
The car air conditioner is not cold enough? JEEP installs Gree air conditioners, and car owners enjoy star treatment

In the past, the configuration on the car was relatively single, there was no on-board air conditioning function, and the owner was very hot when driving in the summer, and could only open the window for ventilation. Now the configuration on the car is more and more abundant, the addition of on-board air conditioning to improve the comfort of the ride, whether it is winter or summer, air conditioning can solve the urgent needs of the owner.

The car air conditioner is not cold enough? JEEP installs Gree air conditioners, and car owners enjoy star treatment

Someone saw a special Jeep Wrangler on the streets of Guangxi, this car cost about 800,000 yuan, the owner of the vehicle modified the vehicle, replaced by a wider size of off-road tires. The most peculiar part of this car is in the rear of the vehicle, and there is an air-conditioned external machine hanging on the trunk of the car.

Many passers-by are very confused after seeing the air-conditioned unit, the Jeep Wrangler is a off-road luxury car, and there is no air conditioning on the car? Why do owners install this feature in their cars? Someone took the initiative to ask the owner why he installed air conditioning in the car, and the owner's words made the car feel infinitely sad.

The car air conditioner is not cold enough? JEEP installs Gree air conditioners, and car owners enjoy star treatment

Mr. Che said that he installed air conditioning on the car, not to sensationalize the public, nor to attract attention, but because the air conditioner on the car was not easy to use. In the summer, the temperature in Guangxi is particularly high, and when Mr. Zhang drives out, he drives the car air conditioner to the maximum air volume, the temperature is adjusted to 20 degrees, and the indoor temperature drop is not obvious.

The car air conditioner is not cold enough? JEEP installs Gree air conditioners, and car owners enjoy star treatment

Mr. Zhang is slightly fat, very afraid of heat, when driving out in the summer, even if the air conditioner is turned on, the temperature in the car is relatively high, Mr. Zhang really can't stand it. In the end, he installed a new air conditioner for the car at his own expense of more than 3,000 yuan, which was connected with the car air conditioner, and the air conditioner outlet size was larger and the cooling effect was better.

The car air conditioner is not cold enough? JEEP installs Gree air conditioners, and car owners enjoy star treatment

Since the installation of the new car air conditioner, Mr. Zhang feels that his car is getting better and better, as long as the air conditioner is turned on in the summer, the car will be cool in 10 seconds. The new air conditioner cooling speed is particularly fast, the cooling effect is still very good, Mr. Zhang is worried that the cold air in the car is too much to blow a cold, only dare to adjust the temperature to 22 degrees.

Netizens have been talking about Mr. Zhang's private installation of air conditioners, some people think that the owner's approach is very smart, since the air conditioner brought by the original factory is not easy to use, the owner will install a new one at his own expense, and it can not be heated to death. Some people also think that the owner's practice of installing air conditioners without permission is very dangerous and has great safety risks.

The car air conditioner is not cold enough? JEEP installs Gree air conditioners, and car owners enjoy star treatment

The owner of the car privately installed an air conditioning unit at the rear of the car, the air conditioning unit weighs up to twenty pounds, the huge equipment hangs outside the car, in case the screws of the fixed air conditioning unit are loose during the bumpy process, the air conditioning unit hits other vehicles or pedestrians, what should be done? This part of the netizens suggested that the owner quickly remove the air conditioner and do not hurt others by mistake.

First of all, Mr. Car Advocate's behavior is illegal modification, he added a homemade air conditioner outside the car, although the car cooled down quickly, but this practice is very dangerous. Mr. Zhang's unauthorized change of the power of the on-board air conditioner will also lead to an increase in fuel consumption and an increase in the cost of car maintenance.

The car air conditioner is not cold enough? JEEP installs Gree air conditioners, and car owners enjoy star treatment

Before modifying the car, the owner must be familiar with the road traffic safety regulations, and the owner of the modified vehicle must go to the vehicle management office for filing and modify the vehicle information within 10 days. Mr. Zhang changed the car's on-board air conditioner without permission, and also added an air conditioner external unit to the rear, which is very dangerous.

Editor's Comments:

The size and displacement of jeep wranglers are relatively large, so the owner feels that the cooling is not obvious when the air conditioner is turned on in the summer. In the summer, the temperature in the car is higher, and the owner can open the window first, and then turn on the air conditioner after the door is dissipated in the car, which is more effective.

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