
Articles about our lives

author:Dongzi Brother Film and Television

The afternoon breeze was cool and slightly sour.

I closed the novel and walked to the windowsill as usual, only to find that the flowers in the bottle had not been blown away at any time, and I did not know what it was

Fiddling with withered leaves.

It's really a bit of a loss, after all, I've been looking forward to it for the past few days.

My life could not have been a novel, and I began to hate it a little.

Everything in front of you, some no, black and white, in the end, maybe it will be good, maybe it will be bad. We all know the ending

This is fiction.

Everything in front of you, some no, black and white, in the end, is to the end. You don't even know what tomorrow will be. Lay out the trail. You have to move forward.

It's life

So some people are afraid, some people are tired, some people are crying, some people are laughing. They worship novels, they go obsessed with novels.

I don't blame them. Life brings everyone a different ending. Fiction can easily convince them. It's true

Don't be afraid, it's okay, you just have to believe it's a novel

My boredom hypocritical comfort. That way you won't cry

Or you can shout at failure: Ah! A life without setbacks is without passion!

Is it? I shouted. I believed it. But I still couldn't do it. I'll still cry.

Why don't you make me cry? Am I wrong with crying? I failed, and I cried whenever I wanted to. oh. You say that if you fail, you must stand up and bleed without tears. It's all clichés aren't it? We did not live in the era of liberation, and we were patriotic, but we would cry when we bled, we would not pretend to be strong, and we would stand up after crying and clapping our hands. Moving on.

Okay, that's it.

Yesterday's inexplicable sad hair, watching a flock of birds fly by, and then remembering the inexplicable novel of the four boys, wow a cry. After crying, I dried my tears and continued to run to dinner, but nothing happened, it was just a vent

When chatting, I desperately smiled with netizens, and sent to my hands that were sore and tired in order to get a sentence you are so cute.

Sometimes sitting and thinking about life and death, I know that at our age, I am not worthy to talk about this, but recent life has made me hallucinate, the life of walking away, in front of my eyes bloody occurrence, and bloody disappearance, Oh

I began to doubt again

The journey we have traveled is like a novel with no ending, and God is in a bad mood and has written all these things

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