
Crocodile Wave Shoes Go To the End of the World - The Cure

author:Mountain stone easy

The film's Chinese called "Crocodile Shoes Go to the End of the World", tells the touching story of an 11-year-old boy who unfortunately contracted AIDS due to medical malpractice, and eric, a neighbor who is the same age as him, looking for an "antidote".

At the beginning of the film, Eric is a well-behaved and withdrawn teenager who lives with a single mother. Her mother had never been busy with her own business, and during the summer, Eric was playing in the yard and heard a coughing sound coming from the other side of the newly installed fence, Eric did not understand what AIDS was, and gradually played with Durst. Later, Eric used his experience (eating a lot of candy, experimenting with various "herbs") to help Deste "cure", and as a result, Deste suffered from food poisoning from drinking a kind of grass boiled water, but fortunately it was not a big problem to send him to the doctor in time. At this point, Eric's mother lectured him again and prevented Eric from reaching out to Dest.

Later, Eric discovers in a magazine that a doctor can treat AIDS, and he decides to help Deste travel thousands of miles to find the doctor, along the way the two paddle down the river in a rubber boat, and encounter a large ship, Eric gives all his money to the captain, who promises to take them to their destination. At night, Eric and Destin spent the night in a tent on the shore, and When Destin was covered in sweat due to an attack, he told Eric that he would wake up at night feeling like he was going to die, that he felt that he was on the edge of the universe, and that he felt very lonely and scared. Eric changed sleeping bags with him, took off one of his shoes and gave them to Destin, telling him to sleep with his shoes in his arms, and if he woke up, he would remember that he was still alive and that he was beside him, and Destin fell asleep with peace of mind.

Soon, Destin's medicine was almost finished, but the ship was slow to leave, and Eric got on the ship and took some money to take Destin away. But when the captain found out, he also chased after them and blocked them to a corner where there was no way out. In a hurry, Destin cut his palm with a knife and forced the captain back with AIDS. Later, the frail Destin is hospitalized, and they also learn that the doctor in the magazine is fake, Eric comes to accompany Destin every day, the two use Destin's "dead" prank to tease the doctor, and the third time Eric goes to find the doctor who is being teased, Destin never wakes up. At the funeral, Eric put one of his shoes on Destin's hand and one of Destin's shoes into the river and let it drift away.

After watching this movie, let people deeply appreciate the preciousness and innocence of friendship, and hope that every little friend like Destin can feel the companionship of friends and the beauty of life in the last journey of a short life.

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