
Be friends with time

author:Stellar small world

Time, which can witness everything and soothe everything, is our best friend.

The best way to love someone is to meet the right person at the right time. A person's greatest happiness is to find the love and mission of this life when they are young enough.

Recently, I opened Li Xiaolai's "Time as a Friend" and felt that I had really met a good friend who could make me see clearly.

After reading this book in one sitting, although there were many children's distractions in the middle of the way, and my own impulse to interact with a few old friends, I finally continued to read this book when I first chose it.

After reading it, I came to a conclusion: a person who can control time will eventually win life's probability, which is often beyond his imagination and expectations. The mystery of time is that the length of our lives is made up of time, and all life experiences and achievements need to be spent and accumulated for a long time. Even a genius-like figure who can finally achieve rich life results and extremely high achievements requires at least ten years of accumulation.

The book tells of a man who, at the time of his death, left behind a huge fortune and a contribution to the whole world and society far beyond the imagination of his descendants, and behind all this stemmed from his cherishing of time and his record of the days and days. And by extension, we talked about the recording method of "Strange Life", recording the exact length of each event, and then regularly analyzing their time budget input and execution until they optimized their time management and ensured that they were close to their goals.

It can be seen that if a person can reasonably arrange his time in a scientific and orderly manner under the condition of cherishing time, and take good care of this old friend, the ultimate benefit is himself.

The book also talks about not using the traditional dimensions of important, urgent, unimportant, and non-urgent to distinguish the order of daily event execution, but to associate all events with goals, and the more closely related things are to the goals, the more priority should be given. Personally, I feel that this method is indeed better, it is more conducive to working towards your own goals, and the perception of self-control of life is getting stronger and stronger, and you have more and more confidence. Because many people can't distinguish what is important and urgent, but everyone has some big or small goals in mind, such an approach is more conducive to facts and managing daily trivial life.

There is also that when doing time management, you must overcome your inertia and walk strictly according to the plan for a period of time until you form a habit, so that you can say that you have successfully managed your time. Because people are born with a tendency to be lazy and loose in their genes, many people have serious procrastination or lazy cancer, which has caused a lot of waste of time, which eventually leads to a not very good life or living state. I feel this way, because I also have the problem of putting one thing in front of the deadline, and it doesn't work well in the end, and I lose a lot of control over things. On the contrary, some people prepare a lot of things in front, but in the end they can win the game and complete the next goal with ease. If we often feel that time has passed, it seems that nothing has been done, and nothing has been left, then the first time is to do it, action is too important, and the huge gap between people in the end is often caused by action and time accumulation.

The book also talks about the delayed satisfaction theory of candy experiments, for those who can be delayed to meet, because they have more time to live in the moment more focusedly, rather than casually changing their plans and goals, so that they can finally harvest a more free and beautiful life experience. Delayed gratification is an important habit of a happy life, and in the end, those who are not in a hurry to make quick profits can become the biggest beneficiaries. It reminded me that a long-term approach in the investment space would outperform the shocks of inflation and all economic crises. As Buffett said, the right successful investment should be to find a track long enough to snowball, and if it rolls for a long time, the snowball will roll bigger and bigger. Because of this, Buffett's huge wealth is also accumulated after he has reached the age of half a hundred, and the long-term investment of time has made him the ultimate big winner of wealth. In my opinion, Buffett is a model of using time as a friend.

Then there is Facebook founder Zuckerberg is also an entrepreneur who takes time as a friend, in order to save time on clothes, he often buys the same tops and pants, and buys multiple sets of the same clothes, saving a lot of time for dressing.

Look at many entrepreneurs, who are also experts at using time, flying for several hours at a time, completing a huge amount of work, or reading a book, rather than sleeping like some people. Through time statistics, the author tells us that in addition to rest, sleep, entertainment and eating and drinking, social and other time in this life, the time that can really be invested in learning is only 14 years, so it is not long, but every day is a fair 24 hours for everyone, some people are very outstanding, outstanding, and have made great achievements and contributions in their own industry, while some people have finally achieved nothing and done nothing, the biggest reason is the cognition, attitude and action of time management. All have been caused by huge differences.

Also, the most important thing about treating time as a friend is to believe that you can control your brain. Our brains, often in a very short period of time can produce countless thoughts, if like a monkey breaking corn, the heart of the ape, no goal, can not control their own thoughts, always feel that the current is better than just now, and eventually miss more harvest. Therefore, when we develop and practice around a goal, the attitude towards time should be like treating old friends, respectful and deep, without distraction, and finally we will be able to harvest the hearts of this old friend, achieve goals or achieve goals beyond expectations. We are all people who can control our brains, and we must believe this, so that we can control the days we pass by day, grasp the present, and achieve the future.

How a person lives a day, he will live his life. From now on, take time as the most important friend in your life, step towards the ideal in your heart day by day, and believe that beauty is waiting for us not far ahead.

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