
The small river of the hometown

author:The triumphant song of Wanfo Lake

There is a seemingly inconspicuous little river in the hometown, which flows silently from south to north, meandering to the faint junction of water and sky.

The small river of the hometown

The river is indeed very small, and those who are good at swimming may be able to swim back and forth diving; most of the time the river is stable, "the breeze is gentle, the water waves are not happy." However, in detail, the small river is not ordinary, it is an indispensable part of the world-famous Shuishihang Water Conservancy Hub, and its source is the Longhekou Reservoir, one of the six major reservoirs in western Anhui, in view of the needs of tourism development, the Longhekou Reservoir has now been renamed Wanfo Lake. The Small River system belongs to the Yangtze River Basin, which continuously diverts the water from the Longhekou Reservoir to the various branches, alleviating the drought in the Jianghuai watershed at the junction of Shucheng County, Jin'an District and Feixi County.

The official name of the small river is "Hangbei Trunk Canal", and the people in their hometown, in order to distinguish it from the same source as the small river, flow to the "East Trunk Canal" (officially known as "Shulu Trunk Canal") in Lujiang County, and call the small river "West Trunk Canal".

The water of the river is always turquoise, clear and clean. Through the clear water of the river, the fish frolicking in the water and the pebbles of different shapes at the bottom of the river are clearly visible. "Ask where the canal is clear as promised, only the source of living water comes", the water quality of Wanfo Lake at the source of the small river meets the national secondary drinking water standards, and the places where the small river passes are basically rural, there is no domestic sewage and industrial wastewater injection, the vegetation along the way is intact, there is no soil erosion, so it is reasonable that the small river is so clear.

The small river of the hometown

Small rivers flow through one side and benefit one side. It not only provides facilities for irrigation, shipping and farming for people in the vicinity, but also provides opportunities for power generation and development of tourism. As early as the early 1990s, the party and government of our county had great foresight and led the people of the county to build the Meiling Hydropower Station at the connection between the small river and Wanfo Lake, taking advantage of the water flow gap, which brought light and warmth to more people. Later, with the increase of the development of Wanfo Lake Tourist Scenic Spot, the tourism resources of Xiaohe were gradually discovered. They took advantage of the relationship and gap between Wanfo Lake and the small river to develop the "Wanfo Rafting" tourism project. Tourists can take a bamboo raft, rubber boat, speedboat and other water transportation, along the small river rafting down more than ten kilometers, along the way to enjoy the fresh idyllic scenery on both sides of the river, understand the customs and customs along the small river, relax themselves, so that people who have lived in the city for a long time temporarily forget the crowded, noisy and noisy city.

When the small river was being built in those years, Zeng Xisheng, former secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, wrote an inscription at the Meiling Sluice Gate: Splitting the mountain to divert water, irrigating tens of millions of hectares of fertile land; rejuvenating the advantages and eliminating the disadvantages, benefiting future generations for hundreds of millions of years, and the inscription at that time has been well confirmed today. I love the river as much as the people in my hometown. I remember when I was a child, I always liked to whistle with my friends in the bright spring season, wear a small wicker hat woven by the river, ride on the back of an ox, and graze along the riverbank leisurely; every summer, I went to the river with my friends to swim, and the river became our summer summer retreat; in the autumn season, the river also ushered in the annual dry season, and the little friends jumped along the river beach to collect shells, catch fish and shrimp, or walk far behind the foreigners who fished until sunset Winter is coming, and we like to go to the river beach to build snowmen, have snowball fights, or skate on the thick ice on the river, almost forgetting the cold of winter...

The small river of the hometown

Later, when I was in middle school, I always liked to hold a book on a breezy evening, walking alone along the embankment of birds and flowers and weeping willows, wandering in the ocean of knowledge. Occasionally lying on the bank of the green river, resting your head on the soft green grass, looking up at the blue sky, listening to the flowing water, you can think of anything, you can think of anything, what a kind of comfort!

The little river in my hometown! You are part of your hometown, and you are a part of your fellow villagers' lives. With you, the people living there are more prosperous, more happy and auspicious, it is you who beautify our homeland, it is you who beautify our lives.

The small river of the hometown

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