
Zhao Lijian on-site "Amway" "Zero Tolerance"

At the Foreign Ministry's regular press conference on January 19, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian was on the scene of "Amway" on the recent anti-corruption TV feature "Zero Tolerance".

In response to the Bloomberg reporter's so-called "human rights organization 'Protection Guard' issued a report, saying that China used kidnapping, pressure on family members and other 'coercive' means to force about 10,000 fugitives to return to China", Zhao Lijian first promoted "Zero Tolerance", "I don't know if the reporters noticed that There is a tv special film on anti-corruption in China, a total of 5 episodes, called "Zero Tolerance".

He said that cooperation in combating transnational corruption crimes is also the consensus of the international community. The Chinese Government's clear-cut stand against corruption, actively promoting international cooperation against corruption, resolutely pursuing fugitives and recovering stolen goods, and bringing fugitive corrupt elements to justice are just causes and bright deeds, which have won the full support of the Chinese people and universal praise from the international community. In the pursuit of fugitives and stolen goods, China's judicial law enforcement organs strictly abide by international rules, fully respect the judicial sovereignty of other countries, submit requests and cooperate in accordance with the United Nations Convention against Corruption or bilateral agreements, etc., and at the same time actively perform international obligations, respond to requests for cooperation submitted by other countries, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects in accordance with the law, and have won the support and cooperation of relevant countries.

Regarding the human rights organizations mentioned by the above-mentioned reporters, Zhao Lijian pointed out that the relevant reports of the so-called human rights organizations are full of subjective assumptions and lies. In the name of so-called "human rights," this report glorifies fugitive corruption suspects as "victims," which is an connivance and shielding of corruption crimes and completely stands on the opposite side of justice and the rule of law.

Zhao Lijian said that the Chinese government will continue to persist in punishing corruption with a zero-tolerance attitude, insist that if there is a flight, it must be pursued to the end, and even if the corrupt elements flee to the ends of the earth, they must be chased back and brought to justice. We also urge relevant countries to earnestly fulfill their international responsibilities, actively respond to China's request for judicial and law enforcement cooperation, and not become a "haven" for corrupt elements and illegal funds.

Recently, the five-episode TV special "Zero Tolerance," jointly produced by the Propaganda Department of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Central Radio and Television Corporation, was simultaneously broadcast on the CCTV comprehensive channel, CCTV network, and central video. The feature film is divided into five episodes: "Not To Be Worth 1.4 Billion", "Fight tigers and swatten flies", "Punish the former and after the punishment", "Systematic treatment", and "Always on the Road". The film tells a thought-provoking anti-corruption story for the people, and explains to the people this "people's hearts and minds". After it was broadcast, it caused heated discussion in the field of public opinion. On the 19th, the feature film aired the fifth episode of "Always on the Road".

Editor: Su Zhan

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