
Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

author:Hebei News Network

Many people say that we have experienced two years of being stolen by the epidemic.

These days, Hebei people,

What have you lost and what have you endured?

Even if you bear the weight, you still move forward.

You sweat and tears, you never give up.

We would like to ask,

What did you gain?

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

On January 1, 2021, the first rays of sunshine of the New Year were sprinkled on the south gate of Zhengding City, Shijiazhuang City. Hebei Daily reporter Geng Hui photographed

In 2021,

In the face of the impact of the new crown epidemic, the uncertainty of the external environment,

Hebei handed over such a report card -

The province's GDP is expected to grow by 6.5%.

We know that what underpins this number,

It's every one of you.

Because of you, upward Hebei has never stopped!

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

On November 5, in Shenze County, Shijiazhuang City, a boy pulled out a book on a transfer and isolation road and looked calmly.

Some netizens said that since the fight against the epidemic, they have always broken the defense, but when the boy picked up the book, he was once again moved.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

Those Hebei people who were touched saw their own shadows in the picture.

"Looking back at the past year, in the face of the severe situation intertwined with the epidemic of the century and the changes in the past century, and in the face of the arduous task of starting the '14th Five-Year Plan' and opening a new journey, we have taken the initiative to overcome difficulties and forge ahead, and the achievements we have achieved are not easy."

In this year's government work report, the achievements of Hebei's economic and social development in 2021 are summarized in this way.

Breaking through the level of upgrading, Hebei is not a "simple model" in front of it.

In 2021, hebei resolutely handled the two sudden local epidemics, spending 45 days and 24 days to achieve zero local confirmed cases, and snatched back valuable development time from the hands of the epidemic.

Rising commodity prices, tight supply of electricity and coal... This year, difficulties are not nothing, problems are not nothing, but Hebei is facing the battle head-on, expanding domestic demand, smooth circulation, stable growth, and keeping the line of stable and healthy economic development.

According to the government work report, in 2021, the province's GDP is expected to increase by 6.5%, the general public budget revenue will increase by 8.9%, and the per capita disposable income of residents will increase by about 8%.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

On May 26, 2021, drones took aerial photos of the Jingde Expressway crossing the Zhao Wang Xinhe Special Bridge after the rain. Hebei Daily reporter Geng Hui photographed

This set of numbers is really not easy to come by.

Jiang Xiupeng, project manager of the Zhangjiakou Competition Area of the Beijing Winter Olympics of China Railway Construction Engineering Group, has a deep understanding.

Take the construction of the National Ski Jumping Center project that he is responsible for, the "Snow Ruyi" project has faced many problems with a large amount of projects and high technical difficulties, and since 2020, there have been stages of the epidemic that have caused the project to be forced to stop work and production, which has made the construction period tight and made the project construction more difficult.

What to do? "Implement a 24-hour uninterrupted operation system, find problems and solve problems around the progress of the project every day, and ensure that solutions are found within 24 hours." The workflow developed by Jiang Xiupeng and his team has increased the efficiency of on-site construction by 60%, allowing the world to once again witness China's strength and speed.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

On December 4, 2021, the National Ski Jumping Center shone brightly under the illumination, and the "Snow Ruyi" was full of charm. Hebei Daily reporter Geng Hui photographed

On December 4, 2021, "Snow Ruyi" ushered in its international debut, which was praised by many foreign players and highly praised by the International Olympic Committee.

The Beijing Winter Olympics have entered the countdown to the opening, and nowadays in Hebei, I am afraid that there is no hotter word than "Winter Olympics". As one of the "three major events" in Hebei, Hebei has been going all out to prepare for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Serving the Winter Olympics, Hebei has continuously refined the work in various fields on the basis of completing the construction tasks of 76 Winter Olympic projects, and the preparations for the Winter Olympics are fully ready.

With the help of the Winter Olympics and accelerating the construction of an important wing, Hebei strives to hand over two excellent answer sheets for the preparation of the Winter Olympics and local development. As of October 2021, Zhangjiakou has signed a total of 95 ice and snow industry projects, with a total investment of 34.873 billion yuan and an output value of 961 million yuan.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

On November 24, 2021, athletes in the "Meet in Beijing" series of test matches in The Genting Ski Park in Zhangjiakou Division trained. Hebei Daily reporter Geng Hui photographed

Doing a good job in the "three major events" is a mission for Hebei and an unprecedented major historical opportunity.

In 2021, the "three major events" will go hand in hand and become the power source of Hebei's high-quality development.

The coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has expanded to breadth and depth——

The Beijing-Shenyang Passenger Special (Beijing-Chengdu Section) was opened for operation, the Beijing-Xiongxiong Expressway and the Beijing-Germany Expressway were completed and opened to traffic, the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on the track" accelerated its formation, and more and more people in Hebei felt the convenience when traveling.

