
Huang Qisheng Essay: "Wise Life" cleaned up in time and moved forward lightly

author:Global Classics Original Literature
Huang Qisheng Essay: "Wise Life" cleaned up in time and moved forward lightly

"Wise Life"

Clean up in time and move forward lightly

Author: Huang Qisheng

Looking back, 2021 is a thing of the past, and 2022 is rushing forward.

Looking back on the past year, there is joy, there is pride, and there are regrets and regrets.

Life is not perfect, nor is it singing all the way, always advancing, only by unloading the burden and cleaning yourself, can you live thoroughly and move forward lightly in the new year.

The computer clears zero, in order to effectively run at high speed, the water in the cup is poured out, in order to continue the new tea.

Why not in life.

At the beginning of the new year, for everyone, the wisest and reliable choice is not to dwell on and dwell on the past, but to clean up what the past has done, clean up as soon as possible, good to stick to, bad to break away, and clear zero in time.

Because all successes and failures are in the past relative to the previous second, the past can only support yesterday, but it cannot replace tomorrow.

Timely cleaning and zeroing is a positive state, but also a high degree of rationality, but also a kind of life wisdom.

As one philosopher put it:

"Clear your cache, zero yourself at the right time, and you will continue to strive for excellence, and after cleaning and zeroing, you will win new victories."

Only by cleaning up or emptying the "cup" in your heart, and making a judgment about many things that you value and care about, can you let go of your mood, let go of intoxication, get rid of your baggage, go light, cope with new opportunities and challenges, better grasp yourself, live out yourself, and compose a wonderful life after another.

When writing, why did the ancestors let the "period" be followed by "zero"?

It is to make people understand that the "period" in front of it and the "zero" in the back begin, and there is no need to dwell on the "period" in front. ”

Timely cleaning or zeroing, must be to let the bad not affect the future, let the good spray thin out, the light is mighty!

The first is to clean up distractions.

To clean up or clear zero is to do subtraction, that is, to delete the method, to delete all superfluous burdens, especially selfish distractions.

Lao Tzu said:

"See the simplicity, less selfishness."

"Plain" is a silk thread without bleaching, and "simple" is a wood that has not been processed, that is, to maintain a simple state of thought, the natural color, simply live on the line.

The world may be complicated, and the human heart should be cleaned up and zeroed out, and the excess desires, delusions, paranoia, self-interest, pride, and other distractions should be suppressed, and cleaned up and reduced to a state of peace with the situation.

It's like a blue sky and a white day, simple and pure.

Let the heart be like "the heart is like a dry well, and the waves are not born." ”

The mind is simple and pure, the world is simple, and only when the distractions are cleared and emptied can we laugh better at life.

Making the mind simple, pure, and zeroing out is easier said than done.

It is not inseparable from cultivation at all.

Cultivate one's own ambitions, cultivate one's own conduct, cultivate one's own perseverance, and cultivate one's own path of mind.

Only by cultivating one's internal skills well, not forgetting one's original intentions everywhere, seeing oneself clearly, reflecting on oneself, doing oneself well, not being bound by the world, not being tempted by fame and fortune, and not being bound by nothingness, can one return to the basics, cultivate the body of King Kong, block all selfish distractions, and stand in an invincible position.

The second is to clean up the circle.

Saying goes:

Intersecting all over the world, how many confidants are there? ”

The better and transparent a person is, the more streamlined their circle of friends will be.

Because they know that it is enough to know oneself in life.

It is often better than a thousand nods, better than a series of names in a mobile phone that can't remember faces.

The Spring Festival is coming, there are more social and meals, don't waste time and energy on insignificant people and things, is the best health for yourself.

As one of the great men put it:

"When your abilities, resources, and status don't match your social ambitions, what you do is just ineffective socializing."

The circle that can't be squeezed in doesn't have to be forced, even if you squeeze in reluctantly, you are just a "running dragon set" role in it, it doesn't matter.

Just like the rabbit on the table at night Chinese New Year's Eve, there is its New Year,Without it, it is still the New Year, ignored, dispensable.

Plant the plane tree, and then the phoenix will come.

Look at people's faces, it is better to strengthen yourself.

The circle of friends is the circle of life, only by eliminating the unworthy, unnecessary human sophistication, the limited time and energy to choose on the right path, do meaningful things, make friends with excellent people, in order to make themselves become more excellent people, and truly make the circle of friends become a circle of happiness.

In the new year, pleasing others is not as good as being excellent, and constantly optimizing the circle of friends is the "king's way." ”

The third is to clean up depression.

The Buddha said:

"Bodhi has no tree, nor is the mirror a platform, there is nothing in the original, where to stir up dust."

This sentence clearly and thoroughly explains the people and things in the world.

It is like a wake-up agent that awakens the dreamer.

The world is complex, people's hearts are unpredictable, life is not satisfactory nine times out of ten, you must not let negative emotions settle in your heart, swaying your emotions.

Because, it is a demon of the heart, if you don't control it, it will control you and make you lose.

If you allow yourself to be immersed in depression, there is really no harm except hurting your body and being sad.

You know, you and I are passers-by, why should we have a thousand knots, people are alive is a process, a mood.

It is better to be worried than to be dedicated, it is better to be sad than to be happy, and not to complain about yourself in the heavy burden, so that life can see the sun.

Even if we have a heavy burden on our shoulders, we can change our mood, learn to clean up, not let ourselves be trapped in the mud of entanglement and depression, let go of yesterday, not afraid of tomorrow, the heart is not depressed, the sun is shining, life will be sunny, and the happiness index will be multiplied.

In short, timely clean-up and zeroing of the past are inseparable from dialectical denial.

Successful, advantageous persistence, failure, unfavorable strong abandonment.

Success represents the past, failure warns the present, hard work goes out of a new road, and learning determines the future!

In the new year, no matter whether everyone's mood is happy or sad, joy or worry, we must calm down, tranquility can go far, empty what miscellaneous things at the right time, start from scratch, treat each day with sonorous force, and live a good year for 365 days without complaint.

In this way, we can be called sober, wise and wonderful, and can we look forward to a better tomorrow!

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