
Flying youth does not live up to Shaohua

author:Mountain water temperature accommodation

"Teacher Tong, thank you, your teaching method is very effective, and now I can understand the teacher's lectures." "Teacher Xiaotong, how do you see the PPT I made?" In the village of Chiachi in the town of In'Erik in Awati County, everyone knows the child teacher and always likes to ask him for help.

Teacher Xiao Tong is a member of the task force of the Autonomous Region Department of Culture and Tourism in Chaqi Village, Ying'erik Town, Awati County.

"Mass work is no small matter, and since we come to the village, we must treat the villagers as our relatives and do our best to do practical things for them!" This is what Tong Fei often says. He didn't just say that, he did it.

"In all kinds of learning and training, the child teacher has helped me a lot. He taught me to make courseware by hand, inserted pictures and videos in PPT, and vivid content made the party members in the village enthusiastic about learning. Alimu Abdullah, deputy secretary of the party branch of Chaqi Village, said.

An all-round teacher who tutors your child

Just came to the village, the careful Tong Fei found that the work efficiency of the village cadres was not high, originally thought that the workload was too large, after understanding, it was learned that the village cadres generally had low education, and the level of computer operation was not high, which affected the work efficiency. In order to help village cadres improve their computer operation level and complete various tasks efficiently, Tong Fei, as a "computer master" of the unit, took the initiative to ask the team leader for help and opened a training class for village cadres on computer operation.

He formulated a training plan, taught by hand, established a WeChat group of computer office skills, sent the collected practical tips for computer operation to the group to share with everyone, and patiently answered the questions raised by village cadres. In this way, through demonstration lectures, on-site teaching, and one-on-one guidance, the village cadres quickly mastered the basic method of using computers to work, and improved their work enthusiasm and work efficiency.

"E-commerce" teacher who helps with promotions

"Thanks to the task force, thanks to the little children's teachers, helped us solve the urgent needs, not only helped to solve the children's college tuition, but also our family's life is getting better and better." Last year, the village's walnut grower Thongjiang Islamu, with the help of Tong Fei, sold his family's walnuts through the e-commerce platform, and he was thrilled.

Due to the unique advantages of the geographical environment and climate, the thin-skinned walnuts planted in The village are full of nuts and crisp in taste, but due to the narrow sales channels and low prices, farmers are impatient and helpless.

Looking at the large pieces of walnuts drying in the villagers' yards, Tong Fei looked in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. In order to solve the problem of walnut sales among farmers, he immediately sorted out and counted the total number of thin-skinned walnuts in the village, filmed thin-skinned walnuts into videos and released them on platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou to improve the popularity of walnuts in the village, and at the same time actively contacted China Agricultural Reclamation Holdings Shanghai Co., Ltd. to uniformly release walnut sales information on new media platforms such as enterprise website, Awati County Zero Distance, and Meet Awati, and sell walnuts online for farmers. He also went to the dried fruit wholesale market several times to find sales channels. Under tong fei's unremitting efforts, in less than a month, the order volume of walnuts reached 5 tons, and the thin-skinned walnuts in Qiqi Village changed from "can't be sold" to "not worried about selling". Walnuts have a market, and farmers are happy.

In his daily work, Tong Fei visits households every day and helps villagers solve difficulties with heart-warming practical things, and never feels trouble. "The smiling faces of the masses are the driving force behind my work, and as long as they are satisfied, everything I do is worth it." Tong Fei said.

Computer teachers who improve efficiency

During the visit, it was learned that the grandson of villager Reheman Mamuti, Dawutijiang Shamshak, wanted to apply for the Hangzhou No. 3 Senior High School, and Tong Fei tutored Dawutijiang Shamxak every day, "Learning is not rote memorization, learning geography should focus on the map, and learning history should be the main line of time..." After Tong Fei's careful counseling, Dawutjan Shamshak slowly mastered the learning method and finally successfully entered this middle school.

Knowing that most of the children in the village did not have a language environment and their language performance was not satisfactory, Tong Fei came up with the idea of focusing on tutoring the children in the village. With the support of the task force and the "two committees" of the village, the "little class of red scarves" presided over by Tong Fei was launched, the children's enthusiasm for learning was high, the performance of Chinese language and various subjects was significantly improved, and many children became "little translators" in the village.

"Youth is a poem, I want to use surging youth to write a wonderful life!" Youth is a painting, I want to use young life to paint a colorful chapter! Youth is a song, I want to play the music of endeavor with solid steps! Tong Fei wrote in his diary that he would continue to strive forward with his original intention.

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