Hebei Province has undertaken nearly 40,000 enterprises and units transferred from Beijing and Tianjin, involving an investment of 1.28 trillion yuan, and coordinated development has brought real money and silver to Hebei.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

The resettlement housing construction project in rongxi area of Xiong'an New Area, which is under construction, was filmed on May 1, 2021. Hebei Daily reporter Geng Hui photographed

"City of the Future" scroll spreads——

Xiong'an New Area has entered a new stage of undertaking the simultaneous promotion of Beijing's non-capital function relief and large-scale construction.

More than 3,700 enterprises in Beijing have been registered in Xiong'an New Area, and central enterprises such as China Star Network and China Sinochem have settled in the new area.

939 resettlement houses in rongdong area have been delivered one after another, more than 30,000 people have moved back to move in, and a beautiful home has come to hand.

Work hard with all your heart, accumulate little by little. Hebei in "Hardmode" is going all out, and a group of figures in the government work report symbolize the economic recovery, which is related to the people's money bags and shows the good life of Hebei people.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

Tangshan this female teacher late at night alone in the empty classroom to seriously practice the video of the lecture, have you brushed it? Some people commented that "the way you work hard is beautiful", and some people wish her "the original heart to pursue the dream, will be successful".

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

Down-to-earth, diligent and earnest, silent efforts, this is the struggle of ordinary Hebei people.

Gong Lijiao, an Olympic champion who insisted on practicing shot put for 21 years in order to dream; "Let everyone wear warmth", 44 years of cotton field breeding, and "melon grandmother" Wu Mingzhu, who was regarded as a treasure by netizens like Yuan Longping and "melon grandmother" Wu Mingzhu, "old man of cotton field" Zhao Guozhong... They are all such ordinary Hebei people.

The years are silent, the struggle has traces, the goal is clear, and the effort is moving forward, even if there is wind and rain, it will continue to approach the end.

There is a sentence in this year's government work report: "Hard work achieves dreams, and struggle creates the future." "This is not only an encouragement to every ordinary person, but also a tone for the development of a large province."

Hard work, Hebei has guidance and direction - complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept.

This is the rich practice of Hebei's implementation of the new development concept: "three major events" go hand in hand, powerful and effective, the pace of industrial transformation and upgrading is accelerating, the momentum is good, the reform and opening up is steady and bright, the pollution prevention and control is fully exerted, the effect is obvious, and the people's livelihood security is increased and the people's livelihood is benefited...

Li Laixin, a Native of Tangshan, is increasingly fond of his new identity, a gardener who deals with flowers and plants every day. As the foreman of the fourth cooperative team of the Tangshan Flower Sea Project Department, every grass and tree in the Flower Sea View Area looks like his child, and the beauty of the flower sea makes him "rare". His old identity was that of a steel mill iron smelter who worked with ore boilers every day.

Li Laixin knew that his identity had changed because the whole city was changing.

No longer "steel siege" and extensive development, his hometown has found a new road of green and high-quality development.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

On February 19, 2021, citizens took the subway in an orderly manner at the Shijiazhuang Metro Beiguo Shangcheng Station. Hebei Daily reporter Shi Shengquan photographed

In the past year, Hebei has unswervingly adjusted its structure and rotating energy, and the pace of industrial optimization and upgrading has been solid. Persistently cultivate the main body and build a platform, and the innovation-driven development momentum is strong.

There is data support -

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

There are cases to prove that -

On September 29, 2021, the total steel production capacity of Hegang Xuangang Steel, which has an annual output of 8 million tons of steel, was shut down, and Zhangjiakou achieved the goal of no steel production city. At this point, the steel production capacity of Langfang City, Baoding City and Zhangjiakou City in Beijing has all withdrawn.

From September 6 to 8, 2021, the 2021 China International Digital Economy Expo was held in Shijiazhuang City, with nearly 200 signed projects and a total signed amount of more than 120 billion yuan.

Zhangjiakou international Internet data dedicated channel was opened for use, Qinhuangdao CITIC Dicastal was selected as the world's "lighthouse factory", and a number of key projects such as HUAWEI CLOUD data center were accelerated...

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

On March 30, 2021, the Jingde Expressway Wen'anwa No. 1 Special Bridge was under construction. Hebei Daily reporter Zhao Jie photographed

From the "three-six-eight-nine" work idea to the construction of "six modern Hebei", hebei has a path and a method.

As early as the end of 2017, the "three-six-eight-nine" work idea was put forward, and the "six modern Hebei" was the goal of struggle determined at the tenth provincial party congress, and at the same time, the development layout of "two wings, two districts, three groups, and six belts" was clarified.

Both words were written into this year's government work report, the former mentioned in reviewing the work in 2021, and the latter emphasized in the formulation of the main goals and tasks for 2022.

Conscientiously reviewing the road traveled, continuing to take the road ahead, and what kind of modern Hebei to build and how to build a modern Hebei have clearly answered in the government work report.

