
The faster the heartbeat rate, the shorter the life span? A large number of research data were used to discover the normal heart rate range

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

A while ago, on the question of the number of heartbeats, I heard such a statement - the number of heartbeats in this life is limited! Whoever finishes jumping first will go first! So it is also concluded that the faster the heartbeat rate, the shorter the life span, is this the case?

The faster the heartbeat rate, the shorter the life span? A large number of research data were used to discover the normal heart rate range

Is there a limit to the beating of the heart?

Scientific statistics have found that people's heartbeats in this life can reach 2.5 billion to 3 billion times, even if people are in a state of rest, the heartbeat is also working diligently. For the vast majority of people, the number of heartbeats per minute is 60 to 100, with an average of 75.

But some people naturally find that the number of heartbeats is faster than others, is it a short life span?

The faster the heartbeat rate, the shorter the life span? A large number of research data were used to discover the normal heart rate range

Don't worry about it, because heart rate is affected by a variety of factors, including psychological mood, genetics, age and so on. To give you a few examples, such as the slower frequency of the heartbeat of young and old people, and the slower heart rate of athletes and ordinary people. There are also special cases where the heart rate is constantly fluctuating:

People are in a state of continuous excitement and excitement, the heart rate is faster than usual, and when they see their favorite people "fawn bumping", the frequency of heart beating is also relatively fast. In addition, people will also drink a lot of strong tea, coffee, smoking, drinking, under the stimulation of caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, heart beat fast.

Therefore, life expectancy cannot be judged by looking at the heartbeat rate alone. If after multiple measurements, it is found in animal experiments that the heart rate is fast and the heart load is too large, which is likely to affect lifespan.

The faster the heartbeat rate, the shorter the life span? A large number of research data were used to discover the normal heart rate range

So, what is the optimal heartbeat range?

According to medical standards, as well as related studies can prove that in the quiescent state, the normal heart rate is 60 to 100 times per minute, and it is found that it exceeds this healthy range many times, and it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination in time.

For people with irregular heartbeat, especially the elderly, we should be highly vigilant against atrial fibrillation, which is the abbreviation of atrial fibrillation and is also a common arrhythmia in heart disease and middle-aged and old groups. Mainly refers to when the heartbeat is irregular, part of the muscle fibers in the atrium can not function normally, but instead tremble, then go to the hospital in time.

The faster the heartbeat rate, the shorter the life span? A large number of research data were used to discover the normal heart rate range

It should be known that according to the survey, with the growth of age, on the basis of people with chronic diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, coronary heart disease at the same time, the incidence of atrial fibrillation can be as high as about 10%.

Therefore, when people have symptoms of suspected atrial fibrillation, including rapid heartbeat, general weakness, dizziness, chest tightness and shortness of breath... Even when you are not exercising, you will feel breathless, so you should go to the hospital to see it.

The faster the heartbeat rate, the shorter the life span? A large number of research data were used to discover the normal heart rate range

Early detection, early diagnosis and treatment, it is also beneficial to prevent diseases in the later stage, and people who are at risk themselves should do a physical examination every year or half a year, and the prevention effect is the best.

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