked again, thirteenth, fourteenth... After multiple attempts to attack hopelessly, it no longer attacks.

By this time, the psychologist removed the baffle, and the crocodile no longer attacked the small fish. It still watched hopelessly as the little fish swam leisurely under its noses, and it gave up all efforts.

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