This year is the first year of building the "six modern Hebeis."

If the "six modern Hebei" are regarded as "programs," then the specific work proposed this year is the "purpose."

The program is clear, the direction is clear, this down-to-earth Hebei, step by step, towards the "sea of stars"!

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

In the past six months or so, the citizens of Shijiazhuang have deeply felt the changes around them.

In the past, illegal buildings that could be seen everywhere on the streets and in urban villages were demolished. In a short period of time, the naked eye can see that the city is clean, the streets and alleys are clean, and the value of Shijiazhuang has risen sharply.

This is just the beginning.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

Photographed on October 30, 2021, the remodeled Huaqing Street in Yuhua District, Shijiazhuang City. Hebei Daily reporter Shi Shengquan photographed

Cancel the high-speed toll within the third ring road, Huawei's Hebei headquarters settled in Shijiazhuang, complete the demolition of urban villages in 10 days, and comprehensively manage electric vehicles... Shijiazhuang frequently appears on the "hot search" topic list.

But what makes the people "burn" the most is the "small goal" of "achieving a total economic volume of more than one trillion yuan by 2025".

In the past, the goals set by city decision-makers may have been just "after-dinner talks" for individuals living here, but this time is different, the city's determination has infected everyone in the city. Because Shijiazhuang not only set a goal, but also came up with a solid action plan.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

On October 30, 2021, a romantic scene was staged on the cultural wall of Coal Machine Street in Yuhua District, Shishi City. Hebei Daily reporter Zhao Jie photographed

"Breaking the trillion" is the big goal of the city, and it is also the small goal of everyone. Although everyone knows that the difficulty is very large, it is not easy to beat the gong and drum to achieve, but the fighting spirit in the heart has been ignited, the expectation value has been full, do your own thing, you can make a contribution to the city butterfly.

The same feeling also arose in the hearts of the citizens of Baoding.

In the past year or so, Baoding's changes have also been earth-shaking. A series of ancient city renewal actions have also rekindled the hope of the people for the rise of this long-sleeping city.

New appearance, high quality, new quality. In Baoding's blueprint, "trillion" is also a key word. "By 2030, the city's GDP will be nearly one trillion yuan."

Tangshan, as an important economic town in Hebei, contributes nearly 1/5 of the province's GDP, and proposed at the beginning of last year that "by 2025, the province will take the lead in entering the total economic 'trillion club'".

In the next few years, Shijiazhuang, Baoding and Tangshan will run together on the road of "rushing trillions", which must be a beautiful scenery.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

Tangshan Port Jingtanggang Port Area. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Shiyao

Every city in Hebei is changing, showing its ambition and moving towards a definite goal. "Rebuild a new Langfang in 10 years", "Strive to build Qinhuangdao into a first-class international tourism city", "Create a model of Zhangjiakou with ecological prosperity and ecological strength", "Build Chengde into a 'green electricity' energy terminal and a new energy demonstration city"...

These changes, reflected on ordinary people, have become a picture of a fiery and happy life.

The original dilapidated old house was transformed into a warm new home. In 2021, 132,000 sets of shantytown resettlement houses in the province will be basically completed, 3,057 old residential areas will be renovated, and 459 urban villages will start transformation.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

More and more blue skies and white clouds have become a real sense of happiness for Hebei people. In 2021, xingtai, handan and shijiazhuang successfully achieved "retreat ten", and the average concentration of PM2.5 in the province fell by 15.3% year-on-year, the highest improvement since the "13th Five-Year Plan".

No longer have to worry about no one to pick up your child from school and no place to go. Hebei has continued to launch new measures to solve the "three-and-a-half-point problem", from flexible release to extend after-school service hours on demand, from providing basic care services to opening a variety of interest activities, and achieving full coverage of after-school services in primary schools in the province, benefiting 6.43 million students.


This has conveyed confidence to every Hebei person, one careful wish has been realized, one by one small luck is around, the "small goal" of "breaking trillions" is definitely not far from the next stop.

Hebei, which is so all-out, is worth your expectations

Qixinghu Wetland Park in the early morning of August 5, 2021, Saihanba Mechanical Forest Farm. Hebei Daily reporter Zhao Jie photographed

All the past is the prologue.

The best tribute to the past is to create a new historical cause.

There is no waiting for glory, only the excitement of doing it.

We have overcome difficulties that we previously thought could not be overcome,

Done what I thought could not be done in the past,

This is faith and hope.

Create a Hebei that makes outsiders want to come and locals are proud,

Build a modern and economically strong province beautiful Hebei,

It's not just a dream,

We're already on the way.

Planner: Wang Hongfeng, Jia Wei

Written by: Zhao Lixiao, Chang Fangyuan, Wu Peiyuan, Li Jiahuan

Drafting: Constant square circle